Mr. Hiddleston?

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Short Chapter

"Mr. Hiddleston?"

Tom eyes open wide. "Yes? Are they alright?"

"We couldn't save either of them. I'm so sorry."

Tom jumps as he wakes up from his dream.

"Hey, you okay?" Elisa asks.

"I'm fine." Tom smiles fakely.

"Tom, look."

Dr. Wright comes walking about of the giant blue doors. Tom's eyes follow her as with every step.

"Mr. Hiddleston?"

"Yes?" he responds. Tom hs been been so nervous in his entire life.

"Both mom and baby are okay." she smiles. "Your daughter is in the NICU and Anna is asleep."

"So everything is alright? How much does Alora weight?"

"She's 5lbs and 19 inches, so not horribly small. She'll have to stay in the NICU for at least a week but you can visit her whenever you'd like. If you want to now, I can take you back there."

"Has my wife met her yet?"

"For a brief moment. She's very tired so I'll let you know when she wakes up."

"Thank you." Tom says with a huge smile on his face. "And I would love to see my little girl."

"Come on." Dr. Wright smiles.

"Let me know how it goes, Tom." Elisa says.

"Thank you for being here for me."

"No problem. Just so you know, I'm not going anywhere. And remember, you had radiation, take it easy."

"I will, don't worry."

"Alright, go meet your baby."

They exchange a smile and Tom is led into the NICU.

"Alright, and the radiation was internal or external?"

"External," Tom replies, hoping it won't effect getting to see Alora.

"You're good to go, then. Let's suit you up." She hands him a blue gown and they walk into the room.

Dr. Wright picks up a baby and hands her to Tom. "Here you go." she says with a smile.

"Oh, my God." Tom mutters. "She's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen."

"Yeah, she's a cutie. Listen, I have to go check on my other patients, but enjoy Mr. Hiddleston... you're a dad."

Tom smiles at Dr. Wright and looks back to Alora.

"I promise to never let anyone hurt you, my darling. I will protect you with everything I have. I love you more then words can express."

She looks into his eyes. She's pale with strawberry blonde hair and blue eyes. She looks exactly like Tom and Anna as a baby. "You have my eyes, little one."

He holds her small hand and tears fall from his eyes. "Alora May Juliet Hiddleston, I swear that I am going to be there for you, no matter what. I'm not going anywhere. I'll fight for you, sweetheart."

He hears the door open and looks back. Anna comes in the room in a wheelchair.

"I couldn't sleep much." she says. "I was too excited to see our little girl."

"She's beautiful, Anna." Tom cries.

"Yeah, she is."

Tom gently kisses her on the head and hands her to Anna. She holds Alora and carefully rocks her.

"Hey, pretty girl." Anna smiles. "Tom?"

"Yes, my love?"

"Hey, good looking..." she quietly sings.

He chuckles and starts singing. "Whatcha got cooking? How's about cooking something up with me?"

"I think we did good."

"I think we did fabulous."

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