Book 1 Episode 1

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3rd person POV

You woke up, and got ready for work selling fresh food... You worked outside, so you always got to see familiar faces all around... You then see 3 little faces that you always liked seeing.

Jinora: (y/n)!

Ikki: It's (y/n)!

Meelo: (y/n)!!!!

(y/n): Hey kids!

Pema: Hello (y/n)

(y/n): Hey Pema, how's the baby?

Pema: Good, it's kicking from time to time... But seems like it's almost here.

(y/n): Well that's good to hear!

Pema: Yeah-

She then sees Meelo climbing on your head.

Pema: Meelo...

Meelo: Yes mother...

He got down and then Ikki started to go crazy.

Ikki: What's this? What about this? I want this! This smells good! Can I eat everything?

Pema: Now Ikki, we're just getting the usual.

Ikki: Ok.

Jinora: Do you wanna hear about the book I'm reading?

(y/n): Sure, let me help get your mom her food first for you guys.

Jinora: Ok.

You got what they usually get... They had been coming to your shop for a couple of years, so you knew them very well... Yet, Tenzin never came... You never met him, but you heard about him from Pema...

(y/n): Ok, I can spare a few minutes.

Jinora: It's about this guy, and he loves this girl really much! But she was of royalty, and he was a peasant... And he-

Pema: Ok Jinora, we gotta go, your father is going to want to eat when he gets home.

Jinora: Aw... Ok...

(y/n): You can tell me about it when you come back next time.

Jinora: Ok!

(y/n): See ya guys!

Jinora, Meelo, Ikki, Pema: Bye!

They left, right when Yung-wan came out.

Yung-wan: How's business going this morning?

(y/n): Well, the air benders just came by, other than that, nothing too crazy.

Yung-wan: I see... In any case, I'm going to go get some more fresh products from some gardeners... I'll be back.

(y/n): Alright!

He leaves and you tend to the shop per usual... This is how the next few days went...


You woke up, just having another typical day, when you see Jinora, Ikki, and Meelo, using their air bending scooters towards you really fast, almost blowing around the shop.

(y/n): You guys seem extra excited.


(y/n): Who?

Jinora: Korra, she's the avatar!

(y/n): Oh wow... What's she doing here?

Jinora: Well she came here to work on her air bending, but she wasn't supposed to come just yet.

(y/n): Oh, is that what all the ruckus was about down the street the other day?

Ikki: Yup!


Ikki: Meelo, you've been saying that since Korra got here.

Pema then came walking up to you.

Pema: Sorry, the kids are extra excited today.

(y/n): I can see that... They said the avatar was in town.

Pema: Yeah, they're all pretty excited about it.

(y/n): I can tell... Just the usual?

Pema: Double it actually, I'm not sure how much Korra will eat... She's working with Tenzin on air bending.

(y/n): I see.

You go and get the food.

(y/n): Here ya go!

Pema: Thanks (y/n)

(y/n): No problem-

Just then, some Triple threats were driving down the street, right when Pema was crossing. You jump over your food stand, ran over to her, and pulled her out of the street just in time. They kept driving.

(y/n): Pema! Are you alright?

Jinora: Mom!

The kids run to you two.

Pema: I'm fine... Thank you (y/n), I would've been flat if it wasn't for you.


I then growled and grabbed a rock and threw it at those trouble makers and it hit the driver in the head causing a crashed but some got away, as i turned away after a minute a rock landed at my feet and i turned to see one of the threats.

Threat 1: Who do you think you are boy throwing rocks at people who are better at fighting than you.

Y/N: It's true you may be better at fighting than me but at least i don't pick on the weak and innocent for my own sick amusement.

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