Chapter 29- The stars are bright tonight.

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GET READY FOR SOME MAJOR PIXANNE FLUFF!!! (Sorry for the recent late posts and the short chapter! :(   )

It was evening.

The purple ankle-length dress brushed Pixal's legs as she entered the restaurant. She nervously adjusted the detailed Low bun, a white ornamented clip attached to it, and approached the man behind the bar.

"Excuse me sir, but where is the table booked for Zane Julien?"

The man looked down at a Borg-Pad propped in front of him.
"Just round the corner, Ma'am. Number 24. Have a good day."

Pixal nodded politely, smiling, before stepping round the corner.

When she saw him, her smile broadened.

"Zane!" she cried softly, plopping down on the velvet chair opposite him.
"It's good to see you!"

Zane smiled and straightened his tie.
"It is great to see you too, Pixal."

"I'm so sorry, there was traffic on the way. I'm late." she apologized.

Zane chuckled. "There is no need to apologize. I'd rather you be safe, and late, than hurt, and at hospital."

Pixal blushed.
"T-thanks. Have you decided what you'd like yet?"


Pixal swallowed the last few mouthfuls of her Pumpkin and Portobello ravioli, and wiped her mouth with her napkin.

"Mm. That was delicious. Thank you so much for bringing me here." she blushed.

Zane beamed at her.
"It was my pleasure. If you don't mind, after I pay the bill, would you like to go on a walk with me?"

Pixal nodded eagerly.
"Of course! Although, please let me contribute to the bill. It wouldn't be fair for you to pay it all."

"Please, Pixal. I'll pay for it all."

"I insist!"

Zane released a huff of defeat.
"Alright then. But I'm still paying the most."


Zane lead Pixal down the winding path through the moonlight.

They were walking up a small hill nearby, on a small beaten track.
Heather brushed past their legs, and trees gently swayed in the wind.

It was perfect.

The sky was like a navy blanket, pearls and diamonds scattered across it.

The moon, a glowing Cresent in the sky, looked down upon the two lovers, while creating a serene atmosphere by making the tips of the snowdrops scattered across the ground, glow a steady white.

Zane stopped at a boulder, and began to climb up to the top.

"Where are you going?" asked Pixal, looking at him in confusion.

"I want to see the view. You can't see it from down there, because the trees are blocking the way. Come."

He swung up to the top,and held out his hand to Pixal, who was struggling to climb in her dress.

But when she reached the top, she realized it was worth it.

Hills stretched out into the horizon, small tuffs of green trees dotted around the sides. A large glossy lake spread across a valley in front of them, the stars and the moon reflected on its surface. And to top it off, the stars and the moon itself stood proudly in the sky, creating a blue-ish aura around them.

"The stars are bright tonight." whispered Pixal, snuggling into Zane.

"But not as bright and beautiful as your eyes." Zane smiled, wrapping an arm around her shoulders.

Pixal gazed into his blue eyes.

"I love Zane with all my heart." she thought.

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