Chapter 19- Forbidden elementals A/U

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Here's a quick list of ages:
Kai- 6
Cole- 6
Zane- 6

"Mum! Where are we going?" cried the young boy, his hair flapping in the wind.

"We need to get out of the city, Lloyd. It's not safe for us anymore." Misako replied, who sprinting through alleyways, while carrying a young Lloyd.

"Listen Lloyd, the government has decided a new rule, and that means they get to do something not very nice to people like us. I'll explain in the boat." Garmadon explained, clutching a large case to his chest, and following behind.

"Libber called me earlier this morning to say that they were going to be waiting at the back yard of the run down pizza shop." Misako stated, neatly dodging in between bins.

Garmadon nodded.

They ran, panting, into an old pizza shop. Tables were shrewn everywhere, dust carpeted the floor, and old cardboard boxes littered the corners. They reached an old door, with a crooked 'staff only' sign, and it lead them into a back yard.

"Misako! Garmadon!" came a cheerful voice.

"Libber! Good to see you. How many of us are here?" Misako replied.

"Almost everyone. Ray and Maya and their two kids are waiting in the sewers, Jay's with them too and Lilly and Lou's family are there. Ooh, and Frieda is there. She left her husband behind, like me. We're just waiting for Dr Julian." Libber chattered.

"Alright. Wait, you left Cliff?"  Garmadon asked.

"We decided for our safety, we would leave him behind, because if a famous movie star went missing, they would most definitely investigate." Libber said.

The pair nodded and climbed down a little man hole, and into the sewers.

" Coooolllleee!" Lloyd immediately yelled.

A little boy around his age ran over and flung his arms around his neck.

"I've not seen you in aaaagggges." Cole squealed.

"Me too!" Lloyd cried.

"Hello Lloyd! It's Aunty Lilly! We need to be quiet, so that the government don't catch us. Can you try whispering instead?" Lilly whispered, crouching down to his height.

"Okay, Aunty!" he whispered back.
"But why are we hiding?"

"Well, the government, who run Ninjago, have decided on a new rule. The new rule is that..." Lilly made eye contact with Misako, who shook her head and mouthed:
"Don't tell them about their powers yet."

"The rule is that some certain people have to have something... Not very nice happened to them. The government think that they are too powerful, and must be taken away." Lilly explained.

Cole nodded.

"Who are de people?" he asked.

"Well, these people are very special. They are a group of... Friends that your Grandad made, Lloyd. I'm one of them, and so are Aunty Libber, Aunty Maya and Uncle Ray. So we need to go away from the city to stay safe."

"But why are you bwinging me? And Uncle Julian? Is he part of the fwiend group?"

Lilly smiled warily.
"Yes, he is. We're bringing you, and the rest of the children as well, so that they don't hurt you to try and find out where we are."

"And so that you don't get executed for your elemental powers." she added in her mind.


"I'm tiyerddd!" moaned the little girl, feebly clutching to Jay and Kai's hands.

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