Chapter 7- Jelly.

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"Awww! You look so cute!" cooed Nya as they flicked through their old photo albums.

Jay rubbed his neck, blushing..

"Yeah... Thanks." he muttered.

"Oh my god! Look at that picture!" squeaked Nya, pointing at a faded picture of a young boy, holding a plate of Jelly.

The young boy was Jay. He looked around three, and he had a large, red, jelly on a plate clutched to his chest. His large mat of Auburn hair and light freckles dotted across his face heavily represented the boy staring at the picture, now.

Jay stared at the picture in front of him, trying to remember what happened that day. He stared into the bright blue eyes, watching him eagerly from the crinkled photo.

Then it all came back.



"Maaaaaaa! Guess what? I made jelly at school todayyy!" grinned the young boy from the back of the truck.

"Really?" asked an old lady, driving the truck. Her chestnut hair, tinged with grey, was twisted back into a loose bun. She had a pair of thin, round spectacles perched on her nose, and was wearing a manky, old purple sweater.

"Yes! But I-I was nots allowed to bwing it back home to you. Sowwy. But now I'm Weeeeeally good at making jelly. Can I make some w-when we get home?" asked Jay, bouncing up and down in his chair.

"Aw... Sorry honey, but Ma and Pa are busy today. We have a really important order today..."

"But Maaaaa.... I wants to makes jelly!" whined Jay. "And you don't h-have to w-wowwy about me. I can make jelly my swelf." he bragged, nose in the air.

"If you say so, darling. The kitchen is all yours."

That was a bad mistake.

Jay entered the kitchen, tying the apron on, upside down. He gased at the tall, white shelves, deep in thought.

"M-miss Chang said we need some j-jewwy tin. (Gelatin) "

He opened the store cupboard and tried to find something that looked like jelly, and fished out a plastic bag.

"Jewwy tin!"

He cut up, and dropped the bag into a bowl began to mix it.

"Then... We need water."

Jay filled up the whole bowl with water right to the top.


He fished out a strawberry from the fruit bowl and dropped it in.


"Now I put in the white power.... S....s.... Soogar?"

He tipped the whole bag of sugar into the bowl, and the kitchen erupted into a whirlpool of sugar. Water splattered everywhere, mixing with the sugar, creating a transparent, gritty substance. Whoops.

"Ewwwwwww. Now for the next step! You put it in the fridge. " Jay shoved it into the Fridge spilling half the substance in the process.

"Now we wait for two hours!"

One... Two... Three... Four.... Five...

"That's about two hours."

Jay dragged it out, and dumped the finished result in he process.

"Maaaaaaa! Paaaaaaaaaa! Jelly is finished!"

Edna and Ed came into the kitchen.

"...... Honey? What did you do?"


After Edna told off Jay for spilling a whole bag of sugar and water across the kitchen, Jay fell asleep on the sofa, water, sugar and his apron still on him.

When he woke up, he found Edna gently shaking him up.

"Jay, honey.. I made your favourite!


End of flashback


Nya laughed when Jay told her the story.

"Hey! I was three!" he protested.

"I didn't mean it that way. I thought it was cute!" giggled Nya, placing a kiss on Jay's scarlet cheek.

"T-thanks." he stuttered.

"You're welcome. Now how about we make some Jelly?"


Sorry! This is a bit of a short chapter. I had a toooooneee of homework today. I also watched a bit of Miraculous ( old memorieeess), and OMG ITS SO CRINGYYY!!!


The spelling errors when Jay is talking (in the flashback) are meant to be there.

And that's it!

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Plastic potato xx

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