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"Mum," Luke says as he walks through the door, his accent seems to be thicker around his family. From what I can tell so far, at least. "Hi."

"There you are!" She exclaims once her son walks through the glass doors leading into his Father's room. I stay behind, careful not to get in the way. It's cold in here, and the bright fluorescent lights sort of ruin any sort of coziness that they were trying to achieve. The walls, covered in decor that was probably there before they arrived, is accompanied by photos of Luke and two other boys who are most likely his brothers. And of course, a few photos of his parents. "Happy birthday my love!"

"Thank you," he says softly, walking over to where she sits at his Father's bedside. And as she wraps her arms around her son who is much taller than she is, I get a glimpse of the woman who created such a beautiful boy.

Like Luke, her hair is curly. Blonde, barely touching her shoulders. They share the same nose and warm demeanor, but I don't notice the dimples or the smile that Luke was given. I assume that's something his Father has.

But besides Luke lays his Father. Pale, his eyes trying to move over to where his wife and son stand, but they cannot move so fast. He's covered in wires and tubes, the gentle beeping of a heart monitor breaks the silence that would otherwise fill the room. I won't be able to see for sure if he has the dimples that Luke has, although I wish I could.

His Father is skinny, his cheeks caved in with dark circles under his blue eyes. His hair covered his head in patches, probably from the countless rounds of chemo that seem to be doing nothing other than putting his family in an even deeper financial hole than they were already inside of before. But as his eyes flutter open to the stranger that stands before him, I see that he is who gave Luke those striking blue eyes.

"Mum, Dad," Luke smiles, releasing his Mother out of his arms. "This is Grace."

"Grace?" Mrs. Hemmings smiles, turning her gaze from her son and to my direction. "This is the girl you've been telling us about?"

"Yep," he chuckles. He takes a few steps towards me, reaching behind me to place his warm hand on my lower back. I'm awkward, more so than I wanted to be. But I've changed quite a lot. Perhaps this part was for the worse. "This is her."

"My God," she smiles, once again showing me that sort of kicked-puppy look that I get from adults who have heard my story one way or another. Slowly, she reaches up to touch my face, running her soft thumbs across my cheekbones that are tender from the sun that burned it earlier. But I don't pull back, despite how uncomfortable I am having a stranger touch my face. "She's even more beautiful that you said she was."

"Mum," Luke chuckles awkwardly, and as I look up at the woman who holds my face I realize how pure her intentions are. I can't help but feel my cheeks redden at both the compliment and the confirmation that Luke thinks I am beautiful.

"Hello," I say as warmly as I can, smiling softly as I glance at Luke beside me. "It's nice to meet you, Mrs. Hemmings."

"It's nice to meet you, dear," she chuckles as she takes a step away from me. She knows what she's doing to Luke, and she doesn't regret it. I think she's trying to hint something at me. "Let me take that bag for you."

"Thank you," I nod, feeling the dark blue gift bag slip out of my fingertips and to the table that holds two, three other bags the same color. Luke's arm around me loosens as he steps away, but I wish he would have stayed there a little longer.

"Dad," Luke says, the smile wide on his face as he approaches his Father who lays before us. "This is Grace."

I inch closer as I stand beside Luke, my voice quiet as I greet him. He does nothing but stare up at me, but Mrs. Hemmings' words from behind sort of speaks what might have been going through her husband's mind.

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