Alternative Ending

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This is freaking heartbreaking. This was how my dream actually ended but I didn't want to end the book like this🥺(btw: the song makes it 10x more movie like😂 I obviously didn't dream the music but it was perfect)

Tom smiles at the fans as they walk past. Tom and Anna wave as people stop in front of them, well, in front of the small cut tarp that divides them. Anna notices Tom slowing down, and starting to get disoriented.

"Thomas, are you okay?" she asks, putting her hand on his face.

"No, darling, I... umm... I don't feel very well." he quietly says.

"Okay, I'm going to take you home."

Anna tries to find his manager. After a few minutes of searching, bingo.

"I need to talk to you." Anna announces. "I'm taking Tom home, he's not doing well and this wasn't smart to start with."

"Oh, okay, I'll let everyone know."

Anna hears his manager announcing the news to everyone. She rushes to him and gently takes his arm. "Come on, honey, let's go home."

"Something's wrong, darling. I... I'm very tired and-"

"Oh my God." Anna mutters.


She looks closer at her husband, noticing a slight yellow tinge.

"I'm taking you to the hospital."

"No, I don't need to go."

"Tom, you're yellow, that's a sign of liver failure. I'm taking you."

"Oh, okay."

He knew that. Tom knew exactly what happens when pancreatic cancer isn't cured. He knew what was going to happen, but he couldn't let Anna know that.

"Thank you everyone. I love you all so much." Tom yells out to the crowd.

Anna helps Tom in the car. The driver already knows their destination. She sits with Tom laying on her lap. His head rests her on legs. He's lying on his side. Anna takes out her phone to call the hospital.

"Hello, I'm bringing Tom Hiddleston to the emergency room. He's jaundice. Please be ready." she quickly talks. She tries calming down her breathing.

Anna is focused on the call, so she doesn't notice Tom, who's coughing. She finally notices. "Tom, honey, are you-" She doesn't even finish her sentence. The blood splattered on her right leg says it all. She carefully turns him over, blood slowly dripping from his mouth onto his shirt.

"You're gonna be okay, baby. It's going to be okay." she whispers.

"An... Anna?" he groans.

"I'm right here, Tom, I'm not leaving you." She runs her fingers through his strawberry blonde hair.

"Darling, I love you. I love Alora with all of my heart. She's my pride and joy. You have been the world's best wife. I...tell Hemmy I love him and-"

"Honey, don't talk like that, you'll be okay."

"Anna, I can feel it."

"No, Tom, you're not going. It's not going to happen. You are not going to leave me. You are not going to leave me in the back of this car. I'm taking you to the hospital and you're going to be okay."

"Darling, I-"

He has another coughing fit. Anna starts sobbing as she holds her husband in her arms. "Don't fail on me now." she whispers. She doesn't know what, or who, she's whispering to. 

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