The day went by quickly. Too quickly.
But that was expected. I wasted no time, though. And neither did he, and for a solid five hours or so we spent the day in each other's embrace. We talked about everything, we talked about nothing. Some moments we just spent staring. He liked touching me, my fingertips. My lips. And I liked being touched by him. For we had wasted so much time holding each other back, we had less than a day to do everything we had ever wanted to do with each other. And as I walk beside him through the airport, his fingers tangled in mine as I help him with his bags, I realize that he is done. Soon, I'll be alone again. And this time tomorrow, Luke will be gone.
"They're supposed to be here," Luke raises his eyebrow, scrolling through his phone. "My Mum and brothers are supposed to meet me here."
I look over at him as I look around me. We drove about an hour to get here, and before today I've never been in an airport. It's huge, and... fluorescent. It'll be a miracle for me to get out of here without getting lost a couple million times.
"The last time I was here," he turns to me, sliding his phone back in his pocket as he sees my eyes wondering around. "I was with my Dad. And I... was not happy."
I look towards him, frowning when he tells me this. "Well, your Father would be incredibly proud to see how far you've gotten already."
"I'd hope so," he takes a deep, but shaky breath. He looks down at my hand as it holds his, running his thumb across my knuckles. "He gave me my first guitar. Back when I was, what, nine? He's the reason I love music, my Dad is. Was."
"Is," I correct him. And as I watch how anxious he is, how shaky his breaths are I know he is overwhelmed. He's excited, but scared. He's happy that his dreams are coming true, but he's worried he is making a mistake by leaving me behind. "You never told me that."
"I try not to talk about my Dad," he looks up at me. "Because if I started, I don't think I'd be able to stop."
"I'd like to hear you talk about him," I tilt my head to the side as I rock on my feet. And as his eyes meet mine, I see that his brothers have found us. "If you want to tell me someday, I'd like to know about him."
"So it's real?" Ben grabs Luke's shoulder, turning him around to face him and Jack. Luke's eyes widen as he is spun around, a hoodie over Luke's head to hide the love bites I had left on his neck earlier this morning. I wear my hair down over mine. "So you are going on tour with One Direction?"
"I thought it was a joke," Jack chuckles, looking at his brother up and down. "I thought you were just playing with us."
I stay behind as I watch his bags, watching their Mom walk towards them. She's got tears in her eyes like always, but this time... they're good. They're good tears.
"I'm so, so proud of you," Mrs. Hemmings wraps her arms around her son, pulling him into her warm embrace. "Your Father knew you could do it. He knew it."
I feel my eyes water as I watch this, and although I know that the next few months - the next year is going to tear me apart, I know that it'll be worth it. Luke deserves everything that's happening to him. And although it means tearing him away from me, I can make that sacrifice. He deserves to live his dreams.
"Hey Grace," I hear behind me, and as I turn to see Michael I see that he's tearing up too. Like I am, and as I turn behind him I see why. His Mom, held by his Dad as she cries into his shoulder. Michael is doing his best to keep himself together, but as he sees that I am upset too I watch as he cracks under the pressure. "Are you okay?"
"I'm okay," I nod, watching how he wipes away a tear as it falls. "I just... I don't know how lucky I was to see you all every day. Moments like these remind me."

leaked (l.h.)
FanfictionGrace's life was average at best in her small town outside of Chicago. High school has its ups and downs, and for the most part, she was able to dodge them. That is until her quarterback boyfriend gets his hands on a picture that was never meant to...