The Night We Met

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Possible TW for abuse. There are flashbacks in this chapter about both their lives before meeting each other. There's info at the bottom too. 

"Alright, honey, come on." Anna whispers, helping Tom to the car.
They always went through the back, to avoid anyone seeing them. Tom knows deep down that his secret won't last much longer, but the last thing he wants is for everyone to find out through a photo taken of them walking out of a radiation clinic.

"I've got it, love." Tom snaps, removing Anna's hand from the seatbelt and adjusting it himself. She does her best to sheild the hurt look on her face. "I'm sorry, Anna, forgive me."

"Don't apologise, it's alright, Tom." She gets into the driver's side and starts the car. Tom's eyes start to slowly close as he struggles to keep them open. "Why don't you go to sleep?" Anna whispers and gently rubs his thigh.

"We'll be home soon, I wouldn't want you to have to wake me and if I didn't get up, you'd have to bring me inside."

"It's not a problem, hon, please get some rest. You want to be all better for Halloween in a few days. We'll stand outside, hand out candy... you love when the kids realize you're actually Loki."

"I do." Tom responds, half asleep.

"Go to sleep, I'll wake you when we get home."

"Can you put on the radio darling?"

"Sure, sweetheart." Anna says. She turns on the radio and The Night We Met had just started. All the memories start flooding back.

"I don't know about this." Anna says.

"He was an asshole. You're free now and we should go celebrate. Come on, let's go to the bar and have a good night." Elisa reasons.

"I guess. I just... I know he wasn't the greatest guy ever but we were in love, it's still hard to let that go."

"Come here." Elisa embraces her friend in a big hug. "I know it's hard but you'll get through it. Just think about everything you have in front of you. You might even find your soulmate here tonight."

"Ha! I doubt it." Anna sarcastically replies.

"There's always a chance. Now, go put on something hot and I'll meet you down here in 10 minutes."


Anna walks downstairs in a short black dress and heels. Her hair is straightened and makeup is perfect.

"Gorgeous!" Elisa squeals. "Let's go have some fun."

Anna smiles at the memory. If Elisa didn't convinced her to go to that bar, she wouldn't be here right now. She never would've met the love of her life. And who knows what would've happened? Maybe she would've gone back to her ex.

"Okay, love, calm down." Tom snaps.

"You kissed her, Thomas. You cheated on me." Vanessa screams.

"Yes, I did kiss her... during filming because she's my co-worker."

"No, you're cheating on me, I knew it. I always knew it. You constantly said I was overreacting but looked what happened, I caught you in the act."

"You caught nothing, Vanessa, I promise you. You get like this any time I give another woman any sort of attention, it doesn't matter who she is. I could give a fan a hug and you act like I snogged her on the street. You always do this and I don't want to hear about it."

"I'm going to cancel your career, Tom. Everyone's going to hear about how you look so nice in public but in reality you're abusive. You're controlling, and manipulative, and... and... how you hit me." Vanessa says, arms crossed. "I have the bruises to prove it. I'm gonna get all your money, Hiddleston."

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