Book 2 Episode 8

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You and Vatu were waiting in the spirit world... After about 20 minutes, Unalaq comes through the portal.

Unalaq: The Avatar and her friends have been captured! We now have no one to challenge us!

Vatu: Excellent! Harmonic convergence is nearly here! And I will be out of this hell hole!

Y/N: And we shall rule this world!

Unalaq: I'd like to know how you know so much, boy!

Vatu: Do not insult my pet Unalaq! Or you will regret it!

Unalaq: ...Of course.

After a few minutes, Korra, Bolin, and Mako come through the portal... They see Unalaq and you standing right by the tree.

Y/N: So you have come Raava!

Unalaq: Vatu, how does this boy know so much?!

Vatu: Unalaq... I trust this boy more than you! I have turned him into my personal pet!

Mako and Bolin rushed at you three. Korra was going to close the portal.

Y/N: Shall we take care of the boys Unalaq?

Unalaq: With pleasure!

You and Unalaq rush at Bolin and Mako.

Bolin: This isn't good Mako!

Mako: I don't want to face Y/N anymore than you do... I'll take him... Fire on Fire!

Bolin: Ok, be safe!

Bolin did his best to rival Unalaq's water bending... Mako was facing you.

Mako: Snap out of it (y/n)!

Y/N: Snap out of what? I feel more alive and awake than ever before!

Mako looked to the ground.

Mako: I don't want to hurt you.

Y/N: Too bad!

You rush at him with your fire bending.

Mako: Woah! that's a new color!

He narrowly dodged.

Y/N: Not bad.

You rushed at him again. You traded punches.

Mako: Damn!

Y/N: See? I've improved!

Mako then side swiped you.

Mako: Still got a lot to learn!

You and Mako were going at it pretty fiercely... Then... Harmonic convergence was here! Korra got blasted by the portal... And Vatu was free!

Bolin: This isn't good!

Mako: Definitely not!

Mako and Bolin retreated to Korra's side.

Vatu: Nothing could've stopped this Raava!

Korra: I'm going to put you right back in that prison!

Vatu: You may try... But... You have an obstacle to face!

Unalaq then ran over, to battle Korra... Korra triumphed after only a few minutes... She threw him out of the spirit world.

Korra: Make sure he stays out!

Mako and Bolin: Got it!

Korra then looked back at you and Vatu standing there.

Vatu: ...He was a fool for thinking he could take you on!

Korra: What?

Vatu: Unalaq was not your obstacle.

Korra: ...

Vatu: Y/N was!

You rushed at Korra, you gave her a fire fist to the gut, and she got knocked over.

Korra: Wha?

Vatu: You must admit, my pet is more of an opponent than Unalaq!

Korra: Why... Why would you do this to (y/n)? What made you pick him?

Vatu: Oh?... Because I sense all the times he thought about you.

Korra was surprised.

Korra: What do you mean?

Vatu: I could sense every time he thought of you... His sad and dark emotions...

Korra: What do you mean?! Y/N would never think of me when he was sad... Would he?

Vatu: HA! Did you ever really know that boy? That boy thought about you 24/7! He loved you... But the reason they were sad thoughts... Was because he knew he couldn't have you... Because you were with that Mako boy.

Korra: How do you know so much?!

Vatu: I infiltrated Y/N's mind! I know EVERYTHING he's ever thought!

Korra: ...Oh Y/N.

Vatu: Their is nothing you can do for him now! You must face him head on Raava... Either way... If you win... He dies... But if you let your feelings get the better of you... Then this world will be mine!

Korra looked at the ground... She knew she had no choice now...

Korra: I'm... I'm sorry Y/N.

Y/N: Well I'm-

Just for a split second, your eyes turned to normal... And you said only 3 words before the darkness in you surpassed you once again.


Vatu looked at you.

Y/N: Sorry sir, the old Y/N tried to make one last stand for his body... But he's clearly lost.

Vatu: Very good... I suggest you keep it that way.

Y/N: But of course sir.

Korra looked stunned... And then gave you a fierce look, as tears were streaming down her face.

Korra: ...Alright Y/N... Let's do this!

She went into her Avatar state, and started flying over to you.

Y/N: Hmm! This should be good.

She used a fire whip right by your feet, but you jump to dodge, and fire fist her in the gut again... But she absorbed the hit, and air bended you about 20 feet back... But you got a good fire whip lash off before falling back.

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