I am Loki, of Asgard, And I Am Burdened With Glorious Candy

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I know people can be sensitive for this stuff but there's an inappropriate joke in here. I try to filter my horribly dirty humor when I write these, so I apologise.

"Tom!" Anna yells.

"Yes, darling?" Tom responds, fixing the helmet on his head.

"What do you think? Would Chris he proud?"

Tom laughs. "I think so."

"Well look at you, Prince Loki."

Tom pulls her in. Anna takes off his helmet and ruffles his hair. Tom plants a kiss on her lips.

"Tom, I- ahh." Anna groans.

"Anna, Anna what's wrong?" he asks, trying not to freak out. "Is Alora alright?"

"She's kicking."


"She's kicking." Anna laughs. "It hurts like hell but she's kicking."

Tom kneels down and puts his hands in Anna's stomach. He feels the gentle kicks. Well, they're not gentle for Anna, but from an outside source, it's not that bad.

"Alora, it's daddy." he whispers. "Hey, angel." Tears start welling up in his eyes.

"You okay?" Anna asks.

Tom nods. "Darling, in a few short months, we'll be parents. We are actually going to have a child."

"Yeah, we are." Anna looks down at her belly. "I can't wait for you, Alora May." She looks at Tom now, who's still kneeling. "I thought you were the one so persistent on having people kneel." she jokes.

Tom looks at his wife strangely. Then he looks at his hand, which is still resting on Anna, and realizes that he's in his Loki costume. "Oh," he chuckles, getting red in the cheeks.  "That's what you meant."

"Yeah... what'd you think I meant, Hiddleston?" Anna smirks. "You dirty bird."

"No, darling, I-" he stutters. They both start laughing.

"Let's go downstairs, the kids should be coming soon."

"Alright, but I need my helmet."

Anna walks closer to Tom and gently places the helmet on his head. She adjusts it and takes a step back. "Well, look at you, Loki."

"Look okay?"

"You look great."

They walk hand-in-hand outside and wait for the trick or treaters. It's already dark, and Tom is hidden by the bushes. Anna sits on the chair, with a large bowl of assorted candy.

Kids gather towards the house, probably a group of 30 people stand in front of their porch. That's not normal, but everyone knows who's house it is so they want to take their chance. Anna starts the fog machines.

"Hi, everyone." Anna says, standing up and walking towards the crowd. "Can you make a line please for me?"

People start filing and making a line that comes up their porch. "Okay, I am so sorry to say that my husband won't be able to make it today. He has some work to do and I know everyone wanted to see him but you're just going to have to take me instead."

All of a sudden, the lights to the house go out. Within 5 seconds they're back on, and there's someone standing in the fog.

"Mortals, gathered before me," Loki starts. Excited squeals come from the group. "I am Loki, of Asgard, and I am burdened with glorious candy."

Everyone cheers as he steps out of the fog. "Hello," Tom smiles, speaking back in his normal voice. "Alright so we'll give you your candy, you can take a picture if you'd like, chat real quick, whatever. I'm so excited to meet all of you."

Anna hands out king sized candy bars to everyone while Tom takes pictures with people. There were a few kids dressed as Marvel characters, and even one who was dressed as Loki. They stood outside for 4 hours and meet about 500 people.

Anna and Tom come inside and put on comfortable clothes. Anna lays on the bed scrolling through her phone. Tom tosses a pillow at her and jumps on the bed, his head landing on her arm. "Hello, darling." he chuckles.

"Someone's happy." Anna chuckles back.

"Today was very nice." Tom readjusts himself and sits propped up. "I loved getting to meet everyone. I really appreciate all of them."

"I was thinking about that actually."

"Were you?"

"Tom, I think you should tell people." Anna says. She started confident, but lost it as she went on. "They all love and support you... so, so much. I know there are people out there that love you almost as much as I do and are going to grieve right along side me. No matter what, it's horrible when someone you love dies, but even though you can never truly prepear, it sure helps if you know ahead of time."

Tom looks at her, dumbfounded. "Darling, I don't... what am I supposed to say to that?"

She looks down at the ground. "That you agree with me."

"But I... I don't agree with you, love, I'm sorry. I don't want anyone to know. If Chris didn't go with me to get the results, he wouldn't know either. The only reason the cast knows is because they took me to the hospital. I had to tell you because I can't hide cancer from my wife. Elisa knows because she's your dearest friend and she came over at the worst time imaginable. Aside from them, no one else knows and that's for a reason. I'm sorry, Anna May, but I don't want to have to deal with that. I don't want you having to deal with that. Do you kno all the questions we'll be receiving? All the tweets and dms and all the talk shoes dying to hear me talk about my diagnosis? The people that are going to harrass us constantly? I love my fans with all my heart, the only reason I'm here is because of their support, but they're not my family. You, Chris, Ben, and Elisa are my family."

"I know, honey, but you can't keep this forever. You're getting worse and soon it's going to become obvious that you're not losing weight for a role. It's going to become a lot harder to hide this." Anna says and puts her hand on his arm.

"I will tell people when it becomes so bad there's no possible way no one will notice." Tom replies. "Or, if someone somehow gets a picture of me that has something to do with this. Aside from that, no, dear, I'm sorry."



"It's your cancer, not mine. As much as I'd like to tell people, I wouldn't do that to you."

"Thank you, Anna." Tom says and kiss her on the forehead.

"Anything for you, Thomas."

The next chapter contains some serious DRAMA

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