Alora May Juliet Hiddleston

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Anna sits at the table and drinks a cup of tea. Out of the corner of her eye, she sees Tom slowly getting off the couch. "Oh, honey, let me help you." Anna exclaims, jumping up to help Tom.

"No, no it's alright." he painfully smiles as he walks over to the table. Anna goes to the fridge and pulls out the salad she made earlier. She places it in front of Tom with the dressing on the side.

"You need to eat something, hon. This is light and it's really good for you."

"Thank you but I'm not hungry, darling."

"Thomas, please." Anna urges. "Just eat it."

He sighs. "Can we comprise on half?"

"Only if you promise me that you'll finish it with dinner."

"I promise."


Tom pours the dressing on half of the salad and mixes it up. "How are you feeling?" Anna asks.

"I'm alright, darling, thank you." Tom responds while taking a bite of the salad.

"What do you want to do today? We can relax if you'd like."

"You know, I think we should go for a walk today. We could get clothes for Alora at the baby shop downtown and get something from the bakery. I know you love the downtown area and the last time we were there was when I got the book."

"And you're sure you can handle that today?" Anna asks.

"I'll be alright." Tom smiles.

"Let's go get ready, sweetheart."

"My house is about 8 mintues from here, are sure you're okay with walking me?"

"Of course. I wouldn't want anything to happen to you, darling."

Anna's face lights up. Tom Hiddleston doesn't want her to walk alone. Tom Hiddleston. "So, how do you feel about Boston?"

"Oh, it's very nice." Tom smiles. "I'm not sure if you know him, but my buddy Chris Evans is from here, actually."

"Yes! Of course I know who he is. Elisa used to make me search fo him for hours. We never found him."

They both laugh. "Elisa seems like quite the good time."

"Yes, she is. She's the crazy to my calm so we work perfectly. She's small, but she's mighty."

"That's usually how it goes." Tom chuckles.

"Do you think you'd go back to London or would you consider staying here? Like, getting a place or vacation home?" Anna asks. That's her casual way of saying, 'You're not leaving, right? I really like you'.

"Uh, well, London is my home, it always will be, but I won't be leaving Boston for awhile. And who knows, if I'm presented with a reason to stay, then I will."

"Good to know." Anna smiles.

"What about you? You don't sound like you're from here." Tom asks.

"Oh, yeah, I'm from Chicago. Elisa and I moved to Boston together 6 years ago."

"Chicago? That's very nice. What about your family?"

"Don't have any." Anna says. "Well, I technically do, but that story is a little too much for a man I just met... probably not how you wanted to spend the walk with me."

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