Sleepless Nights and a Baby

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⚠️Trigger Warnings are possible ⚠️

January 18th

Anna wakes up. The room is pitch black and a little chilly, but thankfully she's wrapped up in the blankets and doesn't notice. She opens her eyes and doesn't see anyone next to her. She sits ups and examines the room but there's no sign of Tom. The bathroom door is closed, it's usually kept open, and there's a small line of light coming from under the door.

She slides out of bed, holding her stomach as she walks to the bathroom. Her bare feet cause creaks on the wood floor. "Tom?" she asks, knocking on the door.

"Coming." he responds. After a few seconds, the bathroom door creaks open and Tom's head pops out. "Darling Anna, go back to sleep. You need the rest."

"What's going on? Do you feel okay?"

"I'm not horrible," he starts. "Just nauseous."

"Is anything happening?"

"No, just dry heaving... which is worse by the way."

"Yes, it is." Anna sympathetically sighs. "Come back to bed and I'll make you some nice peppermint tea, that always helps me when I'm nauseous."

"What if I get sick while we're laying there?"

"Then I'll clean it up, don't worry about it."

"I don't want to make you do that."

She puts her hands on his shoulders and gently pulls him to the bed. "Lay down, please. I don't want you to fight me on this. Alora will be here in about 2 months and she needs her daddy to be there too."

"You always guilt trip me with Alora." he sighs and gets into bed.

"Because it works. It's not like I'm peer pressuring you to do drugs... just sleep."

"The drugs might be more fun, darling."

"They would," she starts. "But we're both too much of goody two shoes to do that, soooo sleep it is."

He smiles and scrolls through the news app on his phone. There's a slight pain in his pancreas, but that's becoming a usual affair.

Anna carefully walks downstairs and tries not to make much noise, but carrying a child adds a little noise to each step. She looks at the clock above the stove in the kitchen, it's 4:48am.

She puts the the kettle on the stove and parts boiling the water.  "Oh, please Tom, please be okay." she whispers as she gets out the tea. Anna is beyond stressed. The fears of being a single mother does not help with the stress.

As she goes to put the tea down, a sharp pain shoots across her stomach. "Ahh," she groans, dropping the can. The tea spills all over the floor.

Tom hears the exclaim and runs downstairs. "Anna? Darling, what's the matter?"

"It's Alora," she whimpers. "Something isn't right. I don't know what it is but..." She's interrupted by another sharp pain. "I think I should go to the hospital."

"I'll go wake Eliza, get in the car." Tom says.


"I'll get your phone, just start the car."

Tom rips open Elisa's door. Usually, he knocks about 3 times and makes sure he hears a solid "Come in," before entering the room, but this too important.

"Tom? What's going on?" Elisa asks, now wide awake.

"I'm taking Anna to the hospital."

"Is Alora coming?"

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