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I'm making shorter chapters because you know... cliffhangers.

"Thomas, what's going on?" Anna asks.

"Dr. Arnstein showed me the x-ray's at my last appointment. He said that the tumor shrunk, but I've reached a plateu. That means that radiation is pointless now... it's not going to shrink anymore. The only way I can get rid of this thing is through a surgical procedure. It was too dangerous to do before. Even know it's not ideal but it's my only chance." Tom says.

"What are the risks?"

"Well, it's 70/30."

"Okay." Anna sighs. "You know what, that's not that bad. It's more than half."

"No, darling, it's not." he whispers.

"Tom 70/30-"

"70 percent of patients don't make it past surgery."

"Tom..." A worried looks comes across Anna's face.

"This is the best chance I have, my love. If I do the surgery, there's a possibility that I'll come out cancer free and everything will be over. If I don't do this, I'll have to spend my few remaining months relaying on you for everything. I'll go when my liver fails but those months will be miserable for both of us and I'll be in horribly pain regretting the fact that I didn't try. If something happens in surgery, I'll peacefully slip away in my sleep. If we're looking at quality of death, I pick that one."

"I thought you'd have more time." Anna whispers.

"Dr. Arnstein said I'm lucky where I'm at... most people are much sicker. I don't have much time, Anna May. Even if I live for a few more months, we'll both be wishing I wasn't. But what do you think?" Tom asks.

"I'm petrified, Thomas. I... I don't know what to do. Well, it's not to me, but you know what I mean. I don't want to see you in pain like that, honey. But I also thought you'd get to spend 6 months with her, not two. Now, either we get two generally good weeks or 6 miserable months." Anna sniffles.

"I'd rather have the two weeks. Face it, love, you are terrified if you don't wake up to me next to you. You almost had a panic attack this morning. In about a month, I probably won't be able to get out of bed without your help. Is this how you want to spend our time together... being my caretaker?"

"Tom, what do you want to do? Because it sounds like you've made up your mind."

"No, Anna, I-"

"I'm here with you now matter what. I'll always support you and I agree with what decision you make. I can't tell you what to do, it's your life. I can't blame you if don't want to spend the rest of your time in pain."

"I want the surgery, darling. I want to try it. I promised Alora that I would fight for her so I can't not try to get better." Tom says.

Anna and Tom interlock their fingers. Anna studies her husband's face. She closes her eyes and imagines the old Tom sitting in front of her, not the skinny, tired, Tom that currently holding her hand. "I just want you to be okay." she whispers.

"Me too, Anna, me too."

"Then go call Dr. Arnstein and tell him to book it."

"Are you sure?"

"No... but you are. I know why you talked it over with me but I know that also had your mind made up before we had this conversation."

"Thank you, Anna."

"Don't thank me, Tom." she smiles, trying to cover the heartbreak she's experiencing.

6 months with her husband just got brought down to 2 weeks. Despite Tom's optimism, Anna knows the date of the surgery. She knows the last time she'll never see her husband is when they wheel away the hospital bed.

She picks up Alora and rocks her again. "Just you and me, baby... we'll get through it."

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