Book 1 Episode 4

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3rd person POV

The next day, you, Korra, and the air bending kids got up early because Mako, Bolin, and Asami were coming you were waiting by the dock when you see the ship getting closer eventually, the ship docks.

Jinora: Welcome to air temple island.

Y/N: ...Asami.

Asami: Yes?

Y/N: Is that a little bit of stuff?

Mako laughed.

Mako: Dude, it could've been WAY worse.

You and Mako chuckled a little, and you all headed up the stairs. Ikki gives them the "full tour" which was really only like 30 seconds long.

Y/N: Alright, Jinora and I can show you and Bolin to your rooms.

Mako: Alright.

You and Jinora walk through the house, and show them their rooms they were right next to yours.

Bolin: Awesome! This is like having a never ending sleepover!

Mako: Bolin, really?

Bolin: I'm just saying.

You spend the rest of the day hanging out with Mako, Bolin, and Asami, because Korra and Tenzin went to the ceremony where Chief Saikhan was appointed. It had been a while after Korra and Tenzin returned, but Korra was no where to be found the 4 of you start looking for her eventually, you find her crying on the edge of the island.

Y/N: What's wrong Korra?

Korra: I'm fine.

Mako: You can tell us Korra.

Pabu: "Come on Korra, you can tell your fuzzy friend anything"

She chuckled a little.

Korra: Ok Pabu i just feel like I'm the worst Avatar ever i can't even produce a small whiff of air so how am I supposed to save the city i just feel so alone.

Mako: Aang hadn't mastered all the elements when he defeated the fire nation.

Bolin: Yeah, and he had his friends.

Y/N: Yeah we're all here for you Korra.

Bolin: We may not be a pro bending team anymore but we can be the new team AVATAR!

Korra: Yeah you're right, let's do it!

You all put your hands in a circle, but Meelo then fartbend's on top of all of your hands.

Y/N: Thanks Meelo.

You all then get ready and head to the city since Naga couldn't run with all of you on her back you make it to one of the old Sato warehouses a few moments later, Asami pulls out with a really nice looking Satomobile you sat in the back with Korra and Bolin. Asami then steps on the gas, and you're off!

After driving around for a while with nothing you get something on one of the police scanners chi blockers had escaped from prison just then you almost hit them!

Korra: That's them!

Asami then turns left, and steps on it! Mako does a little bit of fire, Korra and Bolin do a little bit if dirt, and BAM, criminals were caught.

Bolin: Oh yeah Team Avatar 1, chi blockers, none. 

Y/N: Nice job guys! Just wish I could've helped.

Mako: Don't worry dude, pretty sure they'll be plenty of scraps against chi blockers another day.

Y/N: Yeah.

Just then, Tarrlok shows up and he doesn't seem happy.

Tarrlok: What do you think you're doing?

Korra: Saving the day, doing Avatar things.

Tarrlok: Well you actually messed up the city, and stopped the authorities from the real pursuit.

Korra: Funny, we didn't see the authorities anywhere.

Tarrlok: This is your last warning Avatar! Stay out of my way!

He then leaves with the rest of the officers.

Y/N: Yeah, way to go Korra!

You then look at each other and smile... First night as Team Avatar not too shabby.


You all spend most of the day just loafing around the air temple... But at night... You were Team Avatar! Patrolling the city! You were all sitting around the car eating food. After a few minutes, you overhear a police call on the radio about an equalists rally.

Bolin: I got shotgun!

Mako: After you.

Korra: What a gentleman.

You and Asami just rolled your eyes, and head out... When you get there... It wasn't what you thought it would be... It just looked like innocent people... And the power was off.

Little girl: Mommy, look, it's the Avatar!

Mother: Help us!

Korra: What's going on?

Mother: These officers took our power, and won't say why... Help us please!

Korra: I'm going to fix this, don't worry.

She then looks and sees Tarrlok in a tent right by the scene.

Korra: Tarrlok, give these people back their power!

Tarrlok: These people are equalists!

Asami: No they aren't, they just want their rights back!

Tarrlok: They are so equalists... Put em up!

Then, the metal benders start to pick these people up in groups, off the ground. Korra then puts them down. Tarrlok was pissed he used some water and grabbed Asami!

Mako: Let her go!

Tarrlok: No, she's out past curfew and her father is Hiroshi Sato.

Mako gets ready to fight Tarrlok for her.

Tarrlok: Arrest the kid and his brother.

Metal benders then grab Bolin and Mako. You you had a rage filling in your body like nothing you ever felt before you go for a punch on Tarrlok and sure enough, you fire bend again giving him a burn mark on his face.

Bolin: Woah! You can fire bend!

Mako: I had no idea.

Tarrlok: Why you little officers, arrest him too!

Metal benders then tie you down Korra picked up some big ass rocks and threatened Tarrlok but he didn't budge you, Asami, Mako, and Bolin were headed to jail.

Asami was thrown in one cell, while you, Mako, and Bolin were thrown in another.

Bolin: I never thought I'd be in prison MAKO I DON'T WANT TO LIVE LIKE THIS!

Mako: Bolin, stop being so dramatic anyway when did you learn to fire bend and why didn't you tell us?

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