Chapter 14: The necklace of memories

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The next day Anna and her friends went back to the road without a map or guidance, they only decided to keep walking until they encounter someone or find a new place. After a few days of walking west, they found a long river in their way. It was so wide, dim, and slow-moving. When they realized the only way to get to the other side was through that river, they thought of testing its depth, before putting a foot in it to determine how dangerous it was. When they through a huge rock in it, they never heard the sound of it hitting the rock bottom, which scared them for a bit, and then Shadow said:

· Obviously once we get in this creepy river, it will just swallow us. I'M NOT DOING THAT!

· Its ok, we will try to figure out somehow. Anna said.

They sat close to the river, each one thinking of somehow to cross it. Then Anna got up and started walking doing the river, just trying to free her mind from all the thoughts, in a moment of imbalance, her legs slide into the edge of the water until her knees where wet, suddenly something was shining from under her t-shirt, she pulled out the necklace that was shining and kept looking at it. She pulled herself from the water and went back to her friends to show them the necklace but when she was out of the water, it stopped shining, and then she figured it out. She run back to them and told them about the necklace; at first they didn't believe her but when she showed them what happens when her feet touch the water, they were shocked, when they saw the necklace shining they couldn't believe their eyes. Once Anna stood in the water the necklace started shaking around her neck she took it between her beautiful fingers and she suddenly heard something like a whisper, a voice she always knew, her mother. She remembered what her mother used to tell her when she was just a baby: "Seek the truth within and the doors will appear". At first she had no idea what that was supposed to mean, she told Shadow and Adam about what she remembered, they all tried to solve the riddle, hours has passed but they couldn't come out with a thing. Adam said:

· "Seek the truth within"! Anna, do you remember anything your mother said; a clue or a place, ANYTHING.

· No, I can't remember a thing.

They kept the silence for a while then Anna jumped from her place and said:

· I found it; I know the solution.

· What is it Anna? Adam said

· It's the water "seek the truth within".

· What are you talking? Shadow said confused!

· There's a popular fact in our world which is there's about 60 percent of water in our bodies and it happens that the necklace shines only when I'm there. Then she continued with lower voice like she was talking to herself. My Mom knew that I'm the only one who's going to solve it.

Anna jumped in the water with the necklace in her hands, she hold her breathe and waited for something to happen then suddenly out of the necklace some pictures started to appear of little mermaids swimming around when they all saw her they started swimming towards something which was the invisible waterfall they crossed it with spontaneity and childish moves. Anna come out of the water to catch up her breathe after she almost drown there, the river was deeper than she expected, it was like a sea inside of a river, she said:

· Guys there's a waterfall underwater it's far away a bit but it's the only way let's...

Before she finished her last words, suddenly something pulled her and was taking her deep down the river, they were the mermaids but not the same ones the necklace showed her, this time she couldn't catch her breath she barely could breathe after the last time she dove in, the depth of the river almost killed her, she followed her instance and she did what she thought will probably work, she saw that the necklace was shinning so brightly she pulled it out of her neck, once the savage mermaids saw the necklace they stopped , Anna had no idea why that necklace stopped them but it made them change the way they were pulling her they started dragging her towards the waterfall they passed through it and got Anna out of the water, She started coughing and throwing the water stuck in her lungs, she opened her eyes slowly and found a bunch of mermaids sitting next to her Anna said while she was still shocking:

· What do you want from me? Why you want to kill me?

One of the mermaids comes out of the water with such a gorgeous shape, she seemed like a leader, which she was, and then she said:

· We're so sorry Miss Anna; we didn't know you're Elizabeth's daughter.

· Wait what? How do you know my name and my mother?

· You mother is a piece of heaven. Elizabeth helped us through our hardest times we can never forget what she has done for us, that necklace belongs to her so when we saw it we immediately knew you're her daughter and we can never hurt someone Elizabeth cares about.

· Well! I'm sorry to tell you, she passed away.

All the mermaids were surprised and they started crying but the one who was more hurt was their leader she loved Elizabeth so much, she was her best friend, their savior so the news of her death was devastating for all of them, the mermaid said:

· I'm sorry for your lost Anna, the world lost an amazing women.

The mermaid finished her words and went back to the river and the others followed her, she left leaving Anna confused and surprised with a lot of questions in her mind, before the last mermaid jumped in the water Anna touched her hands and saw what happened to her and her sisters, she ignored those horrible pictures for the moment, and asked her to bring her friends from the other side, the mermaid smiled at her and left without a single word, in a few seconds Anna saw the mermaid again with her friends fighting her, she brought them although they hurt her so much , she thanked the mermaid and started watching her wet confused friends she started laughing on how the boys looked they exchanged some weird looks and they started laughing too. Later after they dried their clothes and sat down for a while to catch their breath Anna explained to them what happened to her with the mermaids, they looked so afraid when they were hearing about when the mermaids dragged her down but hearing the friendship of her mother with the mermaids surprised them and they started doubting that there was something much bigger than they expected.

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