Chapter 11- Gayle Gossip

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We can hear the shouts from the street. There's no time to lose.

The team and I dive into an alleyway, panting.

"Be... Careful...the.. camera is..... expensive." I panted.

The camera man nodded, and leaned against the wall for support.

Then we hear the shouts getting louder and louder.

"Bob!" I yell at the camera man.
"Put me on, live!"

After twiddling about with a few buttons, I'm in action.

"Citizens of Ninjago! A group of criminals have unleashed a trampede of Elephants across Ninjago City! And they are ANGRY! Find shelter in a stable building, and close all windows and doors. If you are on the streets, take cover IMMEDIATELY. DO NOT NEGOTIATE WITH THE ELEPHANTS.
Try get into a building, or enter an alleyway, or another small place the elephants can not reach. And don't panic, the ninja will- AGHHHHH!" I screamed, as an elephant picked me up with his trunk,  bringing me out into the street, and holding me in the air.

"GAYLE!" I heard Bob scream in fear. I screamed my lungs out, struggling, kicking, punching, biting until....

"Don't worry, Gayle Gossip! The brown ninja is here to save the day!!"

The brown ninja. Of course. The really, really handsome... Ninja. Who saved me from the S.O.G! I could hear myself fangirling, and screaming his name.



Everyone (yes, everyone, including the elephants.) stared at her.

"Mummy... is she fangirling over... The brown ninja? Ew! He's terrible!" I heard a little boy whisper to his mother.

"BE QUIET! YOU DONT KNOW HOW WONDERFUL THE BROWN NINJA TRULY IS! "  I screamed at the little boy, cowering behind his mother.

"Oh. Of course. Um.. Gayle! I'm here to save you from these... Irradescent... um I mean Insolent  elephants!!" Dareth cried from below.

"Aww! Thank you!" I cooed, swooning in mid air.

He gave me a smug grin, and got into a battle position.

"I know... The PENGUIN!




I gasped in horror, as my hero, my saviour was tossed into the air by another elephant, and began to fall. I couldn't watch.

"BROWN NINJA! I CAN'T BEAR TO WATCH!" I screamed, covering my eyes.


I screamed in fear, not wanting to know what was to happen next, when I heard a swoop, and a "Gatcha!"

I slowly peered out from behind my hands, to see the green ninja, on a dragon,  with the brown ninja behind him!!

I cheered, as they made their way over, and Dareth prodded the elephant with a stick.

"Let her go!" he bellowed.

The elephant gave him an angry glare, then dropped me.

"AGGHGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHGHHHHGGGGGG!!!!!!" I screamed. This was the end. I was dropped by an elephant, from around 100 metres in the sky, and I was going to die.

"GAYLE!" I heard the brown ninja cry.

"Brown ninja!" I hollered. "I just wanted to let you know... I love you!"

Then I felt something hard against my back. I closed my eyes, awaiting terrible pain, when I realised...

"Ya doing well back there?"

I slowly sit up, and found myself on a dragon. The green irradescent scales lit up the sky, the delicate, smooth wings stroked the sky, and... There was the brown ninja, sitting behind me.

"Oh. Hello." I say, fluttering my eyelashes.

"Hello there, Gayle. " The brown ninja says soppily.

I can't help but sigh as I look into his eyes.

They're so beautiful and-

"EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! Can you save the floppy soppy romantic stuff to later? You're almost as bad as Jay and Nya! Or when Kai sees Skylor in the noodle shop! "  Lloyd screams.

Oh yes. I forgot. He's still single Pringle. Of course he doesn't understand all this 'love stuff'.

The dragon landed down in a small village, Jamanakai village, to be precise.

(I hope I spelt that right)

I slid off the dragon's smooth, lime scales and smiled at the brown ninja.

"Catcha later, alligator. Gotta go tell my mum that I'll be staying for a while. See ya, Hun."

I smirked and swaggered away.

"Dareth," I heard Lloyd ask as I swaggered off.

"Can you keep your mouth shut?"


Again, I'm so, so sorry about the late update!!

I promise you, I'll be back in track at the half term, when I have less homework and more time on my Hands.

Bye for now!

Plastic potato xx

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