Darling, I'm Here, No More Nightmares

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  If anyone knows where I got the title from, you get a follow!😉 Darling isn't what he says in the song, but it fits.

 (there's a part where Anna is talking about how she went from a size 6 to a size 12. I mean no harm by it, I'm a size 14 actually, but just a fair warning because I don't want anyone to get offended.)                  


"Where's my husband?" I snap.

"Hold on, ma'am, he was just brought in."

"I need to see my husband."

"I understand that ma'am, but he is in critical condition and cannot see anyone right now. You'll be hearing from the doctor soon." the receptionist says.

I pace the waiting room. A doctor comes out of the hallway, his scrubs covered in blood.

"I'm so sorry Mrs. Hiddleston. We did everything we could to save him but there was too much bleeding for him to survive." the doctor says, resting a hand on my arm.

"Tom." I scream, falling to the floor. "No, Tom." Hot tears run down my face as sob at the doctor's feet. A nurse walks past with me with a stretcher. On the stretcher, is a body covered with a white sheet. A bloody hand falls out of the side. You can't see the face, but it has Tom's wedding ring.

"Thomas." I scream again.

"Darling, darling, wake up." Tom says, shaking me awake.


"You were screaming bloody murder. I thought someone had broke in but you kept screaming "Tom, No Tom, Thomas." I thought that you were hurt."

"Are you okay?" Anna asks, out of breath.

"I'm alright, I was just reading. I should ask you the same thing. What happened?"

"I had a dream that you were in the hospital, a car accident I think, and you... the doctor came out to tell me that you were dead."

"I'm right there." Tom whispers. He wraps his arm around Anna and starts stroking her hair. "I'm not going anywhere and no one is going to hurt me."

"What time is it?" Anna asks.

"Oh, it's about 2:30."

"Why are you still awake, Tom? You need sleep."

"I was asleep for a short while but I woke up so I started reading a little."

"Back in bed Hiddleston, right now." Anna orders.

"Darling Anna, I-"

"No." she snaps. She removes his arm from her back and grabs his hand. Carefully, she leads him to his wife of the bed. "You need your rest if you're going to see this baby."

"Fine." Tom sighs, getting back into bed.

Anna walks over to her side and gets pulls the blankets over her. "Thank you." She scoots next to her husband and falls asleep in his arms.

The Next Morning

"Morning darling." Tom says, lifting his head to se this wife walking down the stairs.

"Hey Tom." Anna responds. She walks to the stove and starts some water for tea.

"Did you fall asleep easy after I got there? I'm sorry you had that dream."

"Yeah, I did." Anna sits down next to Tom, waiting for the water to get hot. "And I was thinking about Halloween this year, and what we should do. I don't think our normal agenda is smart."

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