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As Nya stepped out of the front door, the cold night air hit Nya's face. The small lit candles lining the pathway down the mountain danced in the gentle breeze, and the stars reflected in her eyes.

She smoothened out her blue skirt and dragged her fingers through her hair.

"Do I look alright?"
She anxiously turned to Kai, who was close behind her.

Nya was dressed up as a cat this year. She had a pair of fluffy black ears perched on her head, a stripy vest, and a blue skirt. And for the first time, she had her hair down.

"Chill, sis!" huffed Kai. "You look fine!"

Kai was dressed as a demon. A pair of fangs protruded out of his mouth, the bottom stained red. A pair of horns stuck out of his head, and let's not forget that Nya had helped him to smudge fake blood over his face. In a way, he looked like he had stuck his face in a bowl of ketchup, and let it dry.

"Okay." she grinned. "Now let's hide, then scare Jay when he goes out of the monastery."

The two ninja snuck either side of the gateway, submerged in the bushes.

After a minute, Kai began to get fidgety.

"Shh! Stop moving Kai, or we'll give ourselves- AHHHH!"

Nya found herself pinned to the ground.

"I've got you now, Kitten!" smirked Jay.

"Jay!" Nya whined.

Jay smirked at her.

"Why are you looking at me like that- AHAHAHHAHAHAHA! STOP! IT TICKLES!"

Jay began to tickle Nya's belly, causing her to thrash and wriggle about, like a worm.

Kai had no idea what was going on.
That was, until Lloyd jumped onto his back.

"AAAAARGHH!" he screamed, shaking about.

"MWA HAHAHAHA!" Lloyd cackled, swinging a bucket over Kai's head.

"Hey! I can't see!"

Lloyd signaled to Cole, who was sitting in a tree above them, before scampering away like a rabbit.

Kai ripped off the bucket and growled.
"Wait till I get my hands on-"

Cole tipped a bucketful of cold water over Kai's head.

"GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" he shrieked, patting his flat hair.


Cole slipped down from the tree and high-fived Lloyd.
"Not a bad one, green bean."


Nya was emersed with giggles.

"Hehehehehe- JAY -hehehehehe- Please - heheheheheh- stop!"

Jay shook his head evily.

Nya tried rolling around, but instead, Jay held her in between his legs, and continued tickling her.

"Pppleeeaase!" howled Nya.

Jay sighed in defeat.
"Fine. But only because I'm nice."

Nya propped herself on her elbows, then realised what position they were in.

Jay blushed a crimson red.
"O-oh... S-s-ssorry..."
He hastily got up, and Nya looked him up and down.

Jay was dressed up as a wizard. He had a blue cloak and hat, covered in stars, and a glittery wand tucked in his pocket.

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