Candle in the Wind

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"Did you finish that, sweetheart?" Anna asks Tom. He nods and her the envelope. She puts the will in her purse.

"So, what song so you want?"

"Darling, it feels like you're trying to kill me."

"Thomas, the surgery is tomorrow. I'm not trying to kill you but this stuff needs to be in order. I want everything to be perfect for you."

"You don't know that I'll need it."

Anna pulls out a chair and sits next to her husband, putting her hand on his face and stroking his cheek. "I just want to be prepared, okay? I know you hate doing this... I couldn't even begin to imagine what it must feel like... but please do it for me."

"Okay." Tom quietly responds.

"With that being said, what song so you want?"

"Probably Candle in the Wind by Elton John, I love that song."

Anna takes out a pen and writes Candle in the Wind under the song chart she created.

"Okay, and guests?"

"I don't care, whoever wants to come."

"Anyone in specific you want there? Or, a better question is someone you don't want?"

"Anna, this is for you. It's not going to matter to me because I'll be dead. Who do you want there?"

"This isn't my funeral, Tom. Please just give me a guest list."

Tom starts to get frustrated but tries not to show it. "Everyone. Family, friends, fans... I don't care. Okay, I do not care."

"Tom, please just answer the question." Anna whispers.

"I don't care." he shouts. "How many times do I have to say that?"

Silence falls over both of them. Anna puts her head down and slowly writes names on the sheet.

"Darling, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have shouted at you, it's not right. I know you're just trying to help but I truly don't want to do this."

"It's fine, Tom, but I'm only asking you to do this because it's tomorrow." Anna says.

"Let's just go upstairs and go to sleep. We have to get up at 3 tomorrow and I can tell how exhausted you are."

"What about-"

"We've been working on this stuff for two hours." Tom reasons.

"Fine." Anna sighs.

Tom takes her hand and they walk upstairs together. "I'm going to say goodnight to Alora. I'll meet you in there."

"Okay, honey." Anna smiles.

Tom walks through the hallway and stops in the nursery. He doesn't want to her up, so he just looks at the crib and smiles. "Goodnight, angel. Your dad loves you more than you'll ever know." He stands and looks her for another minute as she peacefully sleeps.

Anna lifts the covers and waits for Tom to get into bed. When he gets in the room, he takes off his sweater and lays beside Anna. She stares at the ceiling, not sure what to do. "Are you okay?" Tom asks.

"This is our last night together, Thomas. It's the last time we'll wake up next to each other."

"Don't talk like that. You don't know what's going to happen tomorrow."

"No... I don't, but Dr. Arnstein sounded terrified when I asked him what the chances are of you surviving."

"He's not even performing the surgery, love."

"But he knows the chances."

"Don't think about what he said, think about I said. I told you the first night that I'm not going anywhere and I promise you that."

"Don't make a promise you have no way of keeping, Tom." Anna sighs.

"Come here, my love."

Anna scoots over and lays her head on Tom's chest. She starts sobbing and clutching the grey shirt he's wearing. "It's okay, Anna."

"Can you sing for me, honey, please?"

"What song so you want?"

"Hey good looking."

Tom chuckles and starts singing Anna to sleep. When he notices she's finally sleeping, he whispers, "Goodnight my darling" and closes his eyes.

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