The End

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Anna paces the hallway. She can't be there while they're prepping him for surgery but she gets to say goodbye first. She hates that she's doing this. She's fighting with everything in her body to not run in there and tell him not to get it. She just wants more time.

"Mrs. Hiddleston?" the nurse asks. Anna quickly turns around. "You can come see him now."

Anna walks into the hospital room. "Can we have a moment please?" The nurses nod and walk out.

"Don't worry, my love, I'll be fine."

"I love you so much, Thomas William. You don't understand how grateful I am what I got to be your wife. No matter what happens, I'm proud of you for what you've done these last few months. You're a fighter, Tom."

"I love you, Anna." he says and puts his hands on her face. He pulls her into a kiss and strokes her cheek. "I'll see you in a few hours."

"Yeah... see you in a few hours." she laughs.

The nurse comes back in. "Mr. Hiddleston, it's time."

"Goodbye my love." Tom smiles as they take him into the hallway.

"Goodbye, Thomas."

She waits until they turn the corner and starts sobbing. "God, I know we haven't talked in a while but I need you. My husband's going to into surgery and we have a 3 month old little girl. Please, God, help us. He's a UNICEF ambassador and... and donates his time and money. He's a good man who deserves this. Please don't let him go on me."

"Mrs. Hiddleston?" a nurse asks. "Are you okay?"

"No." she softly chuckles.

"Come here, dear."

Anna walks towards the nurse who oil her into a hug. "They do this procedure all the time, it's just riskier because of the cancer. Once that's gone... he'll be okay."

"What if he's not?"

"It's a part of life, sweetie. It's horrible and it sucks but that's what happens. But we have the best doctors helping your husband. If this provides you with any comfort, one of them is a huge Loki fan... they won't let anything bad happen to him." Anna laughs and for a spilt second, she forgets what the conversation was about.

"Listen, I have to take you to the waiting room now, okay."

Anna nods and follows the nurse into the waiting room. She sits down and closes her eyes for a second.

"Excuse me? Anna Hiddleston?" A voice says. She reopens her eyes and sees a crowd of about 10 teenage girls. "I'm so sorry to bother you but we came to give you this for Tom."

The girls hand her each a card. "I know you don't know us but we're really scared too and wanted Tom to get this."

"I'll give it to him, thank you so much girls." Anna smiles.

"Do you mind if we stay here? We won't bother you or anything but we all want to be here for him."

"Girls... I-" Anna tries to think how she can say this. It's not that she doesn't want them there, it's because she doesn't know what's going to happen to him. "It's very nice of you to want to be here but this is a long and risky operation and I wouldn't want you girls to sit here all that time."

"We don't mind." One of them says.

"If you'd like to stay that's alright but... I don't know what's going to happen. I don't want you girls to be there for that."

"We'll stay out of your way, Mrs. Hiddleston." The group of girls walks to the other side of the waiting room and sit down.

Anna looks at the cards they wrote him. "I hope you know how loved you are, honey." she whispers to him, even though he can't hear her.

Two hours go by and there's no word on his condition, which sounds like a good thing.

Five hours later a doctor walks out of the door. Her eyes follow him as he walks, just like Tom's did when she was in the hospital.

"Mrs. Hiddleston?"

"Tom... is he alive?"

"He's alive but...Mrs. Hiddleston, he's in a coma."

"What? No, he's not." Anna says.

"I'm so sorry. We don't know if he'll wake up but you can go see him now."

Anna starts walking to his room, tears steaming down her eyes. As she walks, she passes the girls from earlier. Their eyes widen as she passes. "Mrs. Hiddleston?" one whispers.

"I'm sorry girls but you should go home." Anna says and keeps walking.

She gets to Tom's room and sits next to him. She gently holds his hand and cries.

"Well, you kept your promise of not leaving me," she whispers. "Tom, please wake up. Come on, baby, wake up. Alora's at Eliza's and she needs her daddy. You can't do this to me, Tom, please."

                     Two Weeks Later

"Anna?" a voice quietly whispers.

"Tom?" she responds and looks back.

Tom's eyes are open and he's reaching for her.

"Oh, my God, Tom." Anna cries.

"Anna, darling," he smiles.

"You're okay. You're okay."

He tries lifting his hand to put it on her face but he can't lift it yet.

"Not yet, honey, take it easy." Anna says. "Doctor, he's awake." she yells. "It's going to be okay, sweetheart. I love you so much."

Ahhhhhh it's done! I hope you guys liked it. The sequel will probably be out on Monday! I'm posting the original dream ending which is alot different than this one. (There was no surgery). I loved this story and I hope you did too.  The next one will be less sad but it'll also be sad in a different way and really adorable because you to see dad Hiddles.😂 Either way, thank you for the support 💗💗

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