Book 3 Episode 5

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The door opens... And it was the last person you thought you'd see.

Y/N: I don't believe it!

It was Zuko!

Zuko: Hello Y/N... Why are your fists full of fire?

You looked back at your fists to see that your fists were full of fire.

Y/N: UM... I thought you were someone else?

Zuko: Haha, well, I guess that makes sense.

You walk over and give him a hug.

Y/N: I missed you Master Zuko.

Zuko was a little surprised at first of you hugging him.

Zuko: It's nice to see you too.

Y/N: What are you doing here?

Zuko: Well... I came by to come get you as a matter of fact.

Y/N: Really? What for?

Zuko: Well... I know that you still have a lot of training to do... But that isn't why I came to get you.

Y/N: Why then?

Zuko: Well... 4 very dangerous criminals have escaped their prisons... They're hunting Korra.

(y/n): Let me guess, one of them is named Zaheer?

Zuko's eyes went wide.

Zuko: How did you know?

Y/N: He infiltrated the air temple just an hour or so ago.

Zuko: What?!?! Then we must find him!

Y/N: I don't think you'll get any luck... He flew into the city... He could be anywhere by now.

Zuko: I see... Well, come on then.

Y/N: Come on? What do you mean?

Zuko: We must link up with Tonraq by sunrise.

Y/N: Uh?...

Zuko: Well you do want to help protect Korra don't you?

Y/N: Yes, of course-

Kya: Then you better get moving.

You and Zuko turn around to see Kya standing at the doorway.

Zuko: I'm sorry Kya, I didn't mean to wake you.

Kya: It's alright... I kind of heard the humungous dragon outside, so that kind of gave you away.

Zuko chuckled.

Zuko: Of course it did... Anyway, we better get going Y/N.

Y/N: ...Alright.

You finished packing, and walked outside with Zuko.

You looked back at Kya.

Kya: Don't worry, I'll tell Pema and the kids that you went to go help Korra.

Y/N: Thanks Kya.

You kept walking towards Zuko's dragon... You got on the back of the saddle.

Y/N: So, who's this Tonraq guy?

Zuko: Oh, nobody important really.

Y/N: Really? Then why are we going to see him?

Zuko: Oh... Well I guess he's the Chief of the Southern Water Tribe... AND Korra's father.

You froze.


Zuko: Shh, you'll wake everyone else.

Y/N: Not important? That's like the one man I need to be wearing my best clothes for.

Zuko: Really? You're not dating the Avatar yet though are you not?

Y/N: I might as well be!

Zuko chuckled.

Zuko: Relax, you'll be fine.

Y/N: Does he even know who I am?

Zuko: Most likely.

Y/N: Joy...

You and Zuko waved to Kya as the dragon lifted off, and you flew through the night...


You landed in the South Pole... A beefy kind of dude was waiting when you landed.

Tonraq: Lord Zuko.

Zuko: Tonraq... This is Y/N.

Tonraq: Ah, Y/N, Korra and her friends talked about you, it's nice to meet you.

Y/N: It's n-nice to meet y-you too.

Zuko and Tonraq gave you funny looks.

Y/N: S-sorry, I didn't pack for the S-Southern temperatures...

Tonraq: Ah, that's alright, we have a few spare jackets.

Y/N: T-thanks.

You and Zuko follow Tonraq... You mostly follow behind them as the two men talked... You just looked around the area as you were walking.

Y/N: (in head) It's cold as shit... But it's got nice scenery...

You kept following behind them as you made it to some ice mansion.

Y/N: Woah!

You looked around at all of the iced details and everything! It was the king of all igloos! You walked with them into one of the rooms.

Tonraq: So what's the latest Lord Zuko?

Zuko: Zaheer and his goons are hiding out in Republic City... But I'm not sure why...

Tonraq: Maybe he thought Korra was there.

Zuko: Maybe... I feel like I'm missing something.

You were looking around the room when you heard them walking about it.

Y/N: Maybe they're after the President too?

Zuko and Tonraq looked at you.

(y/n): Or maybe they stopped for noodles?

Zuko: No (y/n), that makes perfect sense...

Tonraq: Because we know how much Zaheer loves world leaders.

Zuko: Exactly... I'd say we need to call Chief Beifong, but she's trying to get Korra back to the city... But, she said they stopped in Zaofu because they found another new air bender.

Tonraq: I see... In any case, we need to figure out if they're actually going to go after the President... I'll give substitute Chief Saikhon a call.

Tonraq left... You and Zuko were still in the room.

Zuko: Oh, where is that dragon I left you with?

Y/N: Oh, it went with Korra and the rest of them to search for new air benders... At least that's what Kya said.

Zuko: I see... So, have you talked to Korra about...

You both knew what he was talking about.

Y/N: Honestly, I haven't really had more than 5 minutes to talk to her without getting interrupted or possessed...

Zuko: I see... Well, I'm happy you made it out of that mess in one piece.

Y/N: Tell me about it... I was so sure I was going to die... Either by Korra, or Vatu.

Silence filled the room.

Zuko: So, how's your fire bending?

Y/N: Pretty good... I was able to give Zaheer a run for his money... Then I got trampled on...

Zuko: It's alright, even a master like myself had a hard time facing them... We actually failed when he and 2 of his other goons broke the 4th one out in the North Pole.

Y/N: I see... So these guys are really that dangerous?

Zuko sighed.

Zuko: Yes... Zaheer was always the mastermind, or the leader of the pack... While he didn't have bending before... The other three did... And he was an ace at martial arts... So he could still take on 2... Even 3 benders at a time and come out on top... But now that he has air bending... He's much more of a threat...

Y/N: We just can't let him get to Korra.

Zuko: That's what I'm trying to prevent... That's the real reason I brought you along.

Y/N: To help take these guys down?

Zuko: Yes.

You looked to the side.

Y/N: I appreciate you thinking I'm strong enough to help you... But... I'm nowhere near where I was when we were training... I was out for 2 weeks, and I just learned how to walk again just a week ago... I don't think I'm ready to do any serious fighting.

Zuko: Well, then I guess while we hunt, I'll have to get you back into shape.

Y/N: Yeah... The question is, will that be enough to give Zaheer a good match?

Zuko: Maybe not... But it's not just you... You'll have Tonraq and I to have your back... And you ours.

You looked at him.

Y/N: Of course.

Tonraq walked back in.

Tonraq: Alright, he's been notified... So, what's the next plan.

Zuko: I think we need to make sure Korra is ok... Even if Chief Beifong is with her... I think she could still use the extra protection.

Tonraq: I agree... We'll leave tonight.

Y/N: Tonight? Isn't that a little late.

Tonraq: Well, if Zaheer and his goons are in Republic City, they can't make it to Zaofu in one day.

Y/N: I guess...

Zuko: They couldn't get out of the City without being spotted.

Y/N: Yeah, I guess you're right.

Tonraq: Even if, I have to spend a good chunk of the day getting more White Lotus members ready to help protect Korra if need be.

Y/N: Yeah...

Zuko: I guess if we're going to be stopped for a little bit, why don't we catch up on some things.

Y/N: Yeah, sounds good.

Tonraq: I have a sparing room on the other end of the hall, you two can go in there.

Zuko: We will do just that, let us know when you're ready to go.

Tonraq nodded, and you and Zuko left and went to the sparring room.

You and Zuko walk in... You looked around for a little bit.

Zuko: Alright... Roar like a tigerdillo!

You took a deep breath...

Y/N: ROOOOAAAAARrrrrrrrrr...

You ran out of breath quickly.

Zuko that was nice power at the beginning... But you lost control of your breath after only a few seconds... Try again.


Zuko: Hmm... You haven't been practicing your breathing exercises.

Y/N: Well, I haven't exactly had a free moment since I was in the fire nation.

Zuko: I guess not... Alright... Give me 30 fire fists, with 25 hot squats, and 10 deep breaths, with a tigerdillo roar at the end... GO!

You started with your hot squats... It felt nice to get back into the groove of things... But you couldn't help but think about Korra for every second of your warm up... You started to get distracted.

Zuko: ...Y/N... Are you alright?

Y/N: ...To be honest... No... After all of what happened in the spirit world... And just learning to walk a week ago... I'm not sure if I'm ready for this... I just need to know she's ok...

Zuko: Y/N, I'm sure Korra is fine... You need to let this go, so you can focus on your fire bending...

Y/N: ...Ok...

And you continued to warm up, hoping to get back into your fighting shape... And help protect the Avatar you love.

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