Book 1 Episode 2

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I made it back to the shack but i was shocked to see scorch marks on the walls i then heard a rigidly voice in the shack.

???: Y-Y-Y/N.

I turned to see Yung-wan with a badly burned face and a stab wound on his chest and i started to feel tears run down my face as i ran towards my father figure and kneeled down to his leave.

Yung-wan: Y/N.

Y/N: I'm here Yung-wan.

As i held his hand he grabbed a remote and pressed the button and a door in the bookshelf opened up to revel a suit and some weapons.

As i held his hand he grabbed a remote and pressed the button and a door in the bookshelf opened up to revel a suit and some weapons

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Hidden Blade

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Hidden Blade

I looked back at my father figure and he had tears in his eyes.

Yung-wan: Go and fight for the good of the people and do it secretly, but please promise me.....that you will have a happy life in the future.

As he fell limp i started to cry for a minute until i realized i now had to find the threats and make them pay for their crimes. I put on the suit equipped the weapons and when to go kill those killers and survey justice.


I was standing above the hide out of the triple threat gang waiting for the threats to return and when they do it will have been the last time they ever will do it. As i was about to move to another position i saw the threat pull into the garage and i made my move.

(pretend that Vieri is the head of the triple threat gang and Ezio is Y/N)

(stop at 1:32)

As i heard the sounds of crashing outside i grabbed lit a fireball in my hand and i threw it at the gasoline canister next to the car and hurried outside away from the danger just in time for the building to explode in a fiery manner, when i got to the top of the building a few blocks away from the building i looked back to see a strange shape in the flames.

As i heard the sounds of crashing outside i grabbed lit a fireball in my hand and i threw it at the gasoline canister next to the car and hurried outside away from the danger just in time for the building to explode in a fiery manner, when i got t...

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I then head back to the shack and hide the suit when all of a sudden i past out and the last thing i see is Tenzin walking up to me.


I wake up bright and early and I see Pema walking outside with the kids i then get up and call them.

Y/N: Pema!

Pema: Y/N You're ok!

She walked over to you and hugged you, which surprised you a little.

Y/N: Yeah... Where is everyone?

Pema: Tenzin was just called for a meeting in the city... And Korra went to bending practice for the finals.

Y/N: I see

Just then, Korra and Tenzin fly back with Bolin and Mako.

Bolin: Hey! When did Y/N get here?

Korra: You guys know each other?

Mako: He's like another brother to us! How are you doing?

Y/N: I'm doing better.

Bolin: That's right! The shop incident!

Y/N: Yeah...

Mako: We're sorry about that Y/N.

Y/N: It's aright.

Korra: Alright, let's relax for a little and then head back to the arena to get ready.

Y/N: I haven't seen a match all season, So I'll definitely come!

Just then, Chief Beifong came up the stairs to the island with some of her metal benders.

Tenzin: Lin.

Beifong: Tenzin.

Pema: What's going on?

Tenzin: Well, Instead of canceling the final because of the threat, Lin thinks she can be all high and mighty protecting the ENTIRE arena!

Lin: Don't underestimate my metal benders!

They looked at each other with rage.

Y/N: Ok then... Anyway, do you think he was serious about his threat?

Lin: I'm not sure... Tenzin and I are going to go sweep the arena before the match.

Y/N: I see.

Bolin: I just can't wait to win this final!

Mako: Don't get too cocky bro.

Y/N: I think you guys will do great, I'll be rooting for you.

Mako: Oh Y/N, here's a box ticket. I got an extra one so you can sit with Asami and her dad.

Y/N: Oh, ok... Korra mentioned Asa-

Korra: NOPE!

Y/N: ...Huh?

Korra: I didn't say anything!

Mako: ...Anyway, you haven't met Asami yet, but she's my girlfriend... So you'll be sitting with her if you're alright with that.

Y/N: Yeah, I don't mind.

Mako: Awesome!

Bolin: We should probably go and start warming up.

Korra: Probably... Alright, see you guys!

Lin, Tenzin, Korra, Mako and Bolin leave the island and go to the arena to go get ready for the match tonight.

Y/N: I should probably wear something a little nicer than my average clothes.

Pema: Maybe... Oh! I have just the thing.

Pema walked away and was gone for a while... She eventually came back an hour later with a really nice looking jacket.

Pema: You have a decent looking shirt right?

Y/N: Yeah.

Pema: Well, You can wear this jacket, and if your pants are in good condition, you'll look like you mean business!

You look at the jacket... It was classy!

Y/N: Pema, did you make this?

Pema: Yeah, I was actually working on making it for you anyway, but I just finished it so you could wear it tonight.

Y/N: Wow... Thanks!

Pema: Not a problem!

I then change, and make your way to the arena...

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