Christmas Eve

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Oplatki: A church wafer we do every Christmas. It's a tradition and you go around giving love and best wishes. To start it off, the man of the house basically compliments the woman by thanking her for something he does wrong.

December 24th

Tom opens the curtain to see a blanket of snow covering the ground. He grabs a sweater and walks downstairs. He starts boiling water for his morning cup of earl grey tea. He turns on the tree and sits, just waiting. An assortment of gifts are wrapped under the tree. The kettle starts to hiss so he takes it for the stove and pours the hot water into a teapot. As he waits for it to steep, he gets an idea. Tom takes out this phone and calls Chris Evans.

"Hey, man, merry Christmas." Chris says, answering the phone.

"Thanks, merry Christmas to you too." Tom responds. "Listen, I wanted to ask you a question."


"We only live 20 mintues from each other and I know you have your family, so if you can't, no worries, but would you like to come over for dinner and drinks tonight? Anna's best friend and her husband come every year. We usually do a big party but that's not the case this time around, so you have a seat at the table if you'd like."

"You know what," Chris starts. "That sounds amazing. What time should I be there?"

"Around 6." Tom says.

"I'll see you then, man."

"Alright, goodbye."

Tom puts his phone on the marble countertop and pours the tea into two mugs. He puts milk in both of them and starts to head upstairs.

"Tom?" Anna exclaims from upstairs.

"Morning darling." he smiles. "This is for you." He hands her the hot tea. She gently blows on the water to cool it off.

"Thanks, honey." Anna says. "Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas, darling." Tom sits next to Anna on the bed. "So, I called Chris today..."

"I thought you said he couldn't make it."

"Hemsworth can't, but Chris Evans is going to come over for a bit and celebrate with us."

"Oh, I'm glad." Anna happily says.

"Me too. With that being said, we should start cooking."

"Oh, yes!"

They go back downstairs and start baking everything they prepeared the days before. Anna made the best pierogi, they were loved by everyone who tried them. Tom's favorite was sourkraut, so she made those the most. Another favorite was the kopytka, which Elisa practically begged Anna to make evert year.

Tom loved to cook as well, so Anna would put him charge of the kolaczki. Anna's favorite was almond, but traditionally, poppyseed is the way to go.

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