Book 3 Episode 2

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ds...You slowly start to open your eyes... You could feel all of the water on your body as you lay in the pool... You could also feel how much your chest hurt... You looked at your chest and saw a HUGE scar on your chest...

Y/N: Damn...

You slowly tried to get up... But you fell back into the small pool.

Y/N: Damnit...

Just then, Kya opened the door, only to see you trying to get out of the pool.

Kya: Y/N!? You woke up!!

She ran over and hugged you.

Kya: I was sure that you weren't going to make it back!

Y/N: W-well, I'm n-n-not in t-the b-best of s-s-shape...

Kya noticed you were really weak.

Kya: I'll be right back, just hang tight!

Y/N: O-o-ok...

Kya ran out... You looked around the room you were in... It was nice to be awake... But Iroh was right... You just barely made it back to your body... And you felt INCREDIBLY weak once you got back to your body... Your chest felt like you had been pierced with a thousand arrows... Kya came back with a little bit of food, and a towel.

Kya: Maybe this could be a good start to getting back on your feet.

You ate the rolls she brought you in a matter of seconds! You were starving! You then grabbed her hand as she tried to help you stand up... But you feel back in the pool.

Y/N: I g-guess it's g-gonna be a few days to g-get b-back on my f-feet...

Kya: And that's ok... I'm just happy you came back to us.

Y/N: Y-yeah... Where is everyone?

Kya looked away for a moment.

Kya: Well, a lot has happened since you've been out.

Y/N: Really? I-I didn't think I-I was o-out that long.

Kya: You didn't?

Y/N: I felt l-like I was only g-gone for a f-few minutes.

Kya: A few minutes?! You've been out for almost 2 weeks!


Kya: Yeah, that's why I was really surprised you were still alive.

You thought to yourself.

Y/N: So... Did Korra beat Vatu?

Kya: Yes... All of that is behind us.

Y/N: Thank g-goodness...

Kya: Well, do you still want to try and stand up?

Y/N: Yeah... Although I don't know if I'll be able to walk... I feel incredibly weak...

Kya then thought of something.

Kya: Do... You still have your fire bending?

Y/N: Uh, I should, why wouldn't I?

Kya: I don't know, just thought I'd ask.

You produced a little (f/c) flame in your palm.

Y/N: Yup, still got it.

Kya: Good... Well, should we try standing up?

Y/N: Ok

You tried once more... But once again... No luck.

Y/N: Damnit!

Kya: It's alright Y/N, it's just gonna take time.

Y/N: Ok...

Just then, Meelo came barging in.


Meelo ran over to you and hugged you.

Meelo: You're awake!

Y/N: Yeah... It's nice to see you Meelo.

Meelo: ...You have a serious ouchie on your chest.

You looked down again.

Y/N: Yeah... Looks like it'll be there for a while.

Meelo: Well, I hope you're hungry, cause dinner is ready!

Meelo ran out in 2 seconds... You and Kya laughed a little.

Y/N: That kid has more energy than ever.

Kya: I'll say... Do you want me to bring it to you?

Y/N: No, I want to see everyone.

Kya: Right... About that...

Y/N: What?

Kya: Nothing... We'll talk about it at dinner.

Y/N: Ok?.. And how am I getting out of this tub?

Kya: Well...

Ikki then came in with Meelo.


She hugged you so hard, you were starting to lose air.

Y/N: I-Ikki...

Ikki: OH! Sorry!

Y/N: It's alright.

Ikki: We're so happy you're awake... Dinner is ready! Come on!

Y/N: Well, I'm having a hard time walking... Go and get Korra or Bolin to carry me?

Ikki: Um, they-

Kya: I'll tell you later... Kids, why don't you give Y/N a little air scooter and help him up.


Meelo and Ikki used air bending to lift you out of the pool and put a little air scooter under your butt.

Y/N: This feels really weird.

Kya: Why's that?

Y/N: I'm sitting on air! It's weird!

Kya and the kids just laughed.

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