Chapter 27- Don't curse, we have little ears listening.

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The ninja stared at each other, bewildered.

Did Sensei Wu really mean it?

"Aw... Do we have to?" moaned Kai, falling on his knees.

"Students, they are desperate. Besides, It shouldn't harm for you to go and visit." sighed Wu, placing the letter onto the table.

"But I don't want to appear on 'Little Stars of Ninjago'!" Cole groaned, bashing his head on the table.

"I agree with Cole. This is unbeneficial and a waste of time." said Zane.

"Look, Students! The programme is going out of business, and they need us to help them get back on track. If they go out of business, then the people working for 'Little Stars of Ninjago' will lose their job, and their salary, meaning that their families might run out of food and-"

"Okay! Okay!" whined Kai, putting his head in his hands.

"We'll go!"


"I knew this was a bad idea." muttered Kai, as the land bounty pulled up into the car park.

"Chin up, Kai!" chirped Nya, looping her arm with Jay's.
"Yeah! I mean, what's the worst that can happen?" Lloyd agreed, hopping out of the door.

Zane, Nya and Jay followed, until only Cole and Kai were left in the car.

"Kai! Come on!" urged Cole, tugging at his arm.

"BLEEP!" Kai swore.

"Don't curse, we're gonna have little ears listening!" Cole smirked, dragging him out of the door.


"Hello! I'm Hilary and I'll be helping you get ready for your appearance on 'Little Stars of Ninjago' today!" she chirped, a fake smile plastered onto her face.

"Oh BLEEP." groaned Kai.

Cole elbowed him.
"Don't swear, Mr Smith! We're gonna have little ears listening!" he whispered, sniggering.

Kai glared at him, and crossed his arms.

Hilary looked at him, unimpressed.

"Well... Let's get going!" she awkwardly laughed, leading them down a corridor.
The corridor lead them to a little room, where small changing rooms had been installed in a corner, and mirrors and tables were neatly lined along the walls.

"This is where you'll be getting ready. To your left, there is a hanger with each of your costumes on. You can get changed in the changing blocks, then later we'll fetch a few make up artists to work on your faces." she smiled, awkwardly standing in front of them, her hands clutched together at her chest.

"Thank you." Lloyd politely thanked, picking up a green suit from a hanger labeled "Lloyd Garmadon".

Kai roughly pushed last Hilary, and sat down on a beanbag in the corner. He whipped out his phone, and began to mutter to hinself.

"What even is this BLEEP?"

Nya and Cole heard him.

"Look, Mr Smith, you better keep that fat mouth of yours shut, and stop those immature words from tumbling out! You've already done that to Hilary, which is, by the way, totally rude and disrespectful!" Nya raged.
"You better not Curse during the show!"

"Yeah." smirked Cole. "Don't curse, we're gonna have little ears listening!"

Kai looked like he wanted to punch Cole in the face.

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