Book 3 Episode 6

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You dodged a fire ball from Master Zuko, But he hit you with the second and third one.

Zuko: You need to focus (y/n)!

(y/n): I'm trying!... I just can't... I need a break.

You walk over to the side, you sit down and look at the wall.

(y/n): We've been at this for hours... Shouldn't we be leaving?

Zuko: I'll go check... In the meantime, you keep yourself focused.

(y/n): Yeah yeah.

Zuko: I'm serious (y/n)! These criminals aren't to be messed with!

He stormed off to go find Tonraq.

(y/n): Damn, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed...

You continued to sit, because you were dead tired from next to no sleep, and training... Not thinking Zuko would be "that mad" when he got back... But he was... He was DEFINITELY pissed when he walked back in.

Zuko: What are you doing?! You should be staying focused!

Without warning, he shot a fire ball right at you, and you barely dodged it.

(y/n): Hey! What's the big idea?!

Zuko: That ought to teach you to stay focused!

He was about to throw another one when Tonraq ran in.

Tonraq: Zuko! You need to calm down!

Zuko stopped.

Zuko: Tonraq, you and I both now what these criminals are capable of! If the boy wants to help in protecting his girlfriend, then he must be trained!

Tonraq: Look, I agree-... Wait... Girlfriend? Who?

Zuko pointed back to you.

Tonraq: What do you mean Lord Zuko?

Zuko: (y/n)-

(y/n): IT'S NOTHING!

Tonraq: Look... Whatever... I think you both need some rest... I'll give you both a few hours... I'll wake you both up when we're ready to leave.

(y/n): Alright.

Zuko: ...Fine.

Zuko stormed out... Tonraq turned to you.

Tonraq: Sorry about that, I haven't seen Lord Zuko that fired up, literally since we put Zaheer and his gang in prison in the first place...

(y/n): It's alright... I know he was doing it to prepare me.

Tonraq: Yes... Anyway, who's you're girlfriend?

You turned a shade of red.

(y/n): UM... Ya see... I don't have one just yet... But I hope to have one soon.

Tonraq: And to whom?

(y/n): UHHH... K-K-Korra?

Tonraq didn't say anything... He just took a deep breath.

(y/n): Oh shit.

But... He just gave a chuckle.

(y/n): Uh, what?

Tonraq: You're fine (y/n)... Honestly, I didn't have a good feeling about that Mako guy.

You took a huge sigh of relief.

(y/n): Thank goodness! I was expecting to die or something!

Tonraq laughed.

Tonraq: Nonsense! I'm happy that Korra found someone who made her happy... And it wasn't Mako.

(y/n): He didn't make a good first impression?

Tonraq: No... It was alright... But I just got a weird vibe from the kid.

(y/n): I guess I can see that.

Tonraq: I wonder why my daughter is into fire benders so much.

(y/n): Because we're hot? Hehehe xD

Tonraq finally gave you the "I'm gonna kill you" look.

(y/n): OK, OK! I'll go to bed before you kill me just for my bad puns.

Tonraq: That would be wise.

You leave the room, and head to a small room that had a bed ready and everything... You don't even remember hitting the pillow before you fell into a deep sleep...


You slowly get woken up by Master Zuko.

Zuko: We're leaving in 10 minutes.

(y/n): D-damnit... I wanted to sleeeeeeep...

Zuko gave you a look.

(y/n): Ok, ok...

Zuko: ...I'm sorry.

(y/n): For?

Zuko: Lashing out on you... I was just so frustrated with getting beaten down by those crooks... When I was able to beat them down before... But now... Well, age has taken it's toll on me I suppose...

You get up and grab his shoulder.

(y/n): Well, I'll still be here to back you up... It's alright Master Zuko...

Zuko: Thank you my boy... Now, come on, we gotta make sure we're packed, and ready to head to Zaofu.

(y/n): Y-yeah.

You look around, and make sure you had everything... You looked through your bag, and pulled the note out... Reading it one more time...

When you were done, you put it back, and headed out to Tonraq and Zuko, who were waiting by the dragon.

Zuko: You ready to go?

(y/n): Let's go!

You all hop on the dragon's saddle, and begin your journey to Zaofu...

Throughout the trip, you tried to get some kind of sleep... But the gusts of wind blowing in your face prevented that... All you could do was just kind sit back and watch the sky as you got closer and closer every second... All you could think about was Korra.

(y/n): (in head) I just... Wanna see Korra... And then I want to sleep... Sleep with Korra? 2 birds with 1 stone.

You got stupid smiles written all over your face... Thankfully you were in the back, so Tonraq didn't-

Tonraq: What are you smiling about (y/n)? (Whoops, guess not xD)

(y/n): UHH, nothing sir! Just thinking about beds!... And about Korra.

Tonraq: Not in relation though?

(y/n): Not at all sir! I'd never want Korra to be a bed!

Tonraq was a little confused.

Tonraq: ...How tired are you (y/n)?

(y/n): Tired sir? I'm not... Tired! I-I'm (y/n)!

Tonraq hit his forehead.

Tonraq: Ok, these dad puns have to stop.

(y/n): I agree!

He could tell you were having a hard time staying awake... You were just completely exhausted... Physically, and Mentally... You just wanted to sleep... And cuddle next to your beautiful Korra... Knowing she was safe... You continued to fly through the night on Zuko's dragon...


The sun was just rising as you landed in Zaofu... The Chief and another woman were waiting at the platform.

Chief Beifong: Good to see you Tonraq... Lord Zuko... And (y/n), you're awake.

Tonraq: Nice to see you too Chief Beifong.

Zuko: Lin.

(y/n): (y/n)!

Everyone looked at you funny.

Tonraq: Ok, he needs to lay down somewhere, he's been completely exhausted since Zuko picked him up two days ago.

Sue: Well, he looks like he hasn't slept since then.

Zuko: The boy is probably still adjusting since he woke up... Or, he still is mentally tired... The boy was basically thinking himself to death.

Chief Beifong: About what?

Tonraq: Korra.

Chief Beifong: I see...

Sue: In any case, we can find a good place for him to sleep.

Zuko: I don't want to ruin his sleep schedule... But we should probably have him sleep for most of the day... So where are Korra and the others?

That's when you fell on the ground...

Sue: Is he alright?!

Tonraq: I think he's fine... Just exhausted.

(y/n): H-honey... I-Is t-that y-you?

Zuko just chuckled.

Sue: Come on, follow me.

All you remember is someone picking you up... And you were out like a light...

You were slowly woken up to Korra laying next to you.

(y/n): Korra!

You embraced her... She didn't move.

(y/n): Korra?

You slowly move her body to face you... But what you saw was complete horror.


It was Korra's body... With Vatu's face.

Vatu: I've come to finish the job!

Vatu used Korra's body to pin you to the bed... And spirity shit started happening.

(y/n): No! Let me go!

That's when you sprung out of bed...

(y/n): What the hell was that?!... Gah! Damnit! My head!

You slowly get out of the bed... Feeling even more tired than before... Slowly walking around, trying to find Master Zuko or Tonraq.

You were eventually spotted by a young woman who was reading outside.

Opal: Can I help you? You came in with Lord Zuko right?

(y/n): Y-y-yeah... W-where a-a-are t-they-...

You fell to the ground... She rushed over to you.

Opal: Oh no! You have a fever! I'll be right back!

Opal ran away to a building... That's the last thing you could remember...

You wake up in a different room... With Master Zuko, and everyone else looking at you.

Zuko: (y/n), are you alright?

(y/n): I... I don't k-k-know...

Sue felt your head.

Sue: He's definitely got a fever... Good thing you found us Opal... Anyway, why would he have a fever?

Tonraq: I'm not sure... Besides being tired, he hasn't really done anything...

Zuko moved his arms, almost like that other fire bending lady.

Zuko: It seems that this is just that... He's completely exhausted...

(y/n): W-w-where's K-Korra?

They all look at each other.

Chief Beifong: Korra left with her friends a few days ago... I've tracked them, but then I lost the trail when I could only find their jeep.

(y/n): O-oh...

Zuko: Don't worry, We'll be leaving shortly to go find her.

(y/n): Then I-I'll c-come to-oo...

Zuko: No, you need to stay here and rest.

(y/n): I-I will n-not r-r-r-rest u-until I k-know Korra is s-safe...

Zuko and Tonraq look at each other.

Zuko: Alright, but you better be resting on the air ship.

(y/n): F-fine.

They help you up, and help you walk over to the airship... The second you get on, you basically collapsed on the couch, almost instantly falling asleep...


You were still fast asleep... Little did you know that the air ship was landed at some Misty palms oasis... Where Zuko, Tonraq, and Chief Beifong met up with Korra, Asami, Bolin, Mako... And their ENTIRE family.


Chief Beifong: Quiet!

Bolin: Oh, sorry... Why should I be quiet?

As everyone was getting on the air ship (including ALL of Mako and Bolin's family) Everyone noticed you were sleeping on the couch.

Korra: (y/n) woke up!

Tonraq: Yes, but he's very exhausted... He hasn't slept in 2 full days.

Korra: You look a little tired too dad.

Tonraq: I'm alright, It's only been one day... And for all that he went through...He's probably still drained

Chief Beifong: Probably.

Korra walked over to your sleeping body.

Chief Beifong: What did I just say?!

Korra: Relax Chief.

She was standing over you... You were still completely knocked out... But she leaned down and kissed your cheek.


Mako: I... Didn't know you liked him like that.

Chief Beifong: If everyone is going to be noisy, do it somewhere else!

Cheif Beifong stormed off to start up the engines, while everyone else just kinda stayed up for a moment... As Korra picked you up.

Tonraq: What are you doing Korra?

Korra: I'm taking him to my room.

Tonraq made "that" face.

Korra: What?! I'm not gonna do anything! I just want him to sleep somewhere more comfortable than the couch, geez.

She continued to carry you to her room on the airship...

Bolin just gave Mako a smirk.

Mako: Just shut up.

Korra made it to her room, and put you down on the bed... You were still out like a light.

Korra: Oh (y/n).

She put you under the covers, and kissed your forehead... You were finally reunited...

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