They Know

321 16 12

December 10th
A little under 2 months from the last chapter

Anna hugs the pillow tight. She opens her eyes to see the morning light shining through the window. She turns over with her arms extended, in hopes to pull her husband in and lay with him. To her surprise, there's no one there.

Anna sits up and sees Tom, who's rapidly throwing clothing into a suitcase. "Tom? Honey, what's going on? Is everything okay?" Anna asks.

He gives her a terrifying glare. Anna has never been scared of Tom but if looks could kill, she'd be a deadman. She carefully gets out of bed and places her hand on Tom's arm.

"Don't touch me." he snaps.


"I don't want to even look at you right now. You know, if Vanessa did something like this to me, it'd be my fault for trusting her but you... Anna, you're my wife. You're supposed to support and love me and you go betray me like this? I need a few days away, I'm going Chris Evans' family home."

"Tom, why? What are you even talking about?"

"I got a call from Chris this morning and he wanted to tell me how sorry he was for hearing the news that I'm sick and if we need anything to let him know immediately. I told him that I need to go for a few days and he's letting me stay there."

"Well that's very nice, but how does he know?"

"Funny you ask me that, Anna. Have you been on social media lately? I usually never am but after hundreds of calls and texts this morning, I decided I should take a look."

Anna unplugs her phone and goes to her news app.

"Loki" Actor Tom Hiddleston is Suspected to be Suffering from Cancer due to this Instagram Post

"What?" Anna whispers. She clicks in the article and scrolls until she finds the post.


Tom Hiddleston seen getting out car at the Boston Center for Radiation Therapy yesterday afternoon

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Tom Hiddleston seen getting out car at the Boston Center for Radiation Therapy yesterday afternoon.

"Honey, this obviously wasn't me, you know that."

"It was their first post." Tom says. "You asked me again a couple days ago. I told you no and you said that was it, you wouldn't ask again. Clearly, you didn't ask again and just made an instagram to tell everyone."

"How could you think I would ever so this to you?"

"I don't know." he stressfully says. "I don't know why you would but things started out nicely with her and then that went down the drain. Who's to say you wouldn't do it either?"

"Tom, I swear on Alora's life that I never would do something like that and I didn't make that post." Anna stresses.

"I believe you. I'm sorry darling, I just don't know who'd do this."

"They probably just saw you getting out of the car and took the picture. You're a huge celebrity babe, why wouldn't they share the news?"

"It's not their right to share it." Tom sighs. "But I don't blame them. I am a celebrity and I got myself into this."

"I'm going to turn on the news, if you don't mind." Anna says. She reaches out to rub Tom's back but is weary this time. He puts his hand on hers and squeezes it. "I'm sorry, Anna. I am genuinely apologizing to you."

"It's fine, Tom."

"No, it's not." he says. "But let's turn on the news and see what they have to say."

They turn on the TV.

"Our next story is about actor Tom Hiddleston." the reporter says.

"Oh, no." Tom sighs.

"Last night, someone posted a picture of Hiddleston leaving a radiation center. We don't know if it's true, he nor his wife have spoken out on the matter yet. Fans crowded Chris Hemsworth this morning to get answers, here's what he had to say...

"Rumors are said about celebrities all the time. You do one tiny thing and it's blown out of proportion or people take it the wrong way. Tom is my friend and for you to ask me his business isn't nice. Wether it's true or not, let him tell you what's going on, not me."

Fans are taking this as a confirmation, but it's obvious Hemsworth tried to stop the hype. Twitter is going absolutely wild. Here are some tweets we've found. 

@tomhiddleston4life: I really hope he's okay. No one deserves to get cancer, but seriously? Not Tom too.

@hiddleslover: Do to guys remember when the Hiddlestons were on Kimmel? I went back to watch it after hearing about this and here's what I found.

1: Kimmel brings up how Tom came home a couple weeks early and wanted to know what happens to Loki. Tom says he can't talk about it, but he also says that he truly doesn't know what the future holds.

2: Tom looked really skinny, which was brought up. He responded to a question with a very basic answer of "sometimes you have to lose weight for a role". When Kimmel asked what role, Tom just says you'll see.

3: Remember the viral video of Tom snapping on Jimmy? It was pretty awesome, not gonna lie, but I think I know why he did it. Anna wanted to name their son Thomas William Hiddleston II. He clearly didn't know about that, and when Kimmel made a comment, he got super mad. Now we all know he was just defending his wife, but I have 2 things to say about that. 1) Cancer can make people irritable, not that I blame anyone for being upset. I've never seen him get upset with something actually, so that've helped. 2) What if Anna wanted to name her son after Tom because he isn't going to be around much after the baby is born.


I hope things are okay for the Hiddlestons." says the reporter. "There was a robbery on-"

Tom turns off the TV and buries his head in his hands. "What am I going to do?"

"Tom, honey,... we'll figure it out. We can go live, maybe, and explain everything, or maybe make a post. It's completely up to you."

"I can't believe this happened."

"Come here." Anna says. She holds him in her arms and runs her fingers through his hair. "Everything is going to be okay. We'll get through this.

"Should we go live? I can explain everything and then I won't have to do it a thousand times." Tom asks.

"That's a great idea."

"I'm going to go call Chris and let him know that I won't be coming over. In the meantime, get ready, we'll do it in an hour."

"Okay, honey." Anna smiles.

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