Book 3 Episode 7

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You were slowly woken up to the most beautiful face.

(y/n): K-Korra?!

You jolt out of bed, and she jumped into your arms... She was crying into your shoulder.

Korra: I thought I'd never see you awake again! I missed you so much (y/n)!

You held her so tight... You had no words for describing this moment... You had never been so happy before...

You both let go, so that you could look at each other... She noticed tears streaming down your face too.

(y/n): I-I... I missed you so much Korra.

You both looked into each others eyes.

Korra: ...Can I kiss you now?

(y/n): Like you even have to ask.

You and Korra embrace each other... And kiss... It was a magical first kiss between the two of you... You both broke it off in a few seconds.

Korra: I'm... I'm sorry for not-

(y/n): Korra, don't worry about it right now... Your dad and Lord Zuko have brought me up to speed on what's going on.

Korra: I see...

(y/n): Now where's Roku?

Korra pointed to your head... You slowly looked up... And Roku stuck his face into yours.

(y/n): Geez!

Roku then started crawling around you and squealing

(y/n): Ok OK! I missed you too!... OW! That hurts!

Roku finally stopped messing with you... Right when you and Korra were about to kiss again... Tonraq walked in.

Tonraq: Sorry to interrupt... But we're here.

(y/n): Here where?

Tonraq: We're back at Zaofu.

(y/n): Ah, I see.

He left... But not before giving you a stare.

Korra: he wasn't too hard on you, was he?

(y/n): Nope.

Korra: Ok, good.

You and Korra got up... Bolin about tackled you.


(y/n): Nice to... see you too Bolin.

Mako: Get up bro, before you crush him.

Bolin: Ok OK, fine.

Bolin got off of you... You and Mako bro hug.

Mako: Good to have you back.

(y/n): It's nice to see you guys too... All of you.

You and Asami hug.

Asami: It's great to see you on your feet again.

(y/n): Yeah...

You all walked towards the exit of the airship, and got off... You all went to the communications room to try and contact the air temple to let Tenzin know that Zaheer and his goons were on his way to the temple... But you couldn't get a response...

Korra: I can maybe go into the spirit world, I know where Zaheer likes to meditate.

(y/n): Asami, can you watch after her body?

Asami: Sure.

Korra: What are you going to go do?

(y/n): I just need to go do something.

You kiss Korra on the forehead.

(y/n): Be careful in the spirit world.

Korra: I will.

You all leave while Bolin kept trying to contact the temple.

You walked over to Master Zuko, who was packing his things.

(y/n): I bet I know where you're going.

Zuko: I need to get back to the fire nation... If Zaheer is going after world leaders, I need to protect Izumi.

(y/n): I understand Master.

Zuko: When this whole mess is dealt with, I'd like to see you back at the fire nation so we can continue your training.

(y/n): Of course Master...

You help Lord Zuko with his packing for a few minutes, then Korra shows up, and talks to him for a moment... You notice Roku running around the place.

(y/n): Having fun huh?

Roku just kept crawling around, eventually crawling up your leg and onto your shoulder... Then, you could see Mako running towards you guys.

Mako: We made contact with the air temple!

The three of you run into the communications room, where Bolin was having an interesting conversation with Meelo.

(y/n): Well it's nice the kids haven't changed.


Meelo: YES SIR!

You looked at Mako for a moment.

(y/n): Ah kids, gotta love em.

Mako: No you don't, kids can be annoying and-

Mako then saw the death stare from Korra.

Mako: Sweet?

You chuckled.

Tenzin then got on the radio, but... Zaheer had just gotten there.

Korra: Tenzin! You need to get all of the air benders out of there, now!

Tenzin agreed, and both lines hung up.

Korra: We need to get there as soon as possible.

Lin: I agree.

You all get on the air ship quickly, and head in that direction...


You were all on the bridge talking about strategies to rescue the air benders, and take down Zaheer.

Bolin: I could use bird calls!

Mako: Sorry Bolin, but this is serious.

Bolin: ...I was serious.

You looked over at Korra... She was looking out the window... You walked over to her.

(y/n): Are you alright?

She leaned onto your shoulder.

Korra: I just... I don't think their is any other way but to turn myself in...

(y/n): ...I hate to admit it, but I think you're right.

Korra: I can't risk losing the new air nation...

(y/n): Yeah...

You two turn around, and continue to hear everyone talking about stupid ideas.

(y/n): Hey guys, you bother to ask Korra what she wants to do?

They all looked at each other in confusion... Korra nodded to you.

(y/n): I'll go contact Zaheer.

You left the room, and went to the radio, while Korra told the others what she wanted to do.

(y/n): Zaheer? Are you there?

Zaheer: Where is the Avatar? I should be speaking with her.

(y/n): You'll talk to her soon enough.

Zaheer: Wait, aren't you that fire bending kid from the air temple?

(y/n): Yeah, and I can't wait to see you again, so I can-

Korra opened the door.

(y/n): Guess you'll have to wait... Here's the Avatar.

You turned around, gave the mic to Korra, and left the room... You went out to the bridge where everyone else was.

Tonraq: I don't like this...

(y/n): I don't like it any more than you sir... But... This is our only option... Zaheer has all the cards...

Lin: If only he couldn't air bend.

(y/n): Yeah, none of us would be in this situation...

Korra walked out.

Korra: He said to meet him at noon at Laghima's peak... And to come alone.

Lin: I don't like it.

Tonraq: Nor do I.

Sue: I have an idea.

Sue tells everyone an idea to get the air benders, and have her metal benders ready to help Korra just in case... The air ship lands at the bottom of the peak.

Asami: Be careful Korra.

Korra: You guys too.

Korra hugs Mako, and then Bolin... She looked over to you.

Korra: You be careful too (y/n).

(y/n): You think I'm going with them? Sorry, I'm not taking my eyes off of you on this one Korra, I'm going to be right next to your dad in case we need to pull you out.

She walked over and hugged you.

Korra: Ok.

You two kissed for a second, then you walked over to the metal benders while Korra talks to her dad.

Lin: So how you getting up there?

(y/n): Use fire bending and propel myself up.

Sue: What if you get tired?

(y/n): I can find a cliff and rest, then wait if we need to pull Korra out.

Sue: Fair enough.

You all got ready, and started going up the peak... You rest on a ledge about 20 feet or so from the top... That's when you hear the words you didn't want to hear.

Mako: (over radio) Get Korra out of there! It's a trap! (Star Wars reference xD)

You all got to top as fast as you could... You got there first, trying to get past the combustion lady.

She took a shot at you, but you fire bended it in the sky.

P'li: Great, another fire bender.

You and P'li went at if for a few minutes, till you realized Zaheer was loading Korra onto the air ship.

(y/n): Oh no you don't!

You jumped over P'li, and headed for Zaheer.

Right when you got there, Tonraq also intervened, and Korra was back on her feet... It was a 3-on-1.

Tonraq cut the air ship free.

Tonraq: Can't escape now Zaheer.

Zaheer: We'll see about that.

Zaheer started air bending at you first, which took you by surprise, causing you to fly back a few feet, you hop back up quick, but Zaheer was too fast, and you weren't in the best of shape, still trying to recover.

You waited till he focused his fire on Tonraq or Korra, then tried to hit him with a fire ball, but he was too fast... That's it! he was too fast! You tried to get as close to him as possible.

(y/n): (thinking) If I can burn his legs, that'll slow him down.

You sent a fire ball his way, but he barely dodged, and got his shoulder burned instead... None the less, still hurt like hell.

Zaheer: Damn it!

Zaheer then sent a huge wave of wind your way, knocking you back near the ledge, and hitting the ground hard enough to knock you out cold...


You slowly start to wake up... Only to realize what was going on.

(y/n): Where's Korra?!

Bolin, Mako, Lin, Sue, Asami, and Tenzin were standing a few feet away.

Lin: ...Zaheer got her...

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