Book 2 Episode 4

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3rd person POV




You bolt up out of bed

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You bolt up out of bed...

Y/N: Damn

You look around.

(y/n): Must've been a bad dream.

You quickly go back to sleep...

Korra: Y/N!

Y/N: K-Korra?!


You bolt out of bed again... Except this time it was Zuko shaking you.

Zuko: My boy! You need to get up-... Why are you covered in sweat?

You slowly opened your eyes... Zuko could tell you weren't doing alright.

Zuko: Y/N, are you alright.

Y/N: J-j-just a bad dream... Really bad...

Zuko: What was it?

Y/N: ...It's nothing... We should-

Zuko: Nonsense! Our dreams are more important than we realize... We can skip the warm up for the day. Please tell me about this dream.

Y/N: W-well... It's hard to explain... The f-f-first one-e... Someo-one was-s just saying m-my name and this dragon skeleton with glowing red eyes appeared out of nowhere... A-after I bolted out of bed-d that time, I went back t-to sleep... Then... I-I didn't see anything... But... I-I heard Korra... She screamed-d my name... T-t-then she told me to s-save her... She then s-s-screamed again... A-and it was the m-most painful scream I-I had ever heard... I-It haunts m-me even n-n-now that I'm a-awake...

Zuko looked at you... You were covered in sweat... And he had never seen this much fear in your eyes...

Zuko: My boy... You should take the day off... We'll train tomorrow... This seems to really be affecting you...

Y/N: I-I just... W-what if Korra r-really is in trouble?

Zuko: I wouldn't worry too much Y/N, she's the Avatar.

Y/N: S-still...

You get chills all over your body.

Y/N: That scream... It was so terrifying... especially hearing it from Korra... I can't bare the thought...

Zuko: This isn't good Y/N.

You curled yourself up in a ball... This definitely wasn't good... That the scream from your nightmare was affecting you this much... The scream was so blood curdling that you almost had a hard time thinking... Zuko noticed how uneasy you were. You were almost half conscious, half... dead...

Zuko: Y/N, wait right here!

He ran out... He knew you were having some sort of mental breakdown... And if it kept up... you would never be the same...

Zuko came back with one of the royal bodyguards of the Fire Lord, and the Fire Lord behind them.

Izumi: Is the boy alright?!

Zuko: I don't think so... He said he had a nightmare about the Avatar screaming his name... But he said the scream was the most terrifying thing he had ever heard... He has so much fear in his eyes... Even though he isn't hearing it... It affected him mentally...

Zuko and guard pick you up from the bed... They carry you to Zuko's dragon.

Izumi: Where are you going to take him? We have the best healers, fire and water benders right here.

Zuko: I know another... One who can get into the minds... I will take him to her.

Izumi: Ok...

Right as you were about to take off, the little Garden Hornback ran over, jumped onto the dragon, and laid right next to you.

Zuko: Right... I'll let the little guy come with to comfort Y/N for the ride... It won't be long.

Izumi: Ok...

Zuko and his dragon take off... With you and the small black scaled on the back saddle...

After about a 20 minute flight... Zuko and his dragon land on a small island... Zuko picked you up, and carried you into a palace-looking building.

Zuko: I need your help.

Old woman: What is wrong with the boy.

Zuko: He had a terrible nightmare... He said he heard such a scream, that it was blood curdling... He hasn't been in a solid state of mind since...

Old woman: I'm afraid it could be too late... But I will see what I can do...

Zuko put you on the table. She used her fire powers and motioned her hands over your body.

Old woman: He seems to be alright on the inside... But something is clouding his brain... This scream... Did he describe it?

Zuko: No, just that it was the most horrifying thing he had ever heard...

She motioned more fire over your body.

Old woman: ... He'll need to be kept here... He may need days... Even weeks to recover... It seems that a dark spirit rushed in and out of his body... I can keep his mind at peace until he wakes up... But once he does, he will have to focus on not thinking about it.

Zuko: A dark spirit?! We never saw one! Even if... Dark spirits shouldn't be anywhere near the Fire Nation!

Old woman: I'm afraid... This spirit... Got into his mind from the spirit world itself

Zuko had a frightened look on his face.

Zuko : w-what do you mean?

Old woman: That possibly... A spirit so strong was able to somehow connect to his mind.

Zuko: H-how?

Old woman: I can't be certain... The boy must stay here if he is to wake up and get better.

Zuko: Of course...

Zuko grabbed some parchment, and wrote you a note, and handed it to the old woman.

Zuko: Please give this to the boy when he wakes... I must be off...

Zuko was walking out when he noticed the little dragon was staying back... Looking at his body.

Zuko: Do you wish to stay with the boy little one?

The dragon shook its head.

Zuko: Very well...

Zuko then got on his dragon... And left...


You slowly open your eyes... You see nothing but white.

Y/N: W-where-

Roku: Where are you?

You jump back a little.

Y/N: Y-you're-

Roku: Avatar Roku, yes, I am.

Y/N: W-what's going on? How are you here? Where are we?

Roku: I jumped into your mind to save you the best I could... I tried warning you before hand...

Y/N: ...You were the one who was shouting my name in my first dream!

Roku: Correct... I was trying to warn you about the dark spirit that was about to enter your mind.

Y/N: B-but how did you get into my mind? I thought the Avatar was the only one that could reconnect with her past lives.

Roku: While you are correct... But...

Y/N: But what? Then who's talking? If you're not Roku, who are you?

Roku: Oh, I am Roku... Just not the REAL Roku...

Y/N: How does that make any sense?

Roku: ... I am your past...

Y/N: What?

Roku: ... I am your present...

Y/N: ...

Roku: I am... Your future...

You were stunned! You weren't sure what he was even saying!

Y/N: W-what do you mean?!

Roku: Did you ever wonder why you had been told by Zuko why you had such potential as a fire bender?

Y/N: N-no...

Roku: Because... You have been chosen...

Y/N: Chosen for what?

Roku: ...TO BE MY SLAVE!

The white background all of a sudden turned black... And Roku... Turned into a spirit?!

Vatu: My name is Vatu... I am a very dark spirit... And I have infiltrated your mind...

Y/N: W-what?! So-

Vatu: I disguised myself as Roku to deceive you... You will never be the same!

Y/N: W-what do you mean?

Vatu: Harmonic Convergence is upon us boy! And you will be my slave!

Y/N: H-how...

Vatu: Once I am released from my hell, I shall find your body, and turn you into my first, spiritual slave! MWAHAHAHA

Y/N: No... NO.... NO!!!!!!

Just then, you could see a small light appear out of the darkness... It turned to fire... And it spread in seconds.

Vatu: WHAT!

Vatu then disappeared... And fire surrounded you in seconds...

(y/n): Wha!

You bolt up... It was nightfall.

Old woman: I can honestly say I'm surprised you made it out of that.

(y/n): W-w-w-what just h-h-happened?! W-w-where am I-I?!

Old woman: Relax... Relax dear boy... Shhh...

You surprisingly were able to calm down.

Old woman: Zuko brought you here so I could heal you... You were in a bad state of mind...

(y/n): W-why was I?

Old woman: You don't remember?

(y/n): N-no... I don't...

Old woman: Zuko said it was because of a scream...

You then remember clear as day... That scream... But... You couldn't hear it... It wasn't playing back in your mind...

(y/n): I remember... But... I can't remember the actual scream.

Old woman: I erased it from your memory.

(y/n): H-how did you do that?!

Old woman: Well... I used my cleansing pool to clear your mind... To clean your mind... And to tell you that it was nothing but trickery from a dark spirit... Which reminds me... What kind of spirit got inside you?

(y/n): ... I don't know... It was huge... Kite like.

Her eyes widen.

(y/n): He said his name was...Vatu?

Her eyes got wider.

Old woman: Imposible! That spirit has been locked away in the spirit world for 10,000 years!

(y/n): Well, he got in my mind... And he got in there good... He disguised himself as Avatar Roku... Then told me I would be his slave... But then, you saved me!

You slowly got up and hugged her.

(y/n): Thank you so much!

Old woman: I'm afraid this isn't over... Their is a reason he got into your mind... I suggest you rest for the next few days... If you feel anything try to tug at your mind... Please come wake me...

Y/N: So you think he'll try to get back into my mind again?

Old woman: Yes, it's possible.

Y/N: Ok... I will.

The old woman left you in the small room you were in... You noticed the little dragon was laying on the small desk across the room... Looking at you.

Y/N: Hey little guy... You stay to keep me company?

He jump off the desk and laid next to you.

Y/N: Alright, you can sleep here.

You and the dragon lay back down on the bed... You were really tired... And wanted to go back to sleep... But you were also afraid of that spirit getting into your mind again... Eventually... You fall asleep...

Vatu: So we meet again.

Y/N: W-what do you want?!

You tried hitting yourself so you could wake up and get the old woman... But nothing.

Vatu: That's not going to work, puny human.

Y/N: What do you want Vatu?

Vatu: I want my revenge on Raava.

(y/n): Who?

Vatu: My other half... The spirit that occupies the Avatar's body...

Y/N: Light... And Darkness...

Vatu: Very good... Expect... You'll be working for me Y/N.

Y/N: Not on your life!

Vatu: Oh no... You will be... Like it... Or not... I have control of your mind... Then your fire bending!

Y/N: You may be able to get into my head... But that doesn't mean you have control over my body!

Vatu: We shall see... You will be helping me exact my revenge on Raava!

Y/N: How so? You have no control over me... Only that you can come into my head.

Vatu: And it's all that I need to control you.

Y/N: No... I will not be controlled... You will not mess with me... I will prevail... I will...

You then got a huge pain in your chest.

Vatu: First I will mentally kill you!

The pain was so bad... You didn't know what to do... Only one person came to mind... And you screamed... Just like she did in your dream...

Y/N: KORRA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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