Chapter 15- Excuse me - that was MY smoothie.

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"Mornin' Dad! Mornin' Mum!" I called from upstairs.

"Happy Valentine's!"

I banged on Ty's door and heard him groan.
"Wake up!"
"Hayden! Just a few more minutes!" he moaned into his pillow. I chuckled and shook my head.
"It's valentine's! Are you going out with Netha?" I teased.

"SHUT UP!" I heard him scream.

Netha, or Agnetha, was Uncle Lloyd's daughter. And Ty, or Tyson, had a HUGE crush on her. And I was pretty sure she had one on him too.

I chuckled and ran downstairs.
"What's for breakfast?" I asked my Mum, Skylor.
"I don't know. Dad's making something secret." she winked and put an arm around my shoulder.
"Going out with anyone?" she teased
"Only my friends." I replied, twirling a strand of my scarlet hair. "I do not have a boyfriend."

"I know, I know. Besides, if you had one, in pretty sure Dad will kill him - he was very protective of Aunty Nya, when she met Uncle Jay!" she laughed, ruffling my hair.

"What did you say about me?" I heard my Dad (Kai) say from the doorway.
I giggled.

"I was talking about Aunty Nya. And about how.. she and Jay went on their first date. The one that went completely wrong." she smoothly (ish) lied.

"Ah. That story about the monster amusement park. Well, do you want to hear about our first date?" Dad asked me, smirking.

I nodded. "Should I fetch Ty? I'm sure he'd like to hear." I secretly grinned. Ty hated romance.

"Alright. Be quick." Mum told me.
"I need to tell Dad something."


"Alright. Sky, what did you want to tell me?" asked Kai.

"We can't tell them the full truth. We all agreed, a ten years ago, that if we'd have children, we wouldn't tell them their elemental powers u they were sixteen. We agreed that we'd not tell them that we were ninja, until they were old enough to understand, and not be scared. We can't let them know." Skylor quickly whispered

"I know. Don't worry, Sky. Everything will be fine."


I ran down the stairs, Ty behind me.
"But I don't want to!" he moaned.
"Listen up bro, I already told Mum and Dad you were coming. So it's fixed." I laughed.
He grumbled and made his way down the stairs, one by one.

After what felt like an hour, we made our way into the living room.

"There you are!" huffed my Dad. "You were taking forever."

Sometimes I wonder whether I'm more mature than my dad.

"Alright then. Are you ready?" Mum asked.

We nodded.

"Your father and I met around.... Twenty years ago. We were teens." Mum started, dreamily looking into space. "We both loved each other but because of.. my dad... Getting into the way, we couldn't really... Bond I guess. Then my father died, and I took over his business. Even though my father was out of the way, I couldn't meet up with your father, because I was so busy at the noodle shop and your father was.."

"Busy sorting out a few things going on in Stix." Dad finished off. "Then finally, after the... Problems in Stix, I went back to Ninjago city and... Lived there. Then on Valentine's day, I went to the cafe shop to get Bubble tea.. "

"Which is Aunty Nya's faaaaavoirite." Ty added in. (And mine)

"Yes, right, she does like bubble tea," Dad hastily  added, sighing, "But that's not the point. So.. I went to 'Ninja-Smoothies-Go', which is the drinks shop down the road, and I got a bubble tea. So there I was, sipping at my bubble tea, looking at my phone, when I accidentally took someone else's smoothie, which was right next to mine. Then I heard someone coughing, and I looked up to see.."

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