Chapter 10- Next generation!!!!

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List of kids:

Jaya kids:
Casper (Lizzy calls him Caper) Walker- water - 1
Lizzy (Lizz) Walker- lightning - 4

Kailor Kids:
Hayden Smith - Fire - 12
Tyson (Ty) Smith - Amber - 9

Coliel kids:
Lilly Brookstone- Earth - 7
Soloman (Solo) Brookstone - .... - 7

Pixanne kid:
Philip Julian (Phil) - nindroid and ICE ICE BABY (sorry I had to do that) - 7

Lloykita kid:
Agnetha (Netha) Garmadon - dragon formling and energy - 9


"Up you get, ya little monster!"

Nya heaved up her little son from the sea-themed cot.

"Yabooo!" he giggled. Nya smiled and ruffled his  dark brown hair.

"Come on, Casper. We're gonna meet Uncle Kai today! And some other friends!"

Nya kissed her one year old on the head, and brought him Into the kitchen.

"Mornin' mummyyy!!" cried Lizzy, her four year old, running across the kitchen and into her arms.

"Can see Casp, Cap.. Caper?"

"Whoa whoa whoa! Calm down, Lizz!" Nya laughed, slowly positioning her son so that Lizzy could hold him.

"Be careful!"

"I always am." Lizzy retorted, hands on hips, as she stubbed her toe on Nya's slipper.

"YOWWWW!" she screamed.

"What's all this noise? Is there a party down here? Am I invited?"

Everyone turned to see Jay, in his pyjamas, grinning cheekily from the doorway.


A blur of Auburn hair whizzed past her, and collided with her father.

Nya quietly chuckled and shook her head.

"Those two.." she quietly giggled.

"Those two what?" asked Jay, who had somehow appeared next to her shoulder.

Nya smirked.

"Those two trouble makers, of course."


"Soloman! Put your shoes on!"

"Yes, mammy!!"

Seliel sighed. Being a mother wasn't the easiest. She tackled her daughter's pink hair, with a streak of black in it. It was like a bush.

"Ma.... Can I go and find Soloman now?" asked Lilly, patting her hair.

"Yes, Lilly. Go find your twin and get him to out his shoes on." Seliel sighed.

"Sel! The shower is free now! " called Cole from the bedroom.

"Great!" she called back. "Your turn to look after the kids! We're leaving in 10 minutes!"


"Hayden! Did I forget anything?"

Kai frantically checked through his bag, scratching his head from time to time.

"No, Dad."

Hayden twirled a strand of her scarlet hair, and glanced down at her phone.
Kai was disorganized. Very disorganised. And he constantly relied on his twelve year old to help him keep sane.

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