Book 2 Episode 3

580 13 2

3rd person POV

You spent the next few days doing the same things... He wouldn't let you work on your fire because he wanted to first learn control... Which, you didn't mind... Sure, you wanted to use your fire, but you knew you needed to get control of your newfound power... You were meditating in the garden when Master Zuko came to see you.

Zuko: I see you're still out here... It's nearly dark.

Y/N: I'm just trying to keep myself calm... I don't want my fire to turn to hatred and anger and pain.

Zuko: What makes you say it will

Y/N: Well, before I could only fire bend when I was angry... Now I can at free will... I just don't want my newfound power to get to my head.

Zuko: Don't worry, you'll be fine Y/N... Come on, you need to get some rest... Tomorrow, we go back to the volcano!

Y/N: Alright.

You and Zuko go back into the palace... You bump into Fire Lord Izumi on your way in.

Y/N: Fire Lord.

Izumi: Y/N, how goes the training?

Y/N: Great! Everyday I'm learning something new about fire bending... Your father is a great teacher.

Izumi: He is... Would you come with me for a moment?

Y/N: Sure

You walk through the palace, to the front... You see a man wearing what looked like a United Forces uniform.

Izumi: Iroh, good to see you.

Iroh: Hello mother... Y/N?

Y/N: General Iroh? What are you doing here?

Iroh: Well you're in my home, so I was gonna ask you the same thing.

Y/N: You're home?!

Izumi: Iroh is my son.

Y/N: Woah!... I had no idea you were the Fire Lord's son!

Iroh: I heard about what happened, thank you for saving my mother and grandfather's lives, I owe you.

Y/N: Nonsense! Just helping out.

You two bro hug.

Iroh: So, how's the fire bending training going? Who's training you?

Then, Zuko comes out.

Zuko: Your old grandfather is.

Iroh: Grandfather, it's so good to see you!

Zuko: And you as well Iroh... How is the world?

Iroh: Could be better actually... A civil war is brewing between the northern and southern water tribes... And the Avatar is right in the middle of it.

Y/N: Korra?! Is she ok?

Iroh: As far as I know... My fleet and I will be heading back to Republic City in an hour or so.

Y/N: I see... So what are you doing here?

Iroh: We're getting back from a routine border patrol, and thought I'd stop by for an hour or so... We've got to head back though, the President requested we get to Republic City by morning.

Y/N: I see... Well, it was great seeing you!

Iroh: Where are you going?

Zuko: He is going to get some much needed rest... I am taking him to the volcano tomorrow.

Iroh: OH... Well, good luck then.

You two fist bump.

Y/N: See ya around General! Oh, and tell Korra and the others I say hi.

Iroh: Will do.

You head up to your room, to get some much needed rest...


You've gotten used to Zuko waking you up at the same time every morning that you were already out of bed when he came in to wake you up.

Zuko: Good! You're up! Let's go!

You skipped the warm ups and went straight to the volcano. When you got there, it had a lot more ash coming from it.

Y/N: Should we skip the volcano lesson for the day? This volcano is starting to look dangerous.

Zuko: Well, if it really starts to get bad, we'll leave.

Y/N: If you say so.

You and Zuko take deep breaths.

Zuko: Are you ready Y/N?

Y/N: Yes Master Zuko.

You and Zuko start to do the dragon dance on the volcano side... Zuko had taught you the movements... You tried to move fluidly, and precise... Right when you and Zuko were going to put on the finishing move, the volcano shuck.

Zuko: That's not good!

Zuko calls over his dragon.

Zuko: Let's get out of here Y/N!

(y/n): Right!

You were about to get on when you thought you heard a faint cry from behind.

Y/N: Did you hear that?!

Zuko: Hear what? I heard nothing, come on!

You wait a second... Nothing... Maybe it was your imagination... You got on the dragon, and start to fly away.

Y/N: ...THERE!

You were looking back, and you saw a small black looking thing stuck under a rock. (About the size of Pabu)

Zuko: There's no time, we can't-

You jump off the dragon, and run up the volcano side, right when it erupts.

Zuko: Y/N!!

You didn't hear him... All you cared about was getting the little lizard to safety... You were a few feet from him when a HUGE pool of lava was running down the side, towards you.

Y/N: Shit!

You closed your eyes... Took a deep breath...

Zuko: Y/N! LOOK OUT!

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