Chapter 4- Your feet stink!

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"Ja-ay!!" giggled Nya as Jay leapt off his surfboard and into the sea. "Where are you now?"

Jay's head popped up from the sea.

"You're gonna have to come down to find out!" came his cheeky reply, as he popped back down.
Nya grinned.

She gracefully dived into the water, and swam to the seabed.
Next, she spotted Jay swimming upwards for air, and decided to play a prank on him. As soon as he had taken a gulp of air, Nya used her elemental powers to cause a large wave to land on top of the master of lightning's head.

She laughed (yes, she laughed under water) as Jay spluttered and shook his Auburn head. He climbed onto his surfboard only to be..... pushed over by another wave.

Nya surfaced, grinning.

"You're going to have to try harder that that Water Lilly!" grinned Jay as he scooped Nya up bridal style. Nya, however, shot a burst of water in his face, causing him to splutter and drop her. "Oh really, Sparky?"


Back on the beach, Kai was sitting there on a mat, well away from the water.

"Come on, Kai! Please!!!! Can we just paddle in the shallows?" begged Skylor.
"Firstly, I don't want my hair to get wet. Secondly, you know that..."
"You're scared of water?" she teased.
"NO! Well... I-I  just d-don't like water." he stuttered.
"We all know that you're scared of water, Kai." said Lloyd, who was reading a book beside him.

"Alright then. Suit yourself. I'm going in." Skylor replied.


"Try standing up." Zane said.

Cole nervously stood up on the surf board, and almost immediately fell over.
Vania giggled from behind him.
"Your turn, Vania." Pixal said.
Nervously, she stood up, arms out for balance. Once she managed to stand up, she pumped her fists in the air.
"Yes! I did it!!"

Cole climbed back onto the surfboard and huffed.
"Don't worry. I'm sure that you'll get it eventually, Cole." Zane said, as Pixal and Vania began to slowly paddle out, and try surfing a few small waves.
"Do you want to try again?" asked Zane.
"No thanks. Can we play volleyball instead?"


Cole collapsed onto the sofa of their rented beach villa.
"That was one intense game." he mumbled, sipping from a coconut. Zane opened his mouth to reply, when Vania and Pixal burst into the room. "That was so much fun!" Vania squealed, rubbing her golden hair down with a towel.
"Mhm." replied Cole, uninterested.
"There was a really big wave, and I tried to ride it, but then I fell off and made the most wierd noise ever! My Deportment teacher would be soooo disappointed if she heard me...."

Cole removed his shoes and propped them on the table. Plastic potato: Oh no.

"And then, Pixal couldn't find me and I couldn't find her, but then I bumped into Jay and Nya who were squirting each other with water, and they pointed me to Pixal, but she kept walking in the other direction and then..."

"I'm most sorry to interrupt you Vania, but what is that revolting stench?" wondered Zane.
Vania sniffed the air.
"Ewwwwwww! That's disgusting! Did someone fart or..." she exclaimed.
Pixal scanned the room.
"My scans have confirmed that the source of the stench is...

Cole's feet. "

Cole could feel himself going as red as an beetroot.
Oh dear. He should have known better. He was practically infamous for his stinky feet in the bunk room.
And in front of his crush? This couldn't get any worse. He could see Vania giggling, and holding her nose.

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