Chapter 3: Live Debut

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Hey, guys back at it again with another chapter. Let's get onto it, shall we?

Jay-Kobes Pov


Several weeks have passed since arriving in Korea and we have been busy. We have been working hard to prepare for our debut witch will be tonight at the award show. I am currently in my creator's lab aka studio going over our song. I wrote the lyrics and have been changing a couple of things. It needs to be perfect to give a good first impression of our group. Though other members have been working hard too. 

The choreography that Damian and Joseph had made was hard, but after a couple of tries we got it down. Angel and I had been working on our vocals with Jimin and Jungkook Hyung getting tips about singing without straining our voices. Everyone elts was doing their own thing while I was working. They told me to take a break, but I refused. Suddenly, I heard a knock at the door.  

     "Janghyuk-ah, open the door. You members told us you have not been taking breaks," I head from the outside. It was Jimin, and he sounded mad. I take a deep breath and walk to unlock the door. He looks really scary when he is mad.

     "I and you are going out for lunch, my treat. You can not say no, so go change, and I will wait outside your dorm."

He walked out of my lab, and I went to my room to get dressed. I wore a plain black shirt with blue shorts, and I grabbed my Tokyo ghoul mask. Walking downstairs, I tell my members by and that I would be back.

     "Do not be gone too long, Jay-Kody. We have dance practice in two hours." Angel said

     "Will do." I see Jimin waiting, and we start walking to a small cafe near the building. On the way, some fans stopped us for some autographs and told me they would be watching when my group debuts tonight. Getting into the shop, we get some coffee and sit by another gentleman.

     "Hello Jimin." the other male says. Something about his voice sounds familiar.

     "Jimin-Hyung, who is this," I ask. The other man smiles from under his masks. He then sings apart from the song Friction the song by Beast, and it hits me.

     "You are Yang Yoseob from Highlight! I am sorry for my rudeness." I stand up and bow to the elder.

     "It is alright, Jay-Kobe. How do you know me, though? When I first debuted 11 years ago and then again in 2017."

     "Your old group Beast is what inspired me to sing. I would listen to you guys when I was walking to school. My favorite song from Beast is Shock and as Highlight Can Be Better. 

     "His group Pandemic is going to make their live debut live tonight," Jimin said. 

     "Sorry for not formally introducing myself. My mane is Park Janghyuk stage name Jay-Kobe and is the main vocalist of Pandemic."

     "He is very polite, that will cause fans to like him even more," Yoseob said.

We talked more, and Yoseob gave me some advice on singing higher notes because, as mail vocal, I sing in the higher register. Looking at my watch, I tell Jimin and Yoseob Hyung I have to practice.  Yoseob and I exchanged numbers, and I was off to the dance room. When walking into the dance room, I realized the members were already practicing. Angel walked to me with a stern look on his face.

     "I told you to be here on time."

     "I am sorry I lost track of time."

     "We have a lot riding on us tonight, and you show up late. Just get into formation while I start the song over again. After practice was over, I decided to make a post on Instagram.

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