Crazy For You; A News Years Eve Romance

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⚠️Implied ✨fraternizing✨ in the flashbacks. Nothing is "shown".⚠️

I also noticed that I never gave Elisa's name pronunciation 😂. It's different, so here you go.( Ill-E-Za) and if you're big fan of hers, you're in luck because she's about become more of a main character.

"Hey, Lez." Anna says.

"Hey, An, how are you?" Elisa asks.

"I'm good. Listen, I wanted to call you about tonight. I'm super excited to have you guys, but just so you know, Chris will be here. I'm so sorry, Elisa. I don't want to cause issues between you guys but Tom and Chris have been getting closer and he lives so close, so Tom invited him."

"It's cool, really. And besides, Erik has been acting like a dick since Christmas, so the last thing I'm worried about is offending him."

"What's wrong?" Anna asks.

"Well it started with Kimmel," Elisa starts. "Now it's not at all your fault, but appearntly he didn't know I used to have a thing for Tom, way before you guys met, that stopped instantly when you started dating. But he's been really jealous and when I came home on Christmas, he was like 'Oh, why'd you stay, so you could sleep with Tom?' I just don't understand it. But if you were wondering why he kinda cold to Tom at Christmas, that's why."

"He thinks you want to sleep with my husband?"

"Appearntly." Elisa sighs. "Whatever, it is what it is."

"I'm sorry, Lez." Anna says.

"It's fine. Oh, and what time do you want us to come over?"

"8 is perfect."

"Cool, I'll see you then."


Anna puts down the phone and starts getting ready. It's 6:30, and everyone should be arriving soon. Tom walks down holding two ties. One is plain black one and the other is red silk.

"What do you think, darling?" he asks, holding each one up to his neck.

"Go with the black." she smiles.


Tom walks back upstairs and fixes his tie.

Tom fixes his tie in the mirror. The door knocks and he opens it.

"Hey, baby." Anna smiles.

"Hello, darling, are your friends here yet?"

"Yeah, there's about 10 people downstairs already. Come down when you're ready."

"Alright, ok be there in a moment." Tom responds.

"I'll get you a drink... Jameson?"

"You've got it, my love."

"Tom!" Anna calls from downstairs. "Chris, Elisa, and Erik are here."

Tom jogs downstairs with open arms. "Happy New Year."

"Happy New Year." Chris says, patting him on the back.

"Happy New Year, I hope you're feeling well." Elisa says and embraces Tom a hug. Of course, earning a strange look from Erik.

Tom extends his hand to Erik, who lightly shakes it unenthusiastically.

"Erik, please," Elisa snaps from under her breath. She quickly smiles at Anna and Tom, hoping it would take their mind off of the awkward situation.

"Okay," Anna sighs. "I figured we could do appetizers, so everything is all laid out. There's loaded potato skins, buffalo wings, chilli cheese fries, a cobb salad, pretzel bites, and mac and cheese."

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