Book 2 Episode 2

621 14 1

3rd person POV

Y/N: Y-you're Zuko? I was expecting like his grandson or something.

He tried to chuckle, but was too upset about Chang's sudden death...

Y/N: I'm sorry...

Zuko: It's alright... Izumi, could you leave us for a moment.

Izumi: Of course Father.

She got up and left... Zuko came over and sat in her seat.

Zuko: So you can't fire bend unless you're angry, correct?

Y/N: H-how'd you know?!

Zuko: Because I heard you talking.

Y/N: Right... Yeah... I've only been able to produce it when I get angry.

Zuko: Hmm... Sounds familiar..

Y/N: What do you mean?

Zuko: When I was a younger man... My father gave me this scar and banished me... He said I could only return if I captured the avatar... So... I left and went hunting for the avatar... It was my drive... And it was what fueled my fire bending... But... When I joined forces with Avatar Aang and his friends... I could hardly make an ember...

He went on and told you about the hundred year war.

Y/N: Wow... So you turned against the fire nation?

Zuko: So that I could save my own people from my father... Yes... I would like to help you master fire bending. I sense much potential in you...

Y/N: I-I... I would be honored... Lord Zuko...

Zuko: Come with me then, we start today!

He got up and left the room... You were still looking at the floor in shock.

Zuko: Well... Are you coming?

Y/N: U-uh, yeah!

You got up and followed behind him...

You were walking through the palace with your new outfit for the time being, and looking around at how beautiful it was.

You were walking through the palace with your new outfit for the time being, and looking around at how beautiful it was

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Y/N: I never thought I'd get to see something so beautiful

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Y/N: I never thought I'd get to see something so beautiful.

Zuko: It is, isn't it...

Y/N: So where are we going?

Zuko: Out back... You'll get to meet your sparring partner.

Y/N: Sparing partner, I thought you were going to teach me?

Zuko: I will... I'm TEACHING you... Not sparring. Not yet at least. Once you can fully control your fire bending, we may spar if you wish.

Y/N: Of course.

You get to the very back of the palace, and Lord Zuko opens the door... You couldn't believe what you were seeing.

Y/N: Eh... WHA! I-Is that thing REAL?!

Zuko: Very much so.

He was referring to the 10 ton dragon about 10 feet away from you.


Zuko: Yes... He is the last dragon... Their was another... But he passed, and now... He is the last one.

Y/N: And he chose to stay with you?

Zuko: Well... 2 dragons are like Ying and Yang... One must have an opposite, or another half... When the first one died... It went to seek out a new half.

Y/N: And I'm guessing since you're a strong fire bender, it chose you.

Zuko: That is correct.

Y/N: So, where is my sparing partner?

Zuko: ...

Y/N: What?

Zuko: You're looking at him.

You then hesitantly looked up at the dragon.


Zuko: Yup... He and his brother taught Aang and I the true meaning of fire bending... Of course, you'll have to be able to make fire at will before he shows you..

Y/N: ...Of course... So, what's first.

Zuko: Well... I'll leave that for you to figure out! I'll be inside!

Y/N: Wait, WHAT?!

Zuko then went back inside, and the dragon flew to the other side of the back garden.

Y/N: GREEEAT... This is a great start...

You sit there and think... Thinking about what to do...


Tenzin: Whenever I can't think straight, or I have too much on my mind, I meditate.


Y/N: I may be no air bender, but I guess I could try it.

You find a calm place to sit... You sit by a small pond... You put your fists together, and close your eyes... Taking deep, solid breaths...


It was nightfall... Zuko came to get you to see if you had made any sort of progress... But... You were still sitting in front of the pond... Eyes closed... You were still meditating.

Zuko: Now you just look like an air bender.

Y/N: ... I'm just trying to think...

Zuko: That's your problem...

Y/N: What do you mean?

Zuko: You're thinking too much... You have to feel it...

He took a step back and a deep breath. Took a step forward, and released a powerful fire ball in the air.

Y/N: Woah!

Zuko: You have to feel the heat, then energy... The life inside of you... Then, you'll be able to produce the fire you wish.

Y/N: Thank you Lord Zuko.

Zuko: Please, just call me Zuko... Dinner is ready.

Y/N: Dinner?

Zuko: Yes, dinner... You do eat food don't you?

You chuckle.

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