Book 2 Episode 6

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Vatu: Good to see you again my future slave.

Y/N: shit.

Vatu: What? thought I was gone?

Y/N: I was hoping...

Vatu: In any case, this will help me gain more control over you!

You tried to slap yourself awake... Again, it didn't work.

Y/N: Oh fuck.

Vatu: Prepare yourself human!

Vatu started picking inside your brain... The pain was killing you! You started to scream.



Y/N: AAAAAAA.... Oh... Thank goodness...

You look at Roku... Who was biting your hand.

Y/N: Were you biting me to wake me up?

He nodded.

Y/N: Heh, you're smart Roku... Thank you... I needed that... Was I screaming?

Roku nodded again... Pema came running in a few seconds later.

Pema: Y/N?! Are you alright?!

Y/N: I'm fine... Just a bad dream.

Pema: You sure? It sounded like you were dying!

Y/N: I'm fine, really.

Pema looked a little worried.

Pema: Alright.

She walked out... You looked at Roku.

Y/N: What am I gonna do... I can't exactly function without sleep...

You got up and went outside... You and Roku laid on the ground, and looked at the sky...


That's all you did for the rest of the day... Eventually, it got a little cold, and Pema had just made dinner... You went in and ate.

Pema: I wish everyone else was back... I hope they're all ok.

Ikki: They should be fine... Just wish I could've gone.

Meelo: Me too.

Y/N: Don't worry kids...They should be fine... Maybe it's just taking longer than normal...

You and Pema ate. You both finished up rather quickly...

Y/N: Here, let me get the dishes... You and the kids deserve some rest.

Pema: Alright... Thank you Y/N.

Y/N: No problem... Anytime!

Pema left and went off to bed... You stayed up to clean the dishes... You walked around outside a little trying to figure out something to do to keep you awake or something... But for half of the night you just ended up pacing outside... Eventually, you decided to play some Pai Sho with yourself just to keep your mind on things... The sun slowly started to come up and you were severely struggling to stay awake... You told Roku to bite or use his fire to wake you up if your started dozing off... You go back outside to walk around some more, when you see Oogi flying down towards the temple... You went and got Pema, Ikki, and Meelo... They all went outside... You stayed in... Wanting to drive attention away from you... You went back to your room and continued just playing yourself in Pai Sho... You got a knock about 20 minutes later.

(y/n): Come in.

Korra walked in with a sad look on her face.

Y/N: What's wrong?

Korra: ...Jinora's locked in the spirit world... And it's all my fault...

She fell into your shoulder and cried... You held her for a while.

Y/N: I'm sorry Korra... Can I do anything?

Korra: ...I don't know... Have you been able to get some sleep?

Y/N: Unfortunately, no.

Korra: So he's still there?

Y/N: Yeah.

Korra: Well... When I saw him in the spirit world, he did mention you...

Y/N: Great... What did he say?

Korra: I... I don't want to repeat it...

Y/N: Korra, what was it?

Korra: ...He said he'll use you to kill me... Unless I kill you first...

Y/N: ...

You looked to the ground... You officially knew that you were going to die... Very soon... Either by Korra... Or Vatu...

Korra: I'm so sorry Y/N... I-

Y/N: I don't want to think about it right now... Is their anything we can do to stop it-

Just then, Tenzin barged into the room.

Tenzin: Come on, we're going back to the city.

Korra: Why?

Tenzin: We need to let the President know that this is more serious than we thought... Maybe this time he'll want to send troops... And I want to get Pema and the kids home before this all goes down...

Korra: Right... Let's go.

You and Korra grabbed your things, got on Oogi, and left the air temple...


Most of the flight was silence... But Korra came and sat next to you about halfway through the trip.

Korra: How ya holding up?

Y/N: Not great... I want to sleep every chance I get... But I have Roku biting me so I don't.

Korra looked at your hand... You had fang marks all over your arm...

Korra: That's not good either Y/N...

Y/N: Well then, what do you suggest?

You shouted... Not realizing this until a few seconds later...

Y/N: I'm sorry for yelling... I'm just tired...

Korra: I know... It's alright... If you want, you can sleep on my lap, I'll watch to make sure nothing happens.

You blushed at the thought... You... Sleeping on Korra's lap...

Y/N: Um...

Korra: What?

Y/N: I don't know...

Korra: Please Y/N... Do it for me?

Y/N: ...ok... I'll try...

You rested your head on Korra's lap... And in seconds... You were out like a light...

Korra: (thinking) He looks... So peaceful...

Tenzin: So what were you and Y/N talking about?

Korra: Well... Since he's asleep I'll tell you... Vatu got inside his mind while we were on the same fire nation island... He's basically gonna try and use his to defeat me.

Tenzin: So he's been in his mind?! And you're letting him sleep?!

Korra: Tenzin, he hasn't slept well in days...

Tenzin: Still... This isn't good... If it get's too serious... Why didn't either one of you tell me this?!

Korra: I don't know... Y/N already told me to end him before it gets too bad...

Tenzin: ...And will you?

Korra: ...I don't know...

Tenzin: I'm sorry you have to make the tough decision Korra... But I think you have no choice but to...

Korra: I don't want to think about it right now... He's everything I could've asked for... I brushed him aside like a regular guy...

Tenzin: Korra, are we talking about the same thing?

Korra: Yes... And no... Never mind...

Tenzin looked a little confused...

The rest of the ride to Republic City was pretty quick... You were still sleeping like a baby on the back of Oogi... Everyone got off and explained the situation to the President.

Bolin: We gotta go get Mako.... Did you hear anything from (y/n)? I really miss him.

Korra: Actually, he's in the back of Oogi.

Bolin: He is?! Why didn't he-

Korra: He's sleeping...

Asami: Why is he sleeping? At a time like this?

Korra: Well it is night time.

Asami: Yeah, I guess...

Tenzin left you in the back of Oogi as everyone went to the jail to pick up Mako... Mako came out... Korra jumped up to hug him... But she didn't kiss him... They then all talked about what's gonna go down.

Mako: So what now?

Korra: We have to go to the north pole... And end this once and for all...

Tenzin: I just got a thought Korra.

Korra: Ok, shoot.

Tenzin: If Y/N stayed here, would Vatu be able to use him against you?

Korra: ...You're right! Maybe he wouldn't be able to!

Everyone just looked at Korra and Tenzin like they were crazy...

Mako: Wait, Y/N's back?

Bolin: What is this about Vatu being in his mind?

Beifong: And about using him against us?

Korra: ...While Y/N was training in the fire nation... Vatu, the dark spirit, infiltrated his mind... He keeps telling him that he'll use him to get to me... And if I don't end him... Then he'll use Y/N to end me...

Everyone looked around.

Mako: That's not good...

Tenzin: Regardless, we can chat about this, outside of the jail house.

Everyone walked out... Korra noticed that you fell off Oogi... Holding your head.

Korra: Oh no, Y/N!

Everyone saw that you were grabbing your head. Barely moving. Korra and Tenzin ran up to you.

Korra: What's going on Y/N?! Are you alright?!

Y/N: K-K-Korra...

Korra: I'm here Y/N, I've got you.

Y/N: Y-y-you ne-e-ed to d-d-do it...

Tenzin: Do what?

Korra gave you the saddest look... Tears falling from her eyes like a thunderstorm.

Korra: B-b-but-

Y/N: N-n-no but-t-ts K-Korra... He's t-t-tak-king m-my soul... Once h-he does, my b-b-body will b-b-be useless...

Korra looked to the ground once again...

Korra: I'm... I'm so sorry Y/N.

She was crying her eyes out... Everyone around was realizing what she had to do...

You took a deep breath.

Y/N: I'm sorry I-I never g-got to tell you h-h-how I truly, t-truly feel Korra...

She bent over and kissed your lips softly...

Korra: I'm sorry too... I'm sorry I pushed you aside... It's the biggest mistake I ever made.

Y/N: ...This will be if you d-d-don't end m-me...

She stood up... Pulled her fist back with it engulfed in flames... Tears streaming down her face...

Korra: ...I'll always love you Y/N...

Y/N: ...M-me t-too...

Korra was about to take the shot... When you closed your eyes... Korra knew what happened. Everyone looked to see what Korra would do... But after a few seconds... She put her fist down... Tears falling from her eyes faster every second...

Korra: ...I just couldn't do it...

Mako, Asami, and Bolin come over to Tenzin and Korra.

Bolin: ...Is he dead?


Tenzin: Vatu now has control of  Y/N's sprit...

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