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"Okay, Grace," the director yells from where she sits in the audience. In a sea of strangers, her face is the one I pay attention to. That is, when I'm not trying to sneak tiny glances of the boy who sits above me. I try to be careful, so that no one will notice that Luke has snuck his way up there to see me. "I'm ready when you are."

"Okay," I nod, walking towards the couch they had dragged onstage just for my scene. I lick my lips as I feel Luke's warm gaze on me, and although he can only really see the top of my head I can feel that he's proud. Proud that, despite everything, I managed to audition. And to be honest, auditioning itself was an act of defiance against the handcuffs that used to always keep me from doing whatever I wanted to do. And getting the lead role was proof that, despite how terrible my cards are, that I can still blow people away with nothing but a piano and my voice. I feel the energy in the room turn into anticipation as the pianist begins my song, and as I get into character I feel my stomach turn at how nervous I am. I've impressed the director, and I could care less about everyone else in the cast. Luke is that one person that I am nervous to perform for.

I sing despite the song being so new, so fresh. I know that as time goes on, I'll become more acquainted with it. I wish I knew how to perform it the way I will this time next month. But still, as I sing I feel the room rumble with the sound of my voice. I watch as eyes widen, jaws inevitably drop. They don't know me as the girl who had her shit leaked anymore, now they know me as the girl with the voice.

Singing was an escape for me. Before Luke had knocked on my door once upon a time, after Tyler was finally placed behind bars and I was left to clean up the mess, singing to myself was a sort of escape that I needed. I loved turning myself into someone else. And the most important thing in my life was remembering the lyrics.

I got it back. I finally got back something that Tyler had stolen from me.

"Bravo!" The director yells as she jumps up from her seat. Her hands clap together as I drop my hands to my sides, I guess they somehow made their way up above my head as I was finishing. Usually, I wouldn't go all out in the first rehearsal. But Luke above me brings out my best. "Amazing job!"

"Holy shit!" Luke gasps as he runs up beside me. He holds a ziplock of what used to be full of the blueberry scones I had given him plus his four bandmates. Only two remain. "That was insane!"

"Yeah?" I giggle happily, reaching inside of the bag and grabbing a scone. I bring it up to my lips as we walk outside, the umbrella I pull out to shelter us has been used almost all week. My Mom told me it should be over by tomorrow.

"I could feel your voice shake the theatre," he smiles, pulling out the other one and bringing it between his lips. "You really know your shit. Damn," he shakes his head looking down at the scone. "This is so fucking good."

"You told me you didn't like blueberries!" I playfully smack his shoulder, which causes a shriek-like laugh escape out of his lips. I've not heard that since the summer.

"I like it when you make things with them," he turns to me as we walk shoulder to shoulder. "You'll have to show me how to cook."

"Yeah," I feel him take the umbrella from me, holding it in his hands as I move my hair behind my ear. "Maybe Christmastime? We can make cookies or something."

"Why not this week?" He raises his eyebrow. "I've got a few days until I leave."

"Well, don't you want to spend that time with your family? With Emma?" I shrug as I watch myself trek through the puddles. In the reflection below, I can see Luke's eyes glued onto me.

"And you," he raises his eyebrow. "Of course I'm making time for you. How does Saturday sound?"

"Saturday?" I tilt my head to the side. "All day Saturday?"

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