Book 3 Episode 3

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You slowly start to wake up to the sound... Of Meelo.

Meelo: Did I say you could sleep in Daw?! Come on! Move your butt!

You could hear Meelo screaming at Daw... Oh Meelo... You got out of bed... Only to realize you weren't having the best of time walking... You didn't realize it of course until you fell flat on your face trying to get out of bed.

Y/N: Ow...

Meelo came running in.

Meelo: Oh, Morning Y/N.

Y/N: Good morning Meelo... Where is your sister?

Meelo: Still sleeping!

Meelo was mad.

Y/N: Meelo, you don't have to wake everyone up at 6 in the morning to do air bending training.

Pema: I couldn't agree more.

You and Meelo saw Pema at the door.

Pema: Meelo, why don't you go back to bed for a little longer, so we can all get some more sleep.

Meelo looked a little sad at first.

Meelo: Ok...

Meelo trotted off... You looked at Pema... You both laughed.

Pema: Need a hand?

Y/N: Nope, I got it.

You fire bended from your hands, and propped yourself back onto the bed, sitting on the edge.

Pema: Forgot you couldn't walk?

Y/N: Maaaaaybe...

She laughed again.

Pema: Well, I'm going to get something started for breakfast, would you like anything?

Y/N: Surprise me.

Pema: Alright, will do.

Pema left, and you were still sitting on your bed... You looked at the note.

Y/N: I need to get back into fighting shape...

Kya: Any reason you want to get back into fighting shape?

You jumped a little, you didn't know Kya was there.

Y/N: Oh, Kya... I just... Wanna get back to see everyone else.

Kya: Well, it might be a while even if you do get back into fighting shape... Until we're stockpiled of air benders, we're staying here... But once we do, we'll meet them all at the Northern Air Temple.

Y/N: ...I see...

Kya: ...Sorry to bum you out... Just thought I should tell you... So you don't try to push yourself too hard... You'll see her again before you know it.

Y/N: Her? I want to see everyone.

Kya: Yes... But I know about that note.

You looked back at it.

Y/N: And?

Kya: Korra told me about it.

Y/N: Did she mean anything by it?

Kya: Guess you'll have to ask her yourself.

Kya then walked off.

Y/N: (in head) That really helps... Seeing that she is half way across the world by now... Whatever...

You used your fire bending to float to the outside... Ikki had just woken up.

Y/N: Good morning Ikki.

Ikki: Y/N!!

She tackled you.

Y/N: It's nice to see you too.

You sat up on the stairs outside.

Ikki: So, today, we teach Daw-

Y/N: Maybe you should let him sleep a little longer... After all, he isn't adjusted to being an air bender just yet.

Ikki: ...Ok...

Ikki then ran off to go do something... You looked out at Republic City from the island for a moment... It looked as calm as you remember it... You looked at the railing to your right... You grabbed hold of it, and stood up... You slowly started to move your right leg... You made it about a foot, before you were about to fall... But... Something caught you... You looked down to see your entire lower body covered in water.

Kya: Just don't rush it... Take your time... I can help you if you'd like.

Y/N: ...I'd like that a lot actually... Thanks.

Kya: No problem, I won't be busy since Meelo and Ikki will be training Daw and other air benders when they get here.

Y/N: So I guess working with me is like your vacation.

Kya: You could say that.

You both laughed.

Kya: Alright, why don't you try it again.

You stood up, and grabbed the rail... You used all the strength you had to take your first step... Unfortunately, Kya did 70% of the work... You tried a little harder the next step.

Kya: Don't try so hard... You need the therapy, it won't happen over night.

(y/n): I know... I guess a part of me wants it to.

Kya: Don't worry, you'll be back on your feet before you know it.

Throughout the course of the day, you mostly worked with Kya to make some progress with your walking... It was getting dark.

Kya: Alright... I think we should stop here.

(y/n): Ok.

Kya: You did pretty good... You might be walking by the end of the week.

(y/n): Don't get my hopes up.

You both laughed.

Kya: And soon, you'll have to help us with the air benders once you're in shape again.

(y/n): That's fine... I just want to be able to walk normally again...

Kya grabbed your shoulder.

Kya: Not everyone can take a spirit beam point blank, and not only live, but able to walk within the same month... You'll be fine.

Y/N: ...Thanks Kya.

You flew back to your room, and sat on your bed... You looked at the note on the desk.

Y/N: ...

Kya knocked.

Y/N: Come in.

Kya: Dinner is ready.

Y/N: Alright...

Kya noticed you were looking at the note.

Kya: ...How do you feel about Korra?

Y/N: Beg your pardon?

Kya chuckled.

Kya: How do you feel about her?

Y/N: Geez... It might be a little long.

Kya: Then wait till after dinner to tell me.

You laughed.

Y/N: Ok.

You went in the dinning room to eat dinner with everyone else... Daw look absolutely exhausted... You kind of feel bad for him... Anyway, you all finished dinner, and you went back to your room... Only to notice Kya right behind you.

Y/N: Geez, I didn't think you were serious about knowing.

Kya: Well yeah, or else I wouldn't have asked you in the first place.

Y/N: Very well..

You continued floating back to your room, Kya following behind... You made it to your bed.

Kya: So.

You looked to the ground.

Kya: If you really don't want to talk about it... That's fine... I was just wondering...

Y/N: Did she tell you anything? About me that is?

Kya: Well... Yeah... She told me everything.

Your eyes went wide.

Y/N: She did?!

Kya: Yep.

Y/N Could you tell me what she said?

Kya: ...Nope.

Y/N: W-why not?

Kya: Because I want the whole story from you, so I can puzzle it together first.

You chuckled.

Y/N: Of course you do.

Kya: Yep! Now spill it!

You looked at the note.

Y/N: ...I liked her instantly... From the moment I came over one night for dinner here... She was nice, caring... A little hot headed, but who can resist that... She was toned...

Kya: Ok ok, maybe getting into a little bit too much detail

You laughed.

Y/N: You said you wanted to know!

Kya: Anyway, continue.

Y/N: It was... Really nice talking to her... I just felt instantly connected... Little did I know, she didn't feel the same way... I did whatever I could to help her... Maybe even win her affection... But Mako won that by default... So I just took a back seat... And just did anything I could to make her happy...

Kya: But things changed.

Y/N: Well, yeah... I went to the fire nation to train.

Kya: And to get away from your feelings.

You gave Kya a look.

Kya: Ok ok... Continue.

Y/N: When I was over there... She was the only person I thought about... And when all hell started breaking loose... I got scared... Really scared... Especially when I knew what might happen to me...

Their was nothing but silence for a few minutes.

Y/N: I love her... Long story short... She is just so amazing... And the fact that she looks so beautiful... That's how I feel about her.

Kya had a big smile on her face.

Y/N: I take it you got what you wanted?

Kya: Oh, maybe...

Y/N: Anyway... What did Korra say about me.

Kya: ...Well... I won't tell you everything.

Y/N: Of course you won't.

She laughed at your sarcasm.

Kya: ...All I'll tell you is that she feels the same way... I'll let her tell you the details when you see her again.

Your eyes went wide! You now had CONFIRMATION that Korra had feelings for you! You were so stoked! But, you didn't reveal the wildfire in your heart... You revealed it... More like a little ember.

Y/N: I... I don't know what to say...

Kya: Well, I think you should get some rest, we've got a long few weeks, or even months ahead of us.

Y/N: Yeah... Goodnight Kya.

Kya: Goodnight Y/N...

Kya left, and you were just laying in bed... You started punching the air... Without fire of course.

Y/N: (intense whisper) Yes! She likes me back! YES!

You then realized you were basically being a fan girl about Korra... And talking to yourself

Y/N: Damn I'm so happy... I don't even know if I'll get to sleep tonight...

Eventually, you did fall asleep... And you finally knew... That you had the girl of your dreams...

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