Unexpected Arrival

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       ⚠️This one made me cry while                                   writing it.⚠️   

                    One Week Later

"Thomas, she's calling again." Anna sighs.

"Darling, invite her to dinner and we'll tell her. You can't be avoiding your best friend like this. She probably thinks I'm hurting you or something." Tom says.

"She wouldn't think that."

"You've been ignoring her for a week... after you started sobbing when she mentioned how happy she is that you're with me."

"Elisa knows you. She knows you wouldn't hurt me." Anna says.

"Darling, if my friend starting ignoring me after their spouse came home from a long time of being gone... especially if they were pregant, and I didn't know the spouse's reaction, I'd need to make sure that they were okay because my mind would go to the worst."

"If I tell her then it'll feel more..."

"Real." Tom interrupts.

"Exactly. And she's the closest person to me except for you."

"Then call her."

"I'll call her tomorrow, I promise." Anna says.

"Alright, darling. Now, how about I help you with dinner?"

"Sounds great."

Anna and Tom start working on dinner. They're making his absolute favorite... Bolognese.

He puts everything in the pan and starts cooking while Anna makes the noodles. As she's walking, she hits the pan, causing an immediate burn mark on her arm.

"Damn it." she yells.

"Darling, sit." Tom quickly says. He runs to the freezer to grab ice and places it on his wife's arm. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'll be fine, it just hurts."

"You sit and I'll finish dinner."

"But Tom you-"

"I know, Anna, but I'm fine. I can make a simple meal. Besides, I've made this a thousand times, love."

"Okay." she sighs.

"You sit there with that on your arm. I'll get you some water for if you get thirsty." Tom says, pouring the cold liquid into a cup.

"Thanks, Tommy."

"Anything for you, Anna."

Tom finished dinner and they have a nice meal. Aside from losing about 10 pounds, Tom has been generally okay, which is something they're both grateful for. He's worried about his decrease, but not for personal reasons. He's scared that it'll be too much for Anna, or that it'll be too hard to see him like that.

Anna and Tom clean up together. He didn't want her to do it but Anna didn't want him to do... so after 10 minutes they finally compromised.

Tom sits back down in his chair, and Anna makes her way over. She straddles him on the chair and puts her hand on his face. "I love you so much." she whispers.

"I love you too, darling." Tom responds. He kisses her, passionately. She smiles and kisses him back. He wraps his arms around her, Anna's hands are still on his face. After about 10 seconds, he moves her hands to his shirt and starts to unbutton it.

"Wait, darling, stop." Tom says. She quickly jumps back.

"Tom, what's wrong, are you okay?" Anna asks, worryingly. "Did I do anything wrong?"

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