Book 3 Episode 1

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It had been 2 weeks since the Harmonic Convergence... Vines and Spirits were EVERYWHERE around Republic City... Most people were not happy with this new change, due to the fact that the vines were crashing into homes and stores, and the spirits were roaming free around the city... The people felt that their privacy was being violated... And that the Avatar had made a mistake...

Korra was out with Tenzin and Jinora, trying to get the vines to disappear... No luck...

Korra: Geez! Why can't these vines just go away!

Tenzin: It's alright Korra, it's only been a few weeks since Harmonic Convergence.

Korra: Exactly!

Tenzin and Jinora noticed how aggravated Korra was.

Tenzin: Korra, is everythi-

Korra: No... Everything isn't alright... The vines keep coming back... The spirits are roaming around like it's their land...Y/N... Y/N is still asleep...

Tenzin looked at her.

Tenzin: Look, he'll wake up, I'm sure of it-

Korra: Tenzin... He's not... He's not coming back...

Jinora looked at her dad... They both had sorrow on their face.

Tenzin: Well... If that's how you feel... Why don't we just go home, and you can see Y/N...

Korra: ...ok...

Tenzin, Korra, and Jinora get back to the island...

Tenzin: Now... Where is-

Pema: Oh, you guys are back early.

Tenzin: Yes.

Tenzin looked at Korra as she ran into the house and went to find Kya, who was working as hard as she could to keep you alive...Korra and Kya would take turns a lot of the times so that they each got a break...

Pema: Any luck?

Tenzin: No... The vines keep coming back... And Y/N is on her mind 24/7

Pema: I don't blame her...

Korra came into the healing room, where Kya was still trying to keep you alive.

Korra: Any changes?

Kya: Well... He does seem a little warmer in body temperature, so that's good... But... Other than that, nothing... I'm sorry Korra.

Korra: It's alright... Do you want me to take over?

Kya: If you don't mind.

Korra: Not at all.

Kya got up, and left... Korra stayed and kept water bending you in the pool...

Korra: ...Please Y/N... Please...

That went on for a few hours or so... Until Pema came in to let Korra know it was time to eat.

Pema: Korra! Time to eat.

Pema saw the sorrow in her eyes.

Korra: Could... You just bring it in here?

Pema: Korra... It's been days since you've eaten with us... I'm sure he'll be fine for a few minutes.

Korra: ...I'm sorry... But I'm good right here...

Pema: ...Korra... I don't mean to pry... But... Why do you stay by him... Is he really worth that much to you?...

Korra: ...I've only known him since I came to the city... But every time I needed someone... He was there... Even when I brushed him off... When I was about to... Take that spirit beam... He was already in extreme pain... And he still took it... For me... He asked me to kill him when Vatu infiltrated his mind... And I didn't... So... Since I couldn't muster the strength to kill him... I will use all of it to save him...

Pema: ...I get it Korra... I really do... But... Is this what Y/N would want for you?

She looked at your face... It was... Full of nothing... You were just floating in the water...

Korra: ...ok...

Korra got up, and went out to go to dinner with the rest of them...


You were looking at... Nothing... It was completely black...

Y/N: Where am I?...

???: Lost?

You turned your head to see... Someone you'd never seen before.

 Someone you'd never seen before

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