Breakfast Date

501 18 0

Third Person:

Anna starts working on breakfast. She wasn't one to eat in the morning, but after discovering she was pregnant, she decided that it was best to start. She went to the store this morning to find foods high in fat, to try and get Tom to gain some weight back.

The smell of food cooking rises to the second floor, and awakes Tom who was still comfortably sleeping in his bed. He pushes back the warm comforters and walks to the bathroom. He brushes his teeth and fixes his messied hair. 

"Good morning, sweetheart." Anna announces as he walks down the stairs. She's wearing leggings and a sports top, both really accentuating her bump. Tom sits down at the table after kissing his wife on the cheek. 

"What's all this, darling?" he asks, looking at the assortment of food on the table. 

"I made breakfast. It's a potato hash type of thing, but it's loaded with cheese and bacon. They're both very fatty foods and I was hoping that it'd cause you to gain weight. There's also some green peppers, egg, and small tomato pieces, but those aren't fattening."

"It looks delicious, but I should probably stay on the healthy side when eating."

"I suppose you're right." she sighs. "You just look so… well, you've changed since I last saw you and I just want to make things better. I'll take that and I'll make you some oatmeal." 

"No." Tom quickly says, holding his hand up, protecting his food. "I'm going to eat this delicious breakfast that my beautiful wife made me. It won't hurt every once and awhile and I'm supposed to have a lot of protein, so the egg is perfect. Besides, you're right, I have lost a little weight."

"Is there anything else you need?" Anna asks her husband. 

"Er, well, if you wouldn't mind, I can totally do it if you don't want to but I have been wanting a nice cup of-" 

Before he can finish, a cup of earl grey tea with a splash of milk is placed in front of him. A smile lights up his face as the steam rises, creating an amazing smell. "What did I do to deserve you, darling?"

Anna puts her hands on his shoulders and kisses his cheek. "The real question is what did I do to deserve you?" 

The microwave starts beeping and Anna quickly turns around. She takes out the oatmeal and places it at her side of the table. They look at each other and interlock their fingers.

"What's your plan for today?" Anna asks. "I don't know what to do exactly anymore… just because, well, I don't want to push you too hard." 

"I wanted to go walk around downtown with you. We could go to the tea shop on 30th and probably the book store." Tom says. 

"Bookstore? Our house is already a library." Anna laughs. 

"Well, what do you think? How about I go upstairs, take a shower, put on some day clothes, and we can go?" 

"Sounds wonderful."

Tom goes upstairs to take his shower, while Anna stays downstairs to finish her breakfast. Tom always did the dishes, she'd look and he'd clean usually, but today, he left it on the table. "That's not like him." Anna whispers to herself while grabbing the bowl to wash it. She takes the last sip of his tea, and washes that as well.

Her phone starts buzzing. She looks at it and sighs. It's her best friend. Her best friend is the only one who knows she's pregnant. Anna wipes off her wet hands with a towel and answers the phone.

"Hey, Elisa." she says.

"Anna, hey, how are you?"

"I uh... I'm alright."

"What's wrong?" Elisa asks.


"Yes, there is. I know you, what's wrong?"

"I'm fine, really, just nauseated." Anna reassures her.

"Speaking of which," Elisa starts. "Do you want me to come to your next appointment? I know you have to schedule it today so let me know so then I can make sure I'm free."

"Thanks, but that won't be necessary."

"Are you sure you're okay? You really don't sound normal... and why not? Tom won't be back for a few weeks and I don't want you going alone."

"Oh, uh, Tom's back. Yeah, he got back last night."

"Oh, that's amazing. How did he take it?"

"Tears." Anna chuckles. " Actually, a lot of tears." She gets quiet her tone changes for the latter of the sentence.

"Happy I hope. You know, as a kid, you always talked about your dream man... 6'2, strawberry blonde, British." Elisa laughs. "But most importantly, you always wanted someone who was kind, funny, intelligent... generally just a good man. I'm so glad that you found that with him and I know that my Godchild is incredibly blessed with two fabulous parents."

Anna starts tearing up. She's right, Tom is everything she'd always asked for. He was everything she wanted in a husband and as a father to her kids.

"You're right." she whispers.

"Did you guys fight?"

"What? No. Why would you think that?"

"Anna, I've known you since you were 5 years old. Within these last 27 years, I have never left your side. I've always known if something was wrong with you and something is clearly wrong. You know that you can trust me, always and forever. What's wrong? I'm scared, An."

"Hey, I uh... I have to go." Anna says and hangs up the phone.

She wipes the tears from her eyes and puts on her raincoat, the same one she wore earlier today. Anna didn't want anyone to know that she was pregnant, so baggy clothing in public was her best option.

"Darling, are you ready?" Tom asks, walking downstairs.  

"Yeah." she whispers.

"Is everything alright?"

"Elisa called. She said I was acting weird and wanted me to tell her what was wrong."

"Did you?"


"Why not?" Tom asks.

"I couldn't do it, it's your cancer, not mine."

"That's alright."

He embraces her in a hug and rubs her back. "You tell who you need to."

"I love you, Tom."

"I love you, darling."

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