Two Weeks Later

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The chapters might start getting a little sadder☹️ obviously not the whole thing, but 6/12 of the expected months have passed for Tom, so you'll see a little more issues than before. But there's still happiness, humor, love, etc. It's not going downhill!!😂

"I'll take 2 earl grey's please, one of them with milk." Anna orders. "Thank you."

"And for you?" the barista asks Elisa.

"I'll take a carmel macchiato. Thank you so much."

"Alright, the total is $9.82."

Anna goes to hand the cashier a $10, but Elisa swipes her hand away and hands a credit card. "I've got it, An." she smiles.

"You don't have to. Besides, I got Tom a tea for later. Let me give you money for him."

"Stop it," Elisa sternly says. "The least I can do is get you a drink."

"Well, thank you very much." Anna says, taking both of the teas in her hand. She sets them down on the wood table. Elisa stands and waits for hers.

"What time did you say he should be done?" Elisa asks, grabbing her drink and whispering, "thank you" to the woman who made her drinks.

"Around 1." Anna takes a sip of her hot tea. "I told Dr. Arnstein to call me when they're just about finishing up."

"Okay. Is there anything we should get? They have sandwiches here so I could pick something up."

"No, but thank you. He usually doesn't want to eat much after. If there's anything you need to do today, like errands or something, do it because we're having a pretty laid back day. I just work on housework while he sleeps."

"I'll help you around the house." Elisa says. "You need to relax. You do so much for everyone, it's about time someone does it for you."

"Lez, I'm alright."

"Anna, you're 7 months pregnant. You're going to be a mom soon, how do you feel about that?"

"It's scary." she softly chuckles. "All first time moms are petrified, but we're in the public eye. Everything with Tom was already exposed, what about Alora?"

"Well, that only happened because of my dickbag ex-husband. He was just jealous, he wouldn't do anything to Alora."

"I know he wouldn't, I'm not worried about him. I'm worried about crazy fans. And especially if something does happen to him... do you know all the insane people out there?"

"It's okay." Elisa says. "I can help out. I'm not some large muscular guy, but I should count for something."

"Speaking off large muscular guys..." Anna says. Elisa's face gets bright red. "How's Chris? Have you talked to him? I know we live together and all but we don't get gossip time."

"Uh, yeah, actually, I saw him after work yesterday. We had dinner and it was nice."

"Good for you."

"Am I a horrible person, Anna?" Elisa sighs. "Be honest with me because I feel like I'm a horrible person. The divorce isn't even official yet."

"Are you over him?"

"I've been over him since mid October." Elisa says.

"Then that's your answer." Anna smiles. "Chris is a good guy, he'll take care of you."

"He really is. He's everything I thought he'd be and more."

"Good. I just want you to be happy."

"Me too." she softly says.

They talk for another hour until Anna's phone rings. "It's probably Dr. Arnstein." she says.

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