chapter 2

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Our story begins in May...

Hinata's 7 A.M. alarm went off on an early Monday morning. He quickly jumped out of bed, got ready for the day, ate breakfast, and rode his bike to school. Hinata's school day went the same as always and just as the day had started, the day had ended. He ran into the boys bathroom and quickly put on his gym clothes. He sprinted to the gym and was just on time for volleyball practice.

"HINATA!" Noya screamed as he jumped on Shouyou's back. The both giggled and then they all started practice. Practice went the same as always, and ended. Of course, Kageyama and Hinata stayed an hour after to get in some extra practice.

"Oi! What's up with your messy tosses? How am I supposed to set a ball when it comes to me like that?" Kageyama jokingly said to Hinata.

"I'm sorry! I will do better!" Is all Hinata could tell Kageyama.

"Calm down, I was only joking... but seriously, try and toss a little higher next time." Kageyama had always been weirded out by Hinata's responses when he would say something sarcasticly. The way Hinata responded made him seem like he wasn't understanding that Kageyama was only joking around.

The two finished up their extra practice and walked home.

After months of Hinata's weird behavior towards Kageyama's jokes, Kageyama finally asked...

"You do know that I only joke around and mess with you, right? Your a good player and sometimes makes mistakes, but whenever I joke around about those mistakes, you take it seriously. You need to ease up a little."

Hinata just blankly looked forward and kept walking, not saying a word.

"Oi! Did you even hear what I just said?"

"Huh?" Hinata broke off his stare and looked up at Kageyama. He obviously didn't hear a word Kageyama said before.

"Nevermind." Kageyama said, too agitated to repeat what he said.

"Uh, I gotta go now... see you tomorrow?" Hinata smiled and looked at Kageyama before going separate ways.

"Yeah, see ya'"

Hinata's pov
As we walked home from practice, all I could think about was how I kept messing up my tosses.

"God, why am I so bad at everything I do! I can't keep up with grades and I can't even play volleyball... why am I even needed in this world if I can't do anything useful with my life! I am so stupid! I can't even-"

"Oi! Did you even hear what I just said?" Kageyama interrupted my thought process.

All I could respond with was a "huh?" I hadn't even realized he was talking. He just told me to forget about it and then we walked home our separate ways. Before walking into my house, I sat outside and looked up at the stars.

"Ugh, I hate myself so much." I said as I buried my face into my hands. I didn't cry, but I was just so upset with myself.

Kageyama's pov
Once I got home, I went to my room, plopped on my bed and started tossing a volleyball in the air. I started thinking to myself...

"Why does he take everything so seriously? Can he not tell that I am just joking? Maybe I am telling the joke to seriously... should I try laughing everytime I tell a joke? No, that is nothing like me. Whatever, I just need to go out for fresh air."

I took my phone, put on a jacket, and headed outside. The night was calm and cold, it was perfect outside. I quickly walked to my favorite quiet place in this town.

It was on a mountain, on the edge of a cliff. There were loose railings, that could easily break, that blocked people from getting too close to the edge of the cliff on Mt. Jubiru. The edge of the cliff was dirty rock but the further you got from the edge, the more the rock faded into the mountain's forest. About 10 feet away from the edge was an old bench. Whenever I need to clear my thoughts, I come to this cliff and sit on the bench. You can look out at night and see a beautiful view. The towns lights glittered on the ground and then once you looked up, a bright moon and shiney stars would meet your eyes. The best part of this mountain cliff is that it is only a 15 minute walk from my house.

I sat down on the bench and just stared out into the night sky. Even though I had come to this cliff, which I called my "safe space" to clear my thoughts, I still wondered why Hinata was like that, why he always agreed with my harsh jokes and took them seriously. Not that it was a big deal, but I just wondered.

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