Book 2 Episode 5

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3rd person pov

You bolt out of bed... You look around to see that it was still dark... After a few minutes, the old woman comes in.

Old woman: Good heavens boy! Are you alright?

Y/N: You could hear me?

Old woman: Hear you? People in Republic City heard you!

Y/N: You heard me scream her name?

Old woman: Yes, I did... Did Vatu infiltrate your mind again?

Y/N: Yeah... This time he told me I was going to help him exact his revenge on Raava...

The old woman's eyes widened.

Old woman: ...Anything else?

Y/N: ... No... Just that he would take control of me... And would use me to take down Raava... Which is basically fighting Korra...

Old woman: If he can get into your mind this easily... It could be too late...

You looked to the floor... You were terrified...

Y/N: Why me... Of all people...

You started to cry... You were slowly beginning to realize that you might have to fight the one person your truly loved in this world... And it would be under his command... You wouldn't have a say... The only thing you can do is warn Korra... Possibly telling her to end your life to save hers...

Old woman: I think Vatu infiltrated your mind because you have become a very powerful fire bender... And he wants his slave to be a formidable opponent...

Y/N: ...It's nice to hear I'm a good fire bender... But it could also be that I have no happy emotions... I have no happy memories... No true ones anyway... Maybe that's why...

Old woman: I think it's a little of both...

Y/N: Either way, doesn't matter... I need to get back... I need to warn Korra.

Old woman: And then what?

Y/N: ...

You looked to the ground.

Y/N: If I have to ask her to kill me... Then so be it.

Old woman: But-

(y/n): If what you say is true... If it's already too late... Then I need to warn her before something happens... And if saving her life means ending mine... I would do it in a heartbeat...

Old woman: ...You love her?

Y/N: ...Who couldn't...

Old woman: ...

Y/N: ...Well, I'm probably just going to train till sun up... Then head back to the City... It seems he can only get in my mind when I'm asleep... But I wonder how long that'll last.

Old woman: ... If you need anything, you can come wake me.

Y/N: I will... Thank you.

She left your room, and you got out of your room, and started running laps, or doing pushups... Anything to help you stay awake...


You were on the backside of the beach when the sun started rising... You slowly got up, and walk towards the front of the beach... When you were about 300 or so feet away... You saw... A figure in the sand? You took a few more steps... And realized exactly who it was.

Y/N: no... KORRA!!!

You ran over to her body... She was still breathing... Just when you got to her body, guards from the palace came as well.

Guard: Is that the Avatar?

Korra slowly started to wake up.

Y/N: Korra! Are you alright?

Korra: W-w-who?

Y/N: It's me Korra!

Korra: W-who's Korra?

You looked at the guards.

(y/n): Oh no...

She then started saying Raava... And your heart skipped a beat or two... Reminding you of Vatu...

Y/N: We need to take her to the palace.

You carry her bridal style, running as fast as you can to the palace... You barge in right when the Old woman was in there.

Y/N: S-she needs help!

Old woman: The Avatar?!

Y/N: I found her on the beach... But she has no idea who she is.

The rest of the guards came in behind you... You set her on the Old woman's table... She used her fire powers to figure out what was wrong.

Old woman: A dark spirit has plagued her body... We need to get her to remember who she is...

The guards carry her over to a hammock looking thing... They lower her into this huge pool of water.

Y/N: You don't think that dark spirit was?-

Old woman: No, this dark spirit physically entered, then exited her body... Leaving the scar in her head... Hence why she can't remember anything...

Y/N: I just... How did she end up here?

Old woman: You can ask her when she wakes up... But I can't guarantee she'll wake up with her memories...

Y/N: Yeah... I still need to tell her.

Old woman: ...You look extremely tired... Try to get some rest? I'll wake you when she wakes.

Y/N: I don't know if I want to sleep... Not after what's going on...

Old woman: At least try... I'll set one of my guards outside your room... If the hear anything, they'll come get me.

Y/N: ...Alright...

You slowly go to your room, because you were so tired and sore from training all night... You get to your room, when you see the little dragon sleeping on the end of your bed... You got into bed carefully, not to wake him... But the second you got in bed... You felt him getting under the covers, and coming up to your face.

Y/N: Hey little guy.

He nuzzled right up to your chest.

Y/N: Alright alright... You can stay... If I start doing something crazy, like scream, just slap me or something, alright?

The little dragon gave you a goofy nod.

Y/N: Heh... Weirdo.

You and the little dragon cuddled and you fell asleep within seconds...


You slowly started waking up...

Korra: Morning sleepy head.

You then rapidly opened your eyes to see Korra sitting on a chair, looking at you.

Y/N: Korra!

You gave her the biggest hug.

Y/N: Are you alright? Do you remember who you are?

Korra: Yes, and yes... I'm fine Y/N... You were out for some time.

Y/N: I... I was?

You realize that Vatu didn't get into your mind... Must've been lucky then... Because you were still convinced he had COMPLETE control of your mind. You knew you had to tell Korra... Everything...

Korra: Yeah, you've been out for a few hours.

Y/N: Honestly, it didn't feel that long...

Korra: Well it was... Who's the dragon?

Y/N: Oh... I found him with Master Zuko one day while we were training... I guess he likes me.

Korra: Oh.... ZUKO?! AS IN LORD ZUKO?!

Y/N: Uh, yeah?

Korra: Wow...

You both paused for a moment

Y/N: Korra, I need to tell you... Somethings.

Korra: Ok? Like what? Oh, and how's the fire bending?

Y/N: Getting better and better by the day... But that's besides the point...

Korra: Ok, which is?

Y/N: ... You know the two main spirits right? ... Raava and Vatu?

Korra: Yeah, Raava is the reason I can bend all 4 elements... Vatu is the opposite of Raava... Light vs dark...

Y/N: Yeah...

Korra: Why do you ask?

Y/N: ... Vatu... He's entered my mind.

Korra was shocked.

Korra: What do you mean? Their is no way! He's still imprisoned in the spirit world!

Y/N: Well... He mentally got in my head... And he's done it twice...

Korra: ... Has he done anything?

Y/N: Well... He's told me he would make me his slave... To exact his revenge...

Korra: On who?


Korra got up and took a step back.

Korra: Wait-

Y/N: He want's to use me to fight you... You and Raava...

Korra: ...But he can't control your body.

Y/N: The old woman thinks that if he can move into my head freely... Then he's already got control of my body...

Korra: ...Oh Y/N... I'm so sorry... But once I close the portals, this will all be over with.

Y/N: Either way... That's not the point either...

Korra: What is the point then?

Y/N: ...Korra... If he gains control of my body... Please... Don't second guess killing me...

Her eyes went wide.

Korra: No! I wou-

Y/N: Korra, I don't want you to risk your life... If he has control over me... I don't think I'll ever come back or even be the same... And I would never forgive myself if I hurt you... Even if it wasn't my doing.

Korra: ...But-

Y/N: No buts Korra!...

You grab her hands. Tears streaming down your cheeks...

Y/N: ...I know you love Mako... But... I love you too... And if anything were to happen to you... Especially if it was my doing... I'd never forgive myself...

Korra then came in the you two hugged for a little bit.

Y/N: Just please promise me you won't hesitate if I show a single sign of hatred against you... But just know... It isn't really me...

Korra didn't answer...

Y/N: Korra.

Korra: I don't want to answer... I don't want to bare the thought...

Y/N: ...

You grabbed what you had, including the dragon, and the old woman gave you and Korra a Bison so you could go find Tenzin and his family... The flight to the air temple was really quiet...

Korra: ...What makes you think he can control your body?

Y/N: It wouldn't surprise me... That's all... I'm hoping for the best, but expecting the worse... He said he would have control over my mind, then my bending... Then my entire body...

Korra: Speaking of, let's move on to a happier subject... Can you fire bend with ease.

You locked your fist back, and punched the air, letting out a nice, big white flame.

Korra: Wow! That's awesome Y/N!

Y/N: Yeah...

Korra looked back at you... She knew that it was still on your mind...

Korra: So what's the dragon's name?

Y/N: I haven't named him...

Korra: Well you should... He seems to like you.

You look back at the dragon... He was giving you all kinds of goofy looks...

Y/N: ...Roku...

Korra was a little surprised.

Korra: Roku?

Y/N: Yeah... We found him on the same island Avatar Roku lived on...

Korra: I see... So-

Y/N: Korra...

Korra: What? I'm just trying to lighten the mood... But your right... I can't stop thinking about harmonic convergence now...

Y/N: ...Please don't-

Korra: Look Y/N! I'm not going to think about it till it happens!

She got off the front of the bison, and came to the back and hugged you.

Korra: I don't want to think about it any more!...

You embraced her... You two stayed like that for a while... Until you got to the air temple... You landed.

Korra: Let's go find everyone.

Y/N: I'm gonna wait out here...

Korra: Y/N...

You were still really upset... You also had a hard time thinking that you might be fighting Korra... But you were hoping that if it did happen... Korra would end you before hand... About 10 minutes later, Korra came out with everyone... The kids were running over to tackle you.

Y/N: (under breath) Time to put on a smile...

The kids tackled you.

Ikki: We missed you SOOOOOOOO much Y/N!

Meelo: Were you the leaf?

Jinora: I hope you got much needed training in.

Y/N: Yes yes... And more... I'm happy to see you kids too.

You hugged all three of them for a few seconds... You could see Korra looking at you from the corner of your eye... Smiling away.

Bumi: Good to have ya back Y/N!

Y/N: Good to be back.

Tenzin: That was a short time to master fire bending.

Y/N: I didn't...

Everybody looked at you.

Tenzin: You didn't? Then what are you doing here?

Y/N: ...I'm just gonna help Korra close the spirit portal... She did pick you guys up to speed right?

Tenzin: I'm a little fuzzy on the details...

Y/N: So she gave you the 2 minute version?

Korra: Hey!

Everyone laughed.

Y/N: I'm just saying.

Korra: In any case... I need to get into the spirit world...

Tenzin: ...All my life I've trained for this moment... I will lead you into the spirit world...

Tenzin and Korra left to get ready.

Jinora: Where'd you get the little dragon from?

Y/N: I rescued him... His name is Roku.


Roku ran up your arm and around your neck.

Y/N: I don't think he's a fan of the loud noise.

Pema laughed... She walked over and hugged you.

Pema: It's so good to see you Y/N

Y/N: It's good to see you too.

Pema: So why did you come with Korra to stop harmonic convergence?

Pema and the kids were looking at you... You didn't want to tell them the truth... So you had to think of something...

Y/N: I just thought that closing the portals was a little more important than training... Once it's over I'll head back over.

Meelo: But we don't want you to leave again.

Ikki: Yeah...

Y/N: I'm sorry... But I still have yet to master it... Once I do I'll come back

Korra and Tenzin come back and are ready to go try and get into the spirit world...

Tenzin: Let's go everyone.

Everyone was trekking away from the temple except you... Korra noticed instantly.

Korra: Y/N, aren't you coming?

Y/N: ...I... I think I'm just gonna hang back here...

Korra knew why too... But you didn't tell anyone else.

Tenzin: You sure Y/N?

Y/N: Yeah...

Korra then walked back towards you.

Tenzin: Korra, we need to get-

Korra went up to hug you... It only lasted a few seconds...

Y/N: ...good luck...

Korra: Thanks...

Korra then walked back to the rest of the group and they all looked confused... They then continued walking down the mountain... You went into the temple.

Pema: So was that more than a hug?

Y/N: Doubt it... She's still with Mako as far as I know... Even if... I've bigger things on my mind...

Pema: Oh yeah? Like what?

Y/N: I... I don't want to talk about it right now... I'm gonna go get some rest... I'm exhausted...

Pema: Alright.

You left one room, and found an empty room across the hall... You look at the bed... And then you and Roku fall asleep...

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