Book 2 Episode 7

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Y/N: W-where am I?... And why am I glowing blue?

Vatu: Because you are in the sprit world... You're mine now!

Y/N: B-but how?... Korra didn't end me?...

Vatu: I suppose not... Anyway, it doesn't matter now!

You looked to see that he was trapped in some sort of tree.

Vatu: Once the 2 portals are opened, I'll be free! And I will use you to exact my revenge!

Y/N: ...

Vatu: Oh? Giving up already?

Y/N: ...Do I have a choice?... You've got a hold of my spirit... I am powerless...

Vatu: HA! Right you are!

Y/N: ...But... How are you going to use me to defeat the Avatar if I'm powerless?

Vatu: Well... To tell you the truth, I'm taking a gamble.

You eyes went wide.

Y/N: What do you mean?

Vatu: I'm hoping that they'll bring your body here to the spirit world to try and bring you back... By then, your spirit will be under my control... And I'll shove you back into your body... And you will be under my control... And I will use you and your bending to help me destroy the avatar!

Y/N: ...

Vatu: Any last words before I start taking control of you... Bit by bit?


Vatu: Very well...



Korra was crying on the way back to the air temple... She was sitting in the very back, holding your lifeless body.

Korra: I'm... I'm so sorry Y/N...

She buried her face into your chest... Bolin, Mako, and Asami came to the back, trying to comfort Korra.

Mako: We'll get him back Korra-

Korra: Will we? This whole thing is my fault! I didn't have the-

Tenzin: Korra! That's enough...

Tenzin came back... She cried on Tenzin's shoulder.

Korra: I... I-I just couldn't do it Tenzin!

Tenzin: Shh... It's alright Korra... We can't do anything for him now... All we can do is close the portal, and hopefully he'll wake up.

Korra: (sniff) Ok...

They all make it back to the air temple... They get some sleep for a few hours... Tenzin left Pema, Ikki, and Meelo at the air temple... Then they all went to go see Varrick... They took his fancy boat and were on the way to the southern portal. Korra was training to get ready to take down Unalaq.

Korra: Unalaq and Vatu are going to PAY!

She hit the entire dummy off the stand... Knocking Mako down.

Korra: Sorry Mako.

Mako: It's fine... Um.

Korra: What?

Mako: Well... It's... About Y/N... Are you two-

Korra: Mako, I can hardly see how Y/N has something to do with bringing down Vatu and Unalaq! Geez!

She stormed off... Back to training.

Bolin: What was that all about.

Mako: You remember... When Korra was about to... End Y/N... They kissed... And she said she loved him... Well I-

Bolin: Well you did break up with Korra when-

Mako: Don't remind me!

Mako stormed off.

Bolin: What? I'm just speaking the truth... Come on Pabu, let's go get more food!

Bolin ran back into the ship.

Korra: I think I need a small break Tenzin... I need to go se-

Tenzin: I understand...

Korra went to go find Kya... She went to the room she was in... Kya had Jinora and You in tubs of water... Bending them in water to keep them healed.

Korra: ...How are they?

Kya: Neither one is good... Jinora will need to see mom immediately... As for Y/N... I'm not sure...

Korra: Ok... If something changes-

Kya: You'll be the first to know

Korra: Thank you.

Korra went back outside, right when Asami came by.

Asami: We're almost there... But we've got trouble...

Tenzin: What do you mean?

After about an hour, they land, and head straight to the White Lotus training ground where Korra basically grew up... They found Katara's hut and dashed over... Korra saw her mom standing outside of it.

Korra: Mom!

Senna: Korra!

They hugged.

Korra: Where is dad?

Senna: ...

Korra: Oh no...

Tenzin then walked in holding Jinora.

Katara: Oh no! What happened?

Tenzin: Her soul is trapped in the spirit world...

Katara then noticed that Korra went back... She came back and was carrying your body.

Katara: And him?

Korra: Same thing...

Katara: I see... Bring them both to the back.

Korra and Tenzin brought you and Jinora to the back. They lay you and Jinora down in a pool of water. Katara moves it around your bodies.

Katara: How long have they been in there?

Tenzin: Jinora... Almost a week... Y/N... About a day...

Katara swished water between them both for a few minutes.

Katara: I sense... Something in this boy...

Korra: Vatu took his spirit to the spirit world by force... He said he's going to use him to defeat me...

Katara: And if he takes control of his body, he'll endanger us all... I hate to say it... But you should've destroyed him... Even now... If he's been unconscious for this long... You've had the time-


Katara: Korra... I know it must be difficult to take your friends life-


She stormed out of the hut... She went outside.

Katara: ...

Tenzin: So...Mom... What should we do with Y/N?

Just then, your fingers moved ever so slightly.

Tenzin: Someone go get Korra!

Mako, Bolin, and Asami looked at each other.

Asami: Mako.

Bolin: Mako.

Mako: Mako... wait, BOLIN!... Damn it...

Bolin: Ha!

Mako left to go get Korra... He got outside... She was crying her eyes out.

Mako: Korra!

Korra: (sniff) What do you want Mako?!

Mako: ...Y/N just moved his fingers!

Korra got up as fast as she could... She and Mako went back into the huts. She got to her knees, and she held your hand.

Korra: Y/N... Please wake up... I know you can hear me...

You moved your fingers again.

Tenzin: See! He moved them again!

Korra: Come on Y/N! Wake up! For me Y/N!

Surprisingly, you started groaning.

Katara: I-I...

Korra: That's it Y/N!

You groaned once more... Katara knew exactly what it was.

Katara: ...Oh no... Korra, get back!

Katara pulled everyone behind her... You opened your eyes... And everyone saw... That your eyes were filled from top to bottom... In complete darkness...

 In complete darkness

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Korra: ...Y/N?

You took a deep breath.

Y/N: ... Hello Avatar...

You had part of your voice... But it also sounded like Vatu mixed in it.

Y/N: I have now become the prized pet of my new leader... Vatu.

Korra: No...

Y/N: Yes... Are you surprise Raava? Vatu has told me everything... And since you have been so generous as to not destroying me... I shall let you live... For now...

You got out of the pool of water...

Y/N: I will be on my way to my masters... If you are successful in making it there alive... Then I shall see you soon... Avatar.

Tenzin was about to air bend at you... But you blocked it with white fire.

Y/N: You see... Vatu has also helped me have COMPLETE control of my fire bending... Now that I am back in my body... I wouldn't try that again...

They all looked at you... You turned your head... And dashed out...

Katara: He's headed to the spirit world... To meet with Vatu... Vatu has taken complete control of him now...

Korra was looking to the ground... Shocked... She then shook it off...

Korra: We need to get there as well...

Katara stayed inside with Jinora while everyone else went outside.

Bolin: So what's the plan?

Korra: ...We need to do exactly what we came here for... Close the portal before it's too late...

Bolin: But how?

Bumi: I remember once-

Everyone was just looking at Bumi like he was a crack head.

Bumi: What?

Tenzin: I don't want to hear another one of your stories Bumi!

Everyone just looked at each other... Trying to think of something.

Asami: Well... We have Oogi... And a plane on the ship... We could come in from above...

Korra: ...That sounds like our best option...

Bolin: What about Y/N?... How are we going to deal with him?

Korra sighed...

Korra: ... He'd be mad at me if he knew I didn't destroy him... Heck... He's probably going to be pissed at me if we all make it out alive... Including him... If we have to kill Y/N... If it's me... Or any of you... We... We can't hesitate...

Mako and Bolin were most affected... They knew you longer than anyone.

Mako: ...Ok...

They all then went on with the plan...


Vatu: It is only a matter of time Unalaq.

Unalaq: I know... Soon, the new world will be ours!

Vatu: Along with my new pet.

Unalaq: New pet?

Right on cue, you came through the portal.

Unalaq: Who's there!? I will end you now!

Vatu: Relax... This is my new pet.

Unalaq: Wh-what?

You walk up to them both.

Y/N: Hello, my master.

Vatu: Y/N, good to see you... How did you get here so quick.

Y/N: With the power of flying with fire of course. (Basically like Iron Man)

Vatu: Very creative... You'll be very helpful during the new world.

Y/N: Thank you master.

Unalaq: Hm... Very well... I'm expecting the Avatar soon... I'll go get my troops ready.

Unalaq left the spirit world... It was just you and Vatu.

Vatu: Once I am out of here, my pet... We shall take down the Avatar... And double cross that human Unalaq.

Y/N: Of course sir... How do you propose we do that?

Vatu: ... I shall fuse with him... Like Raava does with the Avatar... But I shall surge so much power inside him... That it will destroy the very core of his body.

Y/N: Very good, my master.

Vatu: HAHAHAHA! No human can contain me in their body! I will be the new ruler of this world! I do not need the body of any human!

Y/N: Of course sir.

Vatu: And with you as my right hand man... We shall rule the world!

Y/N: We will not only rule it... We will change it sir... We will change it to your liking!

Vatu: Yes! Now your talking!

You and Vatu didn't say anything for a few minutes.

Vatu: ...It looks like we'll be changing the tide... Forever!

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