Book 2 Episode 1

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3rd person POV

You were relaxing on air temple island like you had been since Korra got her bending back... You spent your days reading through air bending books. You found air bending fascinating! Korra would spend some days trying to help you with your fire bending... But like Korra when she tried to learn air bending, you couldn't get it to work... You tried everything!... Today was just another day... But you've been thinking about doing something for a long time... And you've decided you're gonna do it... You come outside your room to see the kids and Korra racing on their air scooters. Right when you come out, Korra won using the avatar state, and Tenzin was scolding her...

Tenzin: The Avatar state is not a booster.

Korra: But I'm the Avatar! Why not?

Y/N: Hey guys... Bad time?

Tenzin and Korra looked at you.

Tenzin: Not at all... What is it?

Y/N: ...I'm leaving...

Korra: What do you mean? Like going to get food? If you are, bring me something back.

You chuckle at her comment.

Y/N: No Korra... I'm leaving... Leaving Republic City.

Korra and Tenzin looked at each other... Then the kids ran over and tackled you.

Ikki: Don't leave Y/N! Why would you leave?

Meelo: Yeah!

Y/N: Look... I still haven't been able to figure out this fire bending... Korra had Tenzin to help her with air bending... I'm not saying Korra is a bad fire bending teacher... But I think I need to look for a master...

Tenzin and Korra look at each other again.

Tenzin: Where will you go?

Y/N: I think I'll start at the fire nation... I hear they have excellent fire benders.

Korra laughed at your joke.

Korra: Wow... Well, when are you gonna leave?

Y/N: ...Tomorrow.

Korra: TOMRROW?!

Y/N: Probably..

Korra: But we were all gonna go to the Glacier Spirits Festival together! All of us.

Y/N: ...I'm sorry... But... Something is telling me I need to do this... And I need to do it now...

The kids were starting to get really sad...

Tenzin: Well then, tonight, we'll have something special for dinner.

Y/N: Aw Tenzin... Not necessary... But not unwelcome.

Tenzin and the kids go inside to tell Pema... You and Korra were looking at the sky.

Korra: You sure you have to go tomorrow? It's been nice having someone around since Mako and Asami are always working... And Bolin is just doing whatever he wants...

Y/N: I appreciate the kind words Korra... But I think I need to...

She came over and hugged you.

Korra: I'll miss you Y/N...

Y/N: Aw Korra, I'll miss you too.

Korra: Will you be coming back when you've mastered fire bending?

Y/N: Of course! You'll be the first person to know!

Korra got really happy... It was nice having someone like Korra in your life... You just wish she could be yours...


The next day, you were about to board a ship for the fire nation... Everyone was there to see you off... Korra, Mako, Bolin, Asami, Tenzin, Pema, and the kids... Even Beifong showed up.

Mako: Take care of yourself.

Asami: Be safe.


Y/N: Bolin... I'll be back before you know it.

Beifong: Take care kid.

Y/N: Thank you Chief.

The kids then ran up and hugged you all together.

Ikki: We'll miss you Y/N.


Jinora: Here you go.

She handed you a book.

Y/N: Another book huh?

Jinora: This one has a lot of different air bending techniques... Maybe they'll help you with your fire bending.

Tenzin: I doubt they will Jinora, he's a fire bender.

Y/N: It's ok, I appreciate the thought... Thank you Jinora.

Pema came over and hugged you.

Pema: You be safe now ok?

Y/N: I will.

Tenzin: Safe travels Y/N... You always have a home here if you need.

Y/N: I know... Thank you.

Korra was last... She looked at you... Almost shedding a tear.

Y/N: Korra... I won't be gone forever.

Korra: I know... I was just looking forward to all of us being at the festival.

Y/N: I'm sorry Korra...

Korra: It's ok.

She came over and hugged you.

Korra: You just learn how to fire bend!

Y/N: I will!

You wave goodbye to all of them as you board the ship and head for the Fire nation...

A few hours into the trip, you were just outside, looking over the edge of the ship. You were looking at the water... Thinking about her... Then, you got bumped by some old guy.

Old man: Excuse me young man.

Y/N: Sorry sir.

Old man: It's alright, I didn't see you there.

You looked at him... He had cloth over his eyes.

Y/N: Are you blind?

Old man: Why else would I have this over my eyes! Young whippersnapper...

Y/N: Sorry... Do you need help with anything?

Old man: No... I could just tell you were thinking about someone important.

Y/N: Uh, yeah, I guess, why would you care?

Old man: Well... Let me guess, you don't think you can have her?

Y/N: Heh, yeah... Guess you've been around a long time haven't ya old timer?

Old man: People call me The old dragon.

Y/N: Why's that?

Old man: I've lived quite a long time... So... People call me old dragon because I've been around since the dragons roamed the lands...

Y/N: That's A LONG time... How are you even still moving?


He hit you on the head.

Y/N: Ow.

Old man: I'm blind, not an idiot... Why would you say you can't have her?

Y/N: ...She's with someone else... And she wants to be with him...

Old man: So you give up?

Y/N: Unless she changes her mind, yes.

Old man: Hmm... Come sit with me youngster!

He started walking away.

Y/N: Where are we going? Hey? No eyes?

Heathen fire bended at you, right past your face.

Old man: Call me names again, and I won't miss.

Y/N: Y-y-yes sir.

Old man: Come on!

You follow the old man... As you followed him, you were getting stared at by A LOT of people.

Y/N: Hey old dragon? Why are people staring at us?

He chuckled.

Old man: You clearly don't know who you're talking to... Do you have any education on the fire nation history?

Y/N: Uh, not really.

Old man: Sigh... And you're a fire bender too... How could you not know anything about fire nation history, but you can fire bend?

Y/N: Wait, how did you know I was a fire bender?

Old man: Young man, I've been around a while... I could feel your heat when I bumped into you... I knew right then you were one.

He opens a door, it was to the bridge.

Captain: Who the hell thinks he can- General Chang! Sir!

All the members on the bridge salute the old man... Or Chang as the captain called him.

Old man: I'm retired Captain... Just call me Chang if you'd like.

Captain: Y-yes sir! What with the kid if you don't mind me asking?

Chang: The young man is a fire bender.

Captain: And? Fire bending isn't exactly rare around here, we are going to the fire nation after all.

Chang: I know... But I sense much potential in this one...

Y/N: I'm sorry sir... But I've only been able to produce fire... Maybe 2 or 3 times.

Chang: Haha, you're funny kid... Come on, let's go to my room and play some cards! Thank you Captain!

You left with the old man (Chang) and went to his room... He had several body guards outside and inside his room.

Y/N: So you were a General huh?

He sighed.

Chang: Yes... First General of the United Forces.

Y/N: Wow, that's some big stuff...

Chang: Of course youngster!

You both sat down... He looked like he was trying to look at you.

Y/N: So clearly we aren't playing cards... Cause you can't see.

He hit you again on the head.

(y/n): Ok, sorry.

Chang: Would you like to learn from the best?

Y/N: To what? Fire bend?

Chang: Yes!

Y/N: Well, yeah... I'm coming to the fire nation to find a master... To learn the ways of fire bending from here... The roots of fire bending...

Chang: ...I will teach you all that I know... But you have to be prepared for training hard everyday... And stop thinking about the Avatar for pete sake!

Y/N: How did you know I was thinking about her?

Chang: The ways of fire bending have taught me many things... We will be arriving at the doorstep of the fire nation shortly... We will meet at the docks there... For the meantime, I'll let you go back to your day dreaming.

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