Chapter 28- Facing fears.

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" I don't want to."

Lloyd inched a protesting Kai up a ladder, and into the attic.

"Why not? There's nothing that will kill you inside. There's no serial killer." he shrugged.

"And why don't you go in? After all, it is your gi. Why do you need me to get it?" he snorted. 

"Oh... Um.. I mean... I'm busy! Yep! That's it! I'm too busy!" Lloyd stuttered.

"And what exactly do you need to do?" 

The two arguing boys looked down from the ladder, to see Nya, her hands on her hips.

"Oh! I... Um... need to.... wash the dishes?"

"I did that."

"Dust the shelves?" 

"I did that."


"I did that."

"GAHH!! I DON'T KNOW OKAY!" he screamed, shaking the ladder. 

Kai frowned and gripped onto the lip of the attic hatch. 

"Exactly." Nya smoothly proved her point. "You have nothing to do. Go get your gi on your own." 

Kai slipped down the ladder with a chesire grin. "Thanks sis. I owe you one."

Lloyd clenched his fists and looked up to the attic. It looked so dark.. and scary.  He was pretty sure that there were hundreds, if not, thousands of creepy-crawlies or rats. Urgh.

He turned his head to see Nya and Kai watching him with smug grins their faces.

"What?" he asked sheepishly.

"It looks like you're scared, green bean. Are you scared?" teased Kai.

"W-what? Impossible! U-utterly I-inpossible!" he spluttered.

"Well go on then!" Nya urged.

Lloyd took a deep breath and slowly, and shakily, climbed up the ladder. He placed a shaking hand on the lip of the hatch, and pulled his body up into the attic.

The hairs on the back of his neck stood up. He heard some quiet scuttling in the corner.


He heard Kai and Nya's muffled laughter from downstairs.
He tucked himself into a ball, and shivered.
He did not like it. At. All.

"Lloyd?" came Nya's soft call. "Are you okay, up there?"

"Uh... Y-yes! Totaly- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGHHHHHHG!!!!!!!" he screamed, as another scuttle was heard.

"I'll take that as a no." she chuckled.
A beam of light shot into the dark attic, and all of Lloyd's fears melted away.

"Phew." he sighed. "Thanks."
Nya's face appeared from the flap.
"No prob. Now, you wanted your gi?"

Lloyd nodded sheepishly.

"You go find it. I'll sort out the creepy-crawlies."

Nya swung into the attic, and dug about, behind a few cardboard boxes in the corner.

Lloyd awkwardly shuffled to a box, and rummaged through the contents.

Awkwardness and silence took over the air, until Nya shone the torch downwards, towards the area she was searching through.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGHHHHHHG!" shrieked Lloyd, as darkness took over his vision.

Nya chuckled and shine the torch upwards again.

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