It's a...

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One Week Later

"I have to call Stacy, hold on." Anna says as she pulls out her phone.

"Well we can go inside, darling, you'll see her in a moment." Tom responds.

She already dialed the phone. "Hey, Stacy. I just wanted to let you know that we're outside so if you could open the back door, it'd mean everything to me."

Tom looks at her strangely. She gets out of the car and after a moment of confusion, he gets out as well. They walk to the backdoor and knock.

A woman in scrubs opens thr door with a smile. "Anna, hello."

"Hi, Stacy. Tom's with me today."

He extends his hand for a shake and Stacy accepts it. "It's a pleasure, Mr. Hiddleston."

"Just call me Tom, please. And the pleasure's all mine."

"Well, Anna, Tom, come on inside. You know the drill, sweetheart."

Anna gets on the examiners table. "So why did we go through the back?" Tom asks.

"I didn't want anyone to know that I was pregnant, especially before you. I wanted to wait so we could announce it together and seeing me walking out of an ultrasound clinic doesn't exactly hide it. I called Stacy and she does everything."

"Ah, that's very smart, love."

Tom stands next to his wife and holds her hands. Stacy starts the ultrasound, and Tom's face lights up when he sees the baby. Anna laughs as she looks at him. There's a shocked smile on his face, like millions of emotions are battling for dominance.

"Are you alright, dad?" Stacy asks.

"More than alright." he chuckles. "This is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen."

"Do you guys want to know the gender?"

"Yes." Anna and Tom quickly respond.

"Actually, wait!" Anna blurts out. She rummages through her purse and takes out her phone. She hands it to Stacy and says, "Would you mind recording this?"

"No problem." Stacy replies.

The camera starts. "Alright, are you ready?"

They both nod.

"It's a girl."

"Oh my God." Tom exclaims.

"Really? It's a girl?"


Tears flow from both of their eyes. Tom goes right next to his wife's stomach and whispers, "I love you more than life itself."

Stacy turns off the camera and hands it to Anna, who has the biggest smile on her face.

"Have you guys thought of a name yet?"

"Yes, Alora." Anna says. "Tom picked it out."

"It's very beautiful."

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